1.Employees Earning More Than Their Managers
| Id | Name | Salary | ManagerId |
| 1 | Joe | 70000 | 3 |
| 2 | Henry | 80000 | 4 |
| 3 | Sam | 60000 | NULL |
| 4 | Max | 90000 | NULL |
| Employee |
| Joe |
select a.Name as Employee from Employee a join Employee b
on a.ManagerId = b.Id where a.Salary > b.Salary
2.Customers Who Never Order
Table: Customers.
| Id | Name |
| 1 | Joe |
| 2 | Henry |
| 3 | Sam |
| 4 | Max |
Table: Orders.
| Id | CustomerId |
| 1 | 3 |
| 2 | 1 |
Using the above tables as example, return the following:
| Customers |
| Henry |
| Max |
select a.name as Customers from Customers a left join Orders b
on a.id = b.CustomerId where b.id is NULL
3.Delete Duplicate Emails
Write a SQL query to delete all duplicate email entries in a table
named Person, keeping only unique emails based on its smallest Id.
| Id | Email |
| 1 | john@example.com |
| 2 | bob@example.com |
| 3 | john@example.com |
Id is the primary key column for this table.
For example, after running your query, the above Person table
should have the following rows:
| Id | Email |
| 1 | john@example.com |
| 2 | bob@example.com |
WHERE p1.Email = p2.Email AND p1.Id > p2.Id
# delete by min
delete from Person where ID not in (
select * from (select MIN(ID) from Person group by Email) t
4.Rising Temperature
Given a Weather table, write a SQL query to find all dates' Ids with
higher temperature compared to its previous (yesterday's) dates.
| Id(INT) | Date(DATE) | Temperature(INT) |
| 1 | 2015-01-01 | 10 |
| 2 | 2015-01-02 | 25 |
| 3 | 2015-01-03 | 20 |
| 4 | 2015-01-04 | 30 |
For example, return the following Ids for the above Weather table:
| Id |
| 2 |
| 4 |
SELECT w1.Id FROM Weather w1 INNER JOIN Weather w2
ON TO_DAYS(w1.Date) = TO_DAYS(w2.Date) + 1 AND w1.Temperature > w2.Temperature