Dear Colleagues,
Now, I declare that the G20 Hangzhou Summit now begins.
Now, it gives me great pleasure to meet you here in Hangzhou, andfirst of all, I wish to extend a very warm welcome to all of you.
The G20 Summit in Antalya last year was a big success. And I wish totake this opportunity to thank Turkey once again for its outstanding job andthe positive outcomes achieved during its presidency. Under the theme“Collective Action for Inclusive and Robust Growth,” Turkey brought aboutprogress in inclusiveness, implementation and investment. China highly commendsTurkey’s efforts on various fronts during its G20 presidency.
In the next two days, under the theme of this Summit, we will havediscussions on strengthening policy coordination, breaking a new path ofgrowth, more effective and efficient global economic and financial governance,robust international trade and investment, inclusive and interconnecteddevelopment as well as other issues affecting the world economy.
Eight years ago, at theheight of the international financial crisis, the G20 acted in a spirit ofunity and partnership, pulled the world economy back from the precipice andpushed it onto the track of stability and recovery. Today, eight years on, theglobal economy has again reached a critical juncture. The growth momentumgenerated by the last round of scientific and technological progress isdiminishing, while the new round of scientific and industrial revolution hasjust started. Population aging is happening in all major economies and thedecline in population growth puts economic and social pressure on countries.Economic globalization is suffering setbacks, protectionism and inward-lookingtrends are on the rise, and the multi-national trading regime is underpressure. Despite notable progress made in financial regulatory reform, therisks of excessive leverage and bubbles continue to build up. Under the impactof all these factors, the global economy, while still on the road to recovery,faces multiple risks and challenges such as weak growth momentum, sluggishdemand, volatility in financial market and slow growth in international tradeand investment.
The G20 consists of the world’s major economies. The internationalcommunity has great expectations for the G20 and places high hopes on thisHangzhou Summit. I hope the Hangzhou Summit will provide a solution thataddresses both the symptoms and root causes of the global economic problems andachieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive global growth.
First, in the face of these challenges, we should strengthenmacroeconomic policy coordination, and jointly promote global growth and upholdinternational financial stability. The G20 members should pursue more comprehensivemacroeconomic policies in keeping with their own national realities, andcoordinate their fiscal, monetary and structural reform policies in order toexpand aggregate global demand, improve the quality of supply and bolster thefoundation of growth. We should continue to strengthen policy coordination andreduce negative spillovers.
Second, in the face of these challenges, we should break a new pathfor growth and generate new growth momentum. The G20 should change its policyapproach and place equal importance on both short-term and mid- and long-termpolicies, and both demand-side management and supply-side reform. This year,we’ve agreed on the G20 Blueprint on Innovative Growth, and we’ve made theunanimous decision to break a new path and expand new frontier for worldeconomy through innovation, structural reform, new industrial revolution andthe development of the digital economy.
Third, in the face of these challenges, we should improve globaleconomic governance, and strengthen institutional safeguards. The G20 shouldcontinue to improve the international monetary and financial system and thegovernance structure of international financial institutions, and fullyleverage the role of the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights. We should strengthen theglobal financial safety net and enhance cooperation in financial regulation,international taxation and combating corruption to boost the resilience of theworld economy against risks. This year, we have restarted the G20 InternationalFinancial Architecture Working Group. I hope the Working Group will continueits work and become more effective.
Fourth, in the face of these challenges, we should build an openglobal economy, and continue to promote facilitation and liberalization oftrade and investment. The G20 should honor its commitment of not adopting newprotectionism measures, strengthen coordination and cooperation on investmentpolicies, take credible steps to stimulate trade growth. Infrastructureconnectivity should be enhanced so as to bring developing countries and small-and medium-sized companies into the global value chain, and make the globaleconomy more open and integrated.
Fifth, in the face of these changes, we should implement the 2030Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote inclusive development. Accordingto relevant statistics, the Gini coefficient has exceeded the widely-recognizedalarm level of 0.6, and reached around 0.7 globally. This is something that wemust pay close attention to. This year, development is high on the G20 agenda,and we have formulated an action plan to implement the 2030 Agenda forSustainable Development. We’ll also support industrialization in Africa and theleast developed countries (LCD), expand energy access, promote financialinclusion, and encourage the young people to start their own businesses.Through these means and more, we can reduce the inequality and imbalance inglobal development, and deliver the benefits of global growth to people of allcountries.
Dear Colleagues,
The G20 carries high expectations of the international community. Wemust ensure that the G20 fully plays its role of keeping the world economy onthe track of prosperity and stability.
First, the G20 must keep up with the changing times and lead the wayforward. The G20 should adapt itself to the needs of the global economy, andfurther transform itself from a mechanism of crisis response to one oflong-term governance. When major issues emerge, the G20 has the responsibilityto play a leading role, and with a strategic vision, set the direction andblaze the trail for global growth.
Second, the G20 should fully honor its commitment. We should makethe G20 an action team instead of a talk shop. This year, we have formulatedaction plans for many areas, such as sustainable development, green finance,energy efficiency, and combatting corruption. And each and every plan should beimplemented.
Third, the G20 should become a platform of cooperation built throughjoint efforts that deliver benefits to all. We should continue to strengthenthe institutional building of the G20 to sustain and deepen our cooperation. Weshould solicit proposals for improvement and heed the views of all countriesespecially the developing countries so as to make the G20 more inclusive andbetter respond to the demands of people of different countries.
Fourth, the G20 should stick together as partners in meetingchallenges. The G20 countries differ in national conditions, stages ofdevelopment, and face different challenges, but we all share a common goal ofpursuing stronger growth, meeting challenges and achieving common development.So long as we stick together, we can navigate the heavy waves of the globaleconomy and sail towards a future of growth.
Dear Colleagues,
In preparing for this Hangzhou Summit, China has followed theprinciple of openness, transparency and inclusiveness, and we have maintainedclose contact and coordination with all other members. We have also heldoutreach dialogue of various forms and listened to the views and proposals ofvarious parties.
I hope that during discussions in the coming two days, we will poolour wisdom and create synergy so as to enable the Hangzhou Summit to fulfil itsmandate of boosting global growth, strengthening international economiccooperation and promoting the future growth of the G20.
Let’s make Hangzhou a new departure point, and steer the giant shipof the global economy on a new voyage from the shore of the Qiantang River tothe vast ocean.
Thank you.