- 注冊(cè)trunk
pod trunk register EMAIL [NAME]
pod trunk register linguanjie@gmail.com 'Clintlin' --verbose
[!] Please verify the session by clicking the link in the verification email that has been sent to linguanjie@gmail.com
pod trunk me
after login
- 確保githup上的代碼是最新的
// 如果Githup上沒有項(xiàng)目先創(chuàng)建 例如 AGScreenRecorder
echo "# AGScreenRecorder" >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin https://github.com/Clintlin/AGScreenRecorder.git
git push -u origin master
git add -A
git commit -m"first commit for version 1.0.0"
git push origin master
- 檢查并上傳
podspec 中的 name, author, summary, or description 是不是有 項(xiàng)目的名稱
pod lib lint
pod trunk push xxxx.podspec --verbose
- 如果搜索不到
rm ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/search_index.json
pod search your_pods_name