Lesson 3?????? Pleasesend me a card
Postcards alwaysspoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat inpublic gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. 'Then helent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every dayI thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send anycards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early andbought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did notwrite a single card!
?p??stkɑ?dz ???lwe?z sp???l ma? ?h?l?de?z. lɑ?st ?s?m?, a? w?nt tu? ??t?li. a? ?v?z?t?dmju(?)?z??mz ?nd s?t ?n ?p?bl?k ?gɑ?dnz. ? ?fr?ndli ?we?t? t??t mi? ? fju? w??dz ?v ??t?li?n.e?n hi? l?nt mi? ? b?k. a? ri?d ? fju? la?nz, b?t a? d?d n?t ??nd??st?nd ? w??d.??vri de? a? θ??t ??ba?t ?p??stkɑ?dz. ma? ?h?l?de?z pɑ?st ?kw?kli, b?t a? d?d n?t s?nd ??ni kɑ?dz tu? ma? fr?ndz. ?n e? lɑ?st de? a? me?d ? b?g d??s???n. a? g?t ?p ???li?nd b??t ?θ??ti-?s?vn kɑ?dz. a? sp?nt e? h??l de? ?n ma? ru?m, b?t a? d?d n?t ra?t ? ?s??gl kɑ?d!
音標:/l/ 雙唇微開茎刚,舌抵上齦,氣流側出谎僻,振動聲帶娄柳。