2019/05/18 and 2019/05/19
The weather was warm and humidy.
08:20 to 10:20
We did an observation of? Under 12 B Class.
10:20 to 12:20
We had 30 players and divided the class and we worked with 16 players.
1/Warmup~We did dribbling and running with the ball in a marked pitch.
2/Technical Drills~We did running and dribbling with the ball.We did various drills using differnt parts of the feet,that is the inside,outside and under the feet.Progression we did passing.
3/We played 4v4 matches and the players really enjoyed themselves.
The weather was very cool after some rains but was a bit humidy.
08:20 to 10:20
We did a goalkeeping study with the goalkeepers legend.
10:20 to 12:20
We had 29 players and divided the players
and I worked with 15 players.
1/Warmup~We did cordinating runs where the players where defending their territory by chasing opponents in a 1v1.The coach was giving instructions on which color goal to attack and defend.
2/Technical Drill~Progression of defending and attacking now balls introduced using the same concept and changing duties after 10 minutes.We progressed again with 2 attackers against 1 defender to promote passing.We then did shooting.
3/ We played a 5v5 match
We did some stretches after training