Part 1:Words and Sentences
Steve was already beginning to sound discouraged.
Adjective:?solid and strong; in good health
E.g: A sound mind in a sound body.
Noun: a particular auditory impression; the sensation perceived by the sense of hearing
Verb: to cause to sound; to make a sound
E.g:It sounds good.
The bugle sounds to battle.
But it takes much longer to deploy.
Verb: to organize and send out people or things to be used for a particular purpose;?
to open up and spread out the parts of something?
E.g: The troops were deployed for battle.
The parachute failed to deploy.
Part 2:My Thoughts
人們常說“Practice makes perfect",而我相信 Practice with a right way leads to success.
Part 3:Summary
Given his frustrating, experience over the first few sessions, he was pretty sure that he wasn’t going to get any better.
You spend the time repeating them to yourself over and over again—and thus transfer them into your long-term memory.
My main area of interest was the mental processes that take place when someone is learning something or developing a skill.
He had found a way to push through that ceiling.
We live in a world full of people with extraordinary abilities— abilities that from the vantage point of almost any other time in human history would have been deemed impossible.
An improvement that was not always obvious from year to year but that is dramatic when viewed over the course of several decades.
Thus, all truly effective practice techniques work in essentially the same way.
The dramatic improvements we have seen in those few fields over the past hundred years are achievable in pretty much every field if we apply the lessons that can be learned from studying the principles of effective practice.
The goal is to reach a point at which everything becomes automatic and an acceptable performance is possible with relatively little thought.
Once a person reaches that level of “acceptable” performance and automaticity, the additional years of “practice” don’t lead to improvement.