今天看了Tim Cook在MIT畢業(yè)典禮上的演講结窘,感受到了科技前沿人士的視野和情懷各薇。他不但指出坟瓢,人生的理想和目標應該是為全人類服務(to serve humanity)操禀,而且還提到技術是中性的贺氓,關鍵在于使用的人類。觀點似乎不算新穎床蜘,但論述角度不同,實例很具說服力蔑水。
的確邢锯,雖然當今科技遇到了最好的發(fā)展時代,但最終科技本身解決不了所有問題搀别,人類能拯救自己的只能是自身的人性丹擎,即humanity that everyone is born with。
--- 史蒂夫曾說過榜苫,科技本身是不夠的护戳。科技和人文的聯(lián)姻才是能夠震撼心靈的歌唱垂睬。
As Steve once said, technology along is not enough. It is technology married with the liberal arts married with the humanities that make our heart sing.
--- 如果說科學就是在黑暗中探索媳荒,那么人性就是黑暗中的燭光,為我們照亮走過的路驹饺,揭露前方隱藏的危險钳枕。
If science is a search in gthe darkness, then the humanities are a candle that shows us where we've been and the danger that lies ahead.
--- 科技能夠成就偉大晕讲,但科技本身并不想成就偉大润歉。因為技術本身是沒有目的的∮郏科技的這一特點需要我們所有人為之奮斗蝌借,需要我們的時間昔瞧,需要我們對家人指蚁、鄰居和社區(qū)的奉獻,需要我們對美的熱愛硬爆,需要我們的信念欣舵、正直和善良相互聯(lián)系。
Technology is capable of doing great things. But it doesn't want anything. That part takes all of us. It takes our values and our commitment to our families and our neighbors and our communities, our love of beauty and belief that all of our faiths are interconnected, our decency, our kindnenss.
--- 我不擔心人工智能能夠讓計算機像人類一樣思考缀磕。我更擔心人類像計算機一樣思考--沒有價值觀缘圈,沒有憐憫心,全然不顧后果袜蚕。
I'm not worried about artificial intelligence giving computers the ability to think like humans. I'm more concerned about people thinking like computers without values or compassion, without concern for consequences.
--- 他(教皇)也用一種振聾發(fā)聵的方式表達了我們共同的挑戰(zhàn):人類從未擁有過如此強大的力量糟把,但卻沒有任何能確保這種力量不被濫用的相應措施。
... He expressed a shared concern in a powerful new way: Never has humanity had such power over itself牲剃,yet nothing ensures it will be used wisely, he has said.