Why is there something called god? I think that one reason comes from the word soul. The feelings and emotions can be simulated by treating the body part as a machine, however, there is always some phenomenon that cannot be explained. For example, you might sneeze when someone else is talking something bad about you(a Chinese saying), or when your family member is ill, you miss him or her so much. It could be all coincidence, but some cases are so mysterious/magic that you tend to believe that is the cause of the soul. Scientists are trying to explain everything by looking even more closely into the body, the brain, however, even though how hard they've tried, there is still some space unknown. They can never reach the limit -- explain everything. In this way, people want to extract something called soul, which can exist *without* the body part. The master of all these souls would be called a god, who can predict and change things with superpower. Yes, this abstraction is unnecessary.(Why?)
我并不是否定靈魂的存在性泞边,只是覺(jué)得這一切并不足以說(shuō)明其存在與否该押,還需更多的思考和更多的證據(jù)來(lái)支撐。作為 human being繁堡,更好地享受 being 的存在感就好了沈善。