Keywords: 唐詩(shī)
唐詩(shī)(Chinese Tang poetry)泛指創(chuàng)作于唐代(618年-907年)的詩(shī)。
Chinese Tang poetry means poems composed from 618 to 907.
Chinese Tang poetry generally refers to poems written during the Tang Dynasty(618 A.D. - 907 A.D.).
泛指:generally refers to
Chinese Tang poetry is one of Chinese Han people's rarest cultural 遺產(chǎn). Meanwhile it makes great influences on the development of surrounding 民族 and countries' cultures.
Chinese Tang poetry is one of the most valuable cultural heritages of the Han nationality. Meantime, it also has a great influence on the cultural development of neighbouring nations and countries.
最珍貴的文化遺產(chǎn):the most valuable cultural heritages
文化遺產(chǎn):cultural heritages
產(chǎn)生巨大影響:have a great influence
而流傳最廣的當(dāng)屬《唐詩(shī)三百首》(Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty)晦溪,里面收錄的許多詩(shī)篇都為后人所熟知瀑粥。
While the widest-spreading one must be Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty, in which many poems are known by 后人.
The most widespread ones among Tang poems are definitely Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty, in which many poems are quite familiar to people of later generations.
流傳最廣的:the most widespread
The number of Tang Dynasty's poets was large, includes Li Bai, Du Fu who are world famous great poets. Many of their works are widely spread.
There are a great many poets in the Tang Dynasty, and among them are world-famous Li Bai and Du Fu, many of whose works are household poems with great popularity.
膾炙人口的詩(shī)篇:household poems with great popularity
Chinese Tang poetry is full of create tricks and has abundant articles, which is the greatest achievement of out country's poetry's development.
Chinese Tang poetry has reached the highest achievement of poetry due to its diversified techniques and rich themes.
是最高成就->取得了最高成就:reach the highest achievement