打卡 第13天琅束,kindle的閱讀進度是2158/29553(四本)枉氮,這部分看起來有點困難脖律。
1. The event went unnoticed in Washington. The only man in high office even to have met Truman was Harry Hopkins, and their acquaintance was confined to a single conference, in Hopkins’s Pullman drawing room between Chicago and Kansas City the previous October. Had the New Dealers known more, they would have been unimpressed. The candidate wasn’t even solvent; since the failure of his haberdashery he had been saddled with an unsatisfied judgment of $8,944.
in high office:It means the person who takes charge or has the power to make great decisions.
confine:place limits on限制
solvent:溶解的, 有償付能力的
saddle:a seat for the rider of a horse or camel
2. spectacle:something or someone seen (especially a notable or unusual sight)
3. moviegoer:someone who goes to see movies 居然是這個意思猛蔽。善绎。黄刚。
4. gale:a strong wind moving 45-90 knots
5. topsoil:the layer of soil on the surface
6. hover:hang in the air
7. lick:pass the tongue over 舔