One gets impressed by others' ambition, pride and self-recognition of being the only champion.
But one also gets depressed by others' admission of being defeated by reality.
You were so strong, talking about this and that, as if you knew everything that ever happened, is happening and is going to happen on the earth.
Full of fire and passion, like a bull, a tiger, a lion, so aggressive that anyone, regardless of a senior and junior, standing before you is destined to be intellectually inferior compared to you.
I though you were going to be something marvelous, something extraordinary and someone I can be proud of, and feel jealous to.
I was wrong.
Several years passed away and you are still who you were, never changed, neither backwards nor forwards.
You remained the one.
But I have grown, still largely the original me but never the same.
Condescension is in your vein, but you are not worthy of having it.
Pride is in your gene, but you are not entitled to own it.
You still hold the idea that you should ALWAYS be superior than others, like they are animals that don't think , read or even live, meaningfully.
But time has changed my old pal.
I, like everyone else, chase money and name, with my own way, legally and satisfactorily.
I don't mean any sort of giving you a lesson or two, but, alas, I feel sad. I want to mourn
Not for your current situation, but for the failed match between that and your knowledge. I was so jealous, seeing you know so much. In contrast, I was just a naive boy during his adolescence crying and laughing over romance that made everything else seemingly insignificant.
Five years went on, and I've changed, a trend that will certainly continue for years to come.
But you, my old pal, stand still.
You confessed to me this is not what you expect for yourself. But, I'm sorry to say this, everything you get now is simply the result of who you are:
too proud to see others' strength,? and? too proud to admit your limit.
It's sad, so sad, to see a man once so marvelous turn into a cynic grudging about everything? happening in disobedience.
After another five years you may become finally the one you wished to be, I certainly hope so and I pray for you, but you must start now or every possibility? will simply change into regret.
You were so full of fire and passion.