Vincent produced in 1982,? it is a six-minute black- and - white animated film that USES stop-motion technology. The film is based on one of Tim Burton’s own poems, which Vincent Price narrates in the film.
? ? ? ? This short film is about a boy named Vincent who fancies himself Vincent Price ( Vincent Price , Tim Burton’s favorite actor ). He is seven years old and always polite and does what he’s told for a boy his age. He doesn’t mind living with his sister 、dog and cats, though he’d rather share a home with spiders and bats, there he could reflect on the horrors he’s invented. He likes to experiment on his dog Abercrombie , in the hopes of creating a horrible zombie. While other kids read books like Go, Jane, Go! Vincent’s favorite author is Edgar Allen Poe.
? ? ? ? ? One night , while he was reading a gruesome tale, such horrible news he could not survive, for his beautiful wife had been buried alive! He dug out her grave to make sure she was dead, unaware that her grave was his mother’s flower bed. He saw Abercrombie, his zombie slave and heard his wife call from beyond the grave. While through cracking walls, reached skeleton hands. Every horror in his life that had crept through his dreams, swept his mad laughter to terrified screams !
? ? ? It is gothic movie scenes, Gothic dogs, Gothic children, has a memorable atmosphere of black madness in whole short film. It is good in a sense, these could reflect on the horrors Vincent’s invented.