這是我學(xué)習(xí)quartz composer运挫,Origami,看官方文檔翻譯下來的亲配,每天一篇尘应,有不準(zhǔn)確的地方希望能指出惶凝,一起交流進步吼虎。轉(zhuǎn)載請與我聯(lián)系,擅自轉(zhuǎn)載視作侵權(quán)苍鲜。
Layer ? ? ?層
Display image on screen and adjust how it shows up.
Enable ? ? 啟用
Turn on to display the layer.
Anchor Point ? ? ?錨點
A point within the Layer’s container (current Layer Group or Device patch) that you would like to position the layer relative to.
你想要移動的層相對于層的容器 (當(dāng)前Layer Group或Device模塊)的一個點,
Options for positioning are:
? ? ? 1.Top Left ? ?頂部左側(cè)
? ? ? 2.Top Center ? ? 頂部中間
? ? ? 3.Top Right ? ? 頂部右側(cè)
? ? ? 4.Center Left ? ? ?中間左側(cè)
? ? ? 5.Center ? ? 正中心
? ? ? 6.Center Right ? ? ?中間右側(cè)
? ? ? 7.Bottom Left ? ? 底部左側(cè)
? ? ? 8.Bottom Center ? ? 底部中心
? ? ? 9.Bottom Right ? ? 底部右側(cè)
X Position ? ? ?X軸坐標(biāo)
Number of pixels to the right of the position specified in the Anchor Point.
Y Position ? ? ?Y軸坐標(biāo)
Number of pixels up from the position specified in the Anchor Point.
Z Position? ? ? Z軸坐標(biāo)
Depth component of a layer’s position in 3D space. Units are in pixels as with Width / Height
X Rotation ? ? X軸旋轉(zhuǎn)
Rotate a layer in 3D space along a horizontal line centered on the Anchor Point.
Y Rotation ? ? Y軸旋轉(zhuǎn)
Rotate a layer in 3D space along a vertical line centered on the Anchor Point.
Z Rotation ? ? Z軸旋轉(zhuǎn)
Rotate a layer in two dimensions, or the Z component of a 3D rotation
Width ? ? ?寬度
The width on screen in pixels the Layer’s Image will be shown. The ?width is also affected by Scale and the transform of the current Layer Group.
If a value of 0.0 is passed in, the layer will take on the size of the current value of its Image input.
Height ? ? ?高度
The height on screen in pixels the Layer’s Image will be shown. The eventual height is also affected by Scale and the transform of the current Layer Group.
If a value of 0.0 is passed in, the Layer will take on the size of the current value of its Image input.
Image ? ? ?圖片
An Image to show on screen
Mask Image ? ? ?遮罩圖片
An Image that will be used when compositing the Layer on screen to mask off certain areas so that they do not display. This is similar to a layer mask in Photoshop.
Color ? ? ?顏色
A color with which the Image will be tinted before display. You can use this with a pure white image to display the same shape in different colors.
Opacity ? ? ?透明度
Controls the visibility of a Layer.
Scale ? ? ?縮放
How much to increase or decrease the size of the Layer. A value of 0.0 will make it invisible, whereas 2.0 will make it twice the normal size.