上周看到美國國務卿被炒(BBC有一則新聞:who's next in the firing line)获茬,這兩天連續(xù)兩天看到新官員被任命。特朗普行事向來任性锰茉,這讓我不由得對于這兩位收到青睞的新官員充滿好奇呢蔫。
1. 首席經濟顧問 chief economic advisor
人選: Larry Kudlow,接替高盛前總裁Gary Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs president飒筑。
原因:Gary Cohn 不滿特朗普對于對進口鋼鐵和鋁征收關稅的決定而辭職片吊。Gary Cohn?is stepping down after clashing with the president over his decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports.
關于Larry Kudlow:
庫德洛是財經頻道CNBC的評論員,也是特朗普的老相識协屡。Mr Kudlow, a CNBC commentator and long-time associate of Mr Trump俏脊。
庫德洛是華爾街經濟學家出身的電視名嘴,他的觀點在某些領域與總統(tǒng)一致肤晓,而在其他一些領域有抵觸爷贫。Mr Kudlow, a former Wall Street economist-turned-talking head who has views that align with the president’s in some areas and clash in others.
庫德洛倡導自由貿易和減稅 he is a free trade advocate and tax cutter;?曾批評過特朗普的關稅政策,但他在放松管制和減稅方面力挺總統(tǒng) he has been critical of?Mr Trump’s approach to tariffs, but he has backed the president on deregulation and tax cuts.
白宮方稱补憾,目前還沒有正式的人事公告 personnel announcement.
2.?國家安全事務顧問 national security advisor
WASHINGTON — President Trump named John R. Bolton, a hard-line former American ambassador to the United Nations, as his third national security adviser on Thursday, continuing a shake-up that creates one of the most hawkish national security teams of any White House in recent history.
《紐約時報》這一小段敘述像我們揭示了兩點重要信息:1. 新上任的這位是強硬的鷹派人物(a hard-line hawk)漫萄;2. 特朗普在對他的內閣大洗牌(shake-up)。
關于John Bolton余蟹,《紐約時報》是這樣描述的:
blunt, in-your-face approach 直白不諱卷胯、肆意妄為的做法;brash comments 無禮的評論威酒;a longtime brash, conservative hawk 長期以來一直是無禮窑睁、保守的鷹派;an outspoken advocate of military action 明確主張軍事行動葵孤;walrus-style mustache 海象形胡子