Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
We noticed that your app requires users to register with personal information to purchase non account-based in-app purchase products, which does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Apps cannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app content and features that are not associated specifically to the user.
我們注意到您的應用要求用戶注冊個人信息以購買非基于帳戶的應用內購買產品,這不符合App Store審核指南立由。
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we cannot locate the in-app purchases within your app.
從翻譯上來看压固,蘋果沒有找到應用內購買,但是商品明明就在那里靠闭,為什么你就找不到呢帐我?我整理了一遍購買流程加上圖解流程,給蘋果添加附件愧膀,然并卵拦键,依然被拒,還是這個原因檩淋,此時您可以查看一下芬为,你在蘋果開發(fā)者后臺中配置了幾個商品萄金,如果您配置了三個商品,比如媚朦,你在開發(fā)者中配置了三個視頻商品氧敢,水滸傳,西游記询张,和三國演義孙乖,但是此時服務器數據還沒有錄入完成,只錄入了水滸傳份氧,在app 上只能購買水滸傳唯袄,沒有西游記和三國演義,那么蘋果說找不到商品的意思就是這個蜗帜。這個被拒坑了我一周的時間恋拷。
uideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
We found that while you have submitted in-app purchase products for your app, the in-app purchase functionality is not present in your binary.
Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase
We found that your app offers in-app purchases that can be restored but does not include a "Restore Purchases" feature to allow users to restore the previously purchased in-app purchases, as specified in the "Restoring Purchase Products" section of the?In-App Purchase Programming Guide:
"Users restore transactions to maintain access to content they've already purchased. For example, when they upgrade to a new phone, they don't lose all of the items they purchased on the old phone. Include some mechanism in your app to let the user restore their purchases, such as a Restore Purchases button."
To restore previously purchased in-app purchase products, it would be appropriate to provide a "Restore" button and initiate the restore process when the "Restore" button is tapped by the user.
這個問題就比較坑了店归,一開始一直沒明白什么意思阎抒,同樣的問題也是打回來了好幾次,首先在這里和大家說一下 消痛,看見被打回來的原因中有一段是標藍的嗎且叁?這里是開發(fā)文檔,一定要去看看秩伞,一定要去看看 一定要去看看逞带,重要的事情說三遍,這個問題的大致意思是要讓你加一個恢復購買功能纱新?what展氓? 什么叫恢復購買功能,先不要慌脸爱,首先他讓你加恢復購買功能遇汞,您先看一下您選擇的商品類型是什么類型?非消耗性簿废?如果是這個空入,那么您遇到的和我是一樣的問題,就是AppleID 只要是購買的非消耗性產品族檬,那么他就永久可以使用歪赢,這個永久不是時間的永久,當你換手機单料,換你開發(fā)應用的賬號埋凯,都要可以恢復已經購買的產品点楼,比如你開發(fā)的app? 用你的手機號注冊 你的AppleID 購買 之后你 等我我的手機號注冊 此時還是你的AppleID? 那么就要有一個恢復購買功能,不合理递鹉?NO盟步!那是蘋果爸爸,并且這個恢復功能躏结,要時刻展示出來却盘,不用提前判斷用戶AppleID 是否購買過該商品,好了 到這里 我要去上架了 O彼;崎佟!屈溉!