????? 文/麥子
?????? 就像前面講的孩子需要體驗很多真實情境中的3卸勺,才能在沒有真實情境的情況下使用數(shù)字3;同樣育拨,他們還需要積累大量生活中數(shù)運算關(guān)系的經(jīng)驗格嘁,才能縮短使用加減符號的思考時間。如果家長急于讓孩子記住類似3+3=6這樣的算術(shù)革为,就剝奪了他們理解正確答案和為什么正確的權(quán)利扭粱。孩子只有在積累了豐富的生活經(jīng)驗之后,才能逐漸把數(shù)學(xué)從具體情境中抽象出來震檩。例如:3個棒棒糖加3個棒棒糖就是6個棒棒糖琢蛤,3本書加3本書就是6本書等。如果有足夠多解決問題和提升解決策略的機會抛虏,孩子對符號的使用就會如期而至博其,并伴隨更好的理解。
?????? 今天介紹兩個簡單迂猴,在家容易操作的游戲慕淡,來理解數(shù)運算的加和減。有興趣的家長也可以根據(jù)這個思路自己設(shè)計更好玩更有趣的游戲和小朋友一起玩沸毁。
??????? 第一個:5只小鴨要回家
規(guī)則:把紙盒作成小鴨子的家,5只小鴨放在桌面上息尺。請孩子閉上眼睛唱“小鴨子要回家”携兵,同時家長把部分小鴨放進(jìn)盒子里。請幼兒睜開眼睛看看幾只小鴨回家了搂誉。注意:小孩坐的位置不能直接看到盒子里的鴨子徐紧,要求根據(jù)桌面上剩下的鴨子的數(shù)量來判斷幾只小鴨回家啦。年齡小的孩子剛開始猜不出來炭懊,就把盒子打開數(shù)一數(shù)并级,多玩幾次就不用數(shù)啦。 這個游戲還有一首兒歌侮腹,也可以根據(jù)歌詞的順序來玩嘲碧。
一天五只小鴨去外面 爬過遙遠(yuǎn)的小山 母鴨喊著呱呱呱呱
一天四只小鴨去外面 爬過遙遠(yuǎn)的小山 母鴨喊著呱呱呱呱
一天三只小鴨去外面 爬過遙遠(yuǎn)的小山 母鴨喊著呱呱呱呱
一天兩只小鴨去外面 爬過遙遠(yuǎn)的小山 母鴨喊著呱呱呱呱
一天一只小鴨去外面 爬過遙遠(yuǎn)的小山 母鴨喊著呱呱呱呱
?????? 多玩類似的游戲,孩子會通過游戲情境凯旋,總結(jié)出把數(shù)學(xué)抽象概念呀潭,并牢牢記住。姐姐是在4歲左右玩這個游戲的至非,對她來說比較容易钠署,但還是很喜歡玩不覺得無聊。到快5歲的時候她設(shè)計了一個新的游戲:擺幾個玩具在桌面上荒椭,讓弟弟閉上眼睛數(shù)到10谐鼎,然后睜開眼睛猜被藏起來的是什么。我忙自己的事趣惠,他們姐弟倆自己玩的狸棍。真是意外的收獲啊身害。??
?????? 第二個 十只在床上的小熊
?床上有十只小熊, 最小的說:“翻個身唐片,翻個身”丙猬。
?????? 有了兒歌,這個游戲可以玩得很熱鬧损痰,不要低估小朋友的熱情福侈。我們使用的是一個宜家的玩具小床酒来,可以調(diào)節(jié)長短的卢未,小熊則用各種各樣的玩偶代替。每次有玩偶要翻下床的時候堰汉,姐姐都笑得前俯后仰,甚至我一說“翻……”后面的話還沒說出來,她就開笑了解幽。氣氛非常歡樂鸳址,即使不學(xué)數(shù)學(xué),僅僅陪孩子玩也是很有趣的游戲就乓。
?????? 另外汉匙,如果想學(xué)英語的話,今天這兩首兒歌都有英文版生蚁,全是重復(fù)的句式很適合小朋友學(xué)習(xí)噩翠。 five little ducks five little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said gua gua gua gua but only four little ducks came back four little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said gua gua gua gua but only three little ducks came back three little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said gua gua gua gua but only two little ducks came back two little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said gua gua gua gua but only one little duck came back one little duck went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said gua gua gua gua but none of those little ducks came back ten in the bed There were ten in the bed and the little one said "Roll over, roll over" So they all rolled over and one fell out There were nine in the bed and the little one said "Roll over, roll over" So they all rolled over and one fell out There were eight in the bed and the little one said "Roll over, roll over" So they all rolled over and one fell out There were seven in the bed and the little one said "Roll over, roll over" So they all rolled over and one fell out There were six in the bed and the little one said "Roll over, roll over" So they all rolled over and one fell out There were five in the bed and the little one said "Roll over, roll over" So they all rolled over and one fell out There were four in the bed and the little one said "Roll over, roll over" So they all rolled over and one fell out There were three in the bed and the little one said "Roll over, roll over" So they all rolled over and one fell out There were two in the bed and the little one said "Roll over, roll over" So they all rolled over and one fell out There was one in the bed and the little one said "Good night"?