It's Monday.
She heard Pet and Patty whinnying softly to Pa. Then the faint thuds of their feet came into her ear from the floor. Pet and Patty and Pa were coming toward the house, and Laura heard Pa singing: “Sail on, silver moon! Shed your radiance over the sky...” His voice was like a part of the night and the moonlight and the stillness of the prairie. He came to the doorway, singing: “By the pale, silver light of the moon.” Softly Ma said hush and told him that he would wake the children. So Pa came in without a sound. Jack followed at his heels and lay down across the doorway. Now they were all inside the stout walls of their new home, and they were snug and safe. Drowsily Laura heard a long wolf-howl rising from far away on the prairie, but only a little shiver went up her backbone and she fell asleep.