? ? 這是一次用鳥語寫作的嘗試威彰,也許是班門弄斧出牧,也許是自取其辱,不管怎樣歇盼,寫了再說舔痕。
? ? 翻譯在后面,然而豹缀,并不是字字對應的翻譯伯复,意思卻是一樣的。
? ? A few years ago, I was a courier .When I was driving around the city, only thing I was allowed to do it? was turn on the? radio. The music flow and flirt around me, while I was? acrossing the bridge, while I was throughing the tunnel, while I was crawling out of the traffic jam.
? ? ? ? ? ? Music taken most of the broadcast time of commercial radio station, even more then the commercial itself. There were some talk show in the commercial radio. I sticked? on a morning talk show for almost tow years. I fell I know what they was talking, that's why I didn't go to another radio talk show. Sometimes they even can get PM on the air for answer audience's questions. But just once for a few years before the election. After that they talk something else.
? ? Aussi talk show mainly talk rubbish. But sometimes I see trousers in the garbage dump. I heard the man said " It doesn't matter what skill people going to learn, it will take 10000 hours practice, make an beginner becomes a master. That was some wards.
I was really impressive,
this "10000 hours rule"branded in my brain.
? ? ? After that day, I still play WOW day by say, still muddle along day and night.
? ? ? An? under average man, will be very happy pick up something free from anywhere. No matter is the bread in the Sunday church or the local news paper from the small shop; No matter is four cent discount coupon or free lemon on the street, I will have no shame to get it straight away.
? ? ? I knew there was a lot of free bite in Google store. One day, I got a free book 《Nikola Tesla》. I was surprised by this book brought up the "10000 hours rule " again.
? ? ? Swedish psychologist Dr.K Ericsson call the "10000 hours rule". The rule's premise is that, regardless of whether one has an innate aptitude for an activity or not, mastery of it takes around ten thousand hours of focused, intentional practice.
? ? ? To put that number in perspective, if I practiced an activity four hours per day, seven days a week, it would take me about seven years to reach 10000 hours. Also I believe this kind of dedication can only come from the heart— a true love and passion for the activity.
? ? 7 years means 10000 hours
? ? 10000 hours means 4 hours? ?
? ? everday
? ? ? Also I got to do it with love and passion.
? What a wonderful idea!
? I can just mastery of some activity in 7 years. How good is this!
? That means if I spent 7 years in singing, then I can be a singing master; if I spent 7 years in play guitar, then I can be a guitar master; if I spent 7 years in cooking, then I can be a Master chef邢笙!
? ? Then I run to my best friend Dan and share this idea and my future plan to him.
? Dan said " I believe I took 20000 hours to practice my sleeping skill, but I am still not a Master of sleeper!"
? ? ? ? 幾年前啸如,我還是個送貨小哥。當我駕車在城市里轉悠時氮惯,交警大哥只允許我們聽收聽電臺廣播叮雳。一路上,電臺音樂伴我同游妇汗,無論是過橋穿山帘不,還是交通堵塞。
? ? ? ? ? 音樂占據(jù)了大量的廣播時段杨箭,甚至比廣告還多寞焙。然哦,電臺里總有些有意思的脫口秀互婿。我跟了一個脫口秀有兩年之久捣郊,一直沒有換臺,因為自己覺得可以聽懂節(jié)目內容的七成擒悬。
? ? ? ? ? 有時候他們邀請國家總理參加節(jié)目模她,通常都是差不多選舉之前,總理大人上電臺的原因大家心知肚明懂牧,與此同時侈净,聽眾也可以借此機會問些無傷大雅的問題。除此之外僧凤,都講些無關緊要的段子畜侦。
? ? ? ? 這些脫口秀主要講些八卦和趣聞。不得承認躯保,有時候垃圾里面也有寶貝旋膳。我有一次聽主持人說:“無論人要學什么技能,一個新手要變成大師途事,必須經過一萬個小時的練習验懊∩眯撸”這句話讓我為之震驚,過耳不忘义图。這個“萬時理論”减俏,我就這樣一直記得,盡管之后我還是繼續(xù)玩魔獸世界碱工,還是日日得過且過娃承。
? ? ? 屌絲青年通常不會錯過免費的“午餐”,不管這“午餐”來自何方怕篷。無論是公司的免費下午茶历筝,還是王者榮耀的免費磚石;無論是金拱門的優(yōu)惠卷廊谓,還是微信里面幾毛錢的紅包梳猪,我都欣然拾取,恬不知恥蹂析。
? ? ? 因此舔示,我也清楚谷歌書店不時派發(fā)免費圖書。某日电抚,的到一本《Nikola Tesla》惕稻,此書也提到“萬時理論”
? ? 瑞典心理學家Dr.K Ericsson稱之為"10000 hours rule"。該理論認為蝙叛,不管一個人的天資如何俺祠,成為一名大師之前,都需要一萬個小時專注的學習和訓練借帘。
? ? ? 我們再來仔細看這一萬個小時蜘渣。假如,每天練習四小時肺然,一萬小時約為6.85年蔫缸。而且,必須是真心喜歡所學之事际起。
? ? ? ? 花七年時間拾碌,專注一萬個小時在某件事情上,便可以成為行業(yè)專家街望!人生可以許多個七年年校翔!
? ? ? 如此一來,花七年時間好好學唱歌灾前,就可成為歌神防症;花七年時間好好學彈吉他,就可成為琴仙;花七年時間好好學烹飪蔫敲,就可以成為廚神饲嗽。
? ? ? 我把這好消息分享給我的好基友小Dan。
? ? ? ? 小Dan說:“你說得有道理燕偶。問題是喝噪,這二十多年來我天天睡覺,如今卻有時候不知道怎么才可以睡好一覺指么。再說,喝酒也喝了快十幾年了榴鼎,酒量卻不見得長進伯诬。”
? ? ? ? 小Dan說完巫财,低頭繼續(xù)王者榮耀盗似。
? ?