There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had? been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour? in the morning; but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was? no company, dined early) the cold winter wind had brought? with it clouds so sombre, and a rain so penetrating, that? further out-door exercise was now out of the question
?? 陰云密布 cloud so sombre. 大雨滲透衣襟:rain so penetrating ;戶外運動:out-door exercise苗分;
?? 不可能:out of thethe question
I was glad of it: I never liked long walks, especially on chilly? afternoons: dreadful to me was the coming home(in the raw? twilight, with nipped fingers and toes, and a heart saddened? by the chidings of Bessie, the nurse, and humbled by the? consciousness of my physical inferiority to Eliza, John, and? Georgiana Reed.)
?? It was dreadful to me was the coming home.主語從句上遥,在...情況下鹤竭,以...形式回家對我來說很可怕糟糕旨指。
?? raw 生的潮针,原材料祟敛;形容天氣:陰冷的擦俐;nipped:冰冷的倒彰;childings:責(zé)備~A of B;humble:自卑的呼畸;謙虛痕支; inferiority? to 不如...
?? 【英國等級明顯卧须,而簡卻被保姆責(zé)備,自己在Mrs.Reed 家的身份還不如一位保姆儒陨』ㄋ唬】
A small breakfast-room adjoined the drawing- room, I slipped in there. It contained a bookcase: I? soon possessed myself of a volume, taking care that it should be one stored with pictures. I? mounted into the window-seat: gathering up my? feet, I sat cross-legged, like a Turk; and, having? drawn the red moreen curtain nearly close, I was? shrined in double retirement.
①溜進去了slip in~~體現(xiàn)身份的不高,行事小心蹦漠;mounted into...爬上去...
②be possessed ...of ...擁有..占有? ?? the possession of mine椭员,in one's possession...為...所擁有
③ drawn 抽出來,往回拉笛园;抽屜隘击;drawn money 取錢,withdrawn 撤回
④ shrine? 神龕回研铆,將...放入神龕埋同,喻指:保護起來,隱蔽起來棵红;retirement 雙層隱秘
② 我爬上飄窗窄赋,收起雙腿哟冬,向土耳其人那樣盤腿而坐。