PART 1:words & phrase
PART 2:Grammar
用于最高級前 eg. Of all her friends, she likes Mary the best.
用于比較級前, 表示某人或某物比以前更好或更壞益眉,此時句中通常會有表示原因、理由或條件的短語或從句终议。eg.I feel the better for my walk.
用于“the?+比較級,the?+比較級”表示“越……越……”。eg. The more a man has, the more he wants.
PART 3: Summary
Haw continues thinking the cheese less situation and he decides to change. ?Even though he is still afraid, he gathers his courage to the unknown. However, Hem doesn't want to make any change.
PART 4: Thoughts
Haw was beginning to realize the difference between activity and productivity.
Haw said, "Sometimes, Hem, things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one of those times. That's life! Life moves on. And so should we."
Haw本來想要改變的想法炉爆,因為Hem的話而放棄了蔬浙。但他開始不斷思考,越思考越覺得這樣坐以待斃是無用的誊爹,他依舊未能說服Hem蹬刷,他依然害怕瓢捉,但即便如此他還是選擇鼓起勇氣去面對那些未知。感覺自己很像故事里的Haw, 記得大學時想自考本科办成,問了朋友的意見泡态,被告知無用且難,所以我選擇了放棄迂卢。工作幾年后某弦,想提升自己的學歷和知識,自考這個想法又回到腦中冷守,最后終于選擇了報考刀崖。生活中,有時我們會被他人的話所左右拍摇,記得要去思考自己到底想要的到底是什么亮钦,別人的建議只是她的想法和選擇。