ImagineSaudi Arabia sells US Treasuries, and uses the dollars it receives to pay its?civil servants. Then imagine that a Saudi Arabian civil servanttakes their pay and uses the money to buy a BMW car in euros. What ishappening? Saudi Arabia is selling dollars and buying euros. It does not matterthat there is an asset on one side of the transaction and a BMW on the otherside of the transaction — the foreign exchange market implication is the samewhether it is Bunds or BMWs that are bought.
If theMiddle East buys assets, they like their assets to be made in America (centralbanks buy roughly twice as many US assets as other assets). If the Middle Eastbuys products and services, they like their products and services to be made inEurope (the Middle East buys twice as much from Europe as from the US). Thus ifthe Middle East is selling assets to buy goods, it sells dollars to buy euros.