? ? ? ? 最重要的概念 :? 1.視聽說,多次聽,慢速漸快
? ? ? 怦然心動的單詞:1.視聽說侍郭, directors? 2.綜合教程询吴,venture
? ? ? 最喜歡的一句話:1.視聽說掠河,lt is famous as a tourist destination with numerous recreational areas and historical monuments .
? ? 2.綜合教程:? Believing that will? give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path ,and that will make all the difference.
? ? ? ? 困難:聽力還是很苦
? ? ?
? ? ? 下周努力方向:背單詞背單詞背單詞
? ? ? 詞塊: lead sb out ,fall out猛计,board of directors唠摹,dawn on,start over有滑,dawn on somebody跃闹,drop out,drop in
? ? 活出的生命品質(zhì):多背了點東西
? ? 最喜歡的生命瞬間:回家車上的欣喜
? ? 欣賞自身:樂觀
? ? 微小行動:五一大清洗