
翻譯自文章 Examples Of Refactoring PHP Code For Better Readability





可能你最經(jīng)常聽(tīng)到的編程規(guī)范就是 不要重復(fù)你自己(DRY) 含潘。如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)你自己把相同的代碼重復(fù)了幾次饲做,那你就應(yīng)該把功能封裝到它所屬的類(lèi)或方法中然后使用這個(gè)類(lèi)或方法避免重復(fù)的代碼。這意味著當(dāng)你幾個(gè)月后代碼出了問(wèn)題只需要修改一個(gè)地方的代碼就可以了遏弱。
一個(gè)很好的例子是盆均,當(dāng)兩個(gè)不同但相似的類(lèi)需要一些相同的功能,你應(yīng)該創(chuàng)建一個(gè) abstract class 然后讓這兩個(gè)類(lèi)繼承這個(gè)abstract class而不是在兩個(gè)類(lèi)當(dāng)中重復(fù)代碼漱逸。

class AwesomeAddon {

    private $settings;
    public function __construct( $settings ) {
        $this->set_settings( $settings );
    protected function set_settings( $settings ) {
        if ( ! is_array( $settings ) ) {
            throw new \Exception( 'Invalid settings' );
        $this->settings = $settings;
    protected function do_something_awesome() {
class EvenMoreAwesomeAddon {

    private $settings;
    public function __construct( $settings ) {
        $this->set_settings( $settings );
    protected function set_settings( $settings ) {
        if ( ! is_array( $settings ) ) {
            throw new \Exception( 'Invalid settings' );
        $this->settings = $settings;
    protected function do_something_even_more_awesome() {
abstract class Addon {
    protected $settings;
    protected function set_settings( $settings ) {
        if ( ! is_array( $settings ) ) {
            throw new \Exception( 'Invalid settings' );
        $this->settings = $settings;
class AwesomeAddon extends Addon {
    public function __construct( $settings ) {
        $this->set_settings( $settings );
    protected function do_something_awesome() {
class EvenMoreAwesomeAddon extends Addon {
    public function __construct( $settings ) {
        $this->set_settings( $settings );
    protected function do_something_even_more_awesome() {




"程序是寫(xiě)給人看的饰抒,然后順便讓機(jī)器執(zhí)行" —— Harold Abelson



function upload_attachment_to_s3( $post_id, $data = null, $file_path = null, $force_new_s3_client = false, $remove_local_files = true ) {
    $return_metadata = null;
    if ( is_null( $data ) ) {
        $data = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id, true );
    } else {
        // As we have passed in the meta, return it later
        $return_metadata = $data;
    if ( is_wp_error( $data ) ) {
        return $data;
    // Allow S3 upload to be hijacked / cancelled for any reason
    $pre = apply_filters( 'as3cf_pre_upload_attachment', false, $post_id, $data );
    if ( false !== $pre ) {
        if ( ! is_null( $return_metadata ) ) {
            // If the attachment metadata is supplied, return it
            return $data;
        $error_msg = is_string( $pre ) ? $pre : __( 'Upload aborted by filter \'as3cf_pre_upload_attachment\'', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront' );
        return $this->return_upload_error( $error_msg );
    if ( is_null( $file_path ) ) {
        $file_path = get_attached_file( $post_id, true );
    // Check file exists locally before attempting upload
    if ( ! file_exists( $file_path ) ) {
        $error_msg = sprintf( __( 'File %s does not exist', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront' ), $file_path );
        return $this->return_upload_error( $error_msg, $return_metadata );
    $file_name     = basename( $file_path );
    $type          = get_post_mime_type( $post_id );
    $allowed_types = $this->get_allowed_mime_types();
    // check mime type of file is in allowed S3 mime types
    if ( ! in_array( $type, $allowed_types ) ) {
        $error_msg = sprintf( __( 'Mime type %s is not allowed', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront' ), $type );
        return $this->return_upload_error( $error_msg, $return_metadata );
    $acl = self::DEFAULT_ACL;
    // check the attachment already exists in S3, eg. edit or restore image
    if ( ( $old_s3object = $this->get_attachment_s3_info( $post_id ) ) ) {
        // use existing non default ACL if attachment already exists
        if ( isset( $old_s3object['acl'] ) ) {
            $acl = $old_s3object['acl'];
        // use existing prefix
        $prefix = dirname( $old_s3object['key'] );
        $prefix = ( '.' === $prefix ) ? '' : $prefix . '/';
        // use existing bucket
        $bucket = $old_s3object['bucket'];
        // get existing region
        if ( isset( $old_s3object['region'] ) ) {
            $region = $old_s3object['region'];
    } else {
        // derive prefix from various settings
        if ( isset( $data['file'] ) ) {
            $time = $this->get_folder_time_from_url( $data['file'] );
        } else {
            $time = $this->get_attachment_folder_time( $post_id );
            $time = date( 'Y/m', $time );
        $prefix = $this->get_file_prefix( $time );
        // use bucket from settings
        $bucket = $this->get_setting( 'bucket' );
        $region = $this->get_setting( 'region' );
        if ( is_wp_error( $region ) ) {
            $region = '';
    $acl = apply_filters( 'as3cf_upload_acl', $acl, $data, $post_id );
    $s3object = array(
        'bucket' => $bucket,
        'key'    => $prefix . $file_name,
        'region' => $region,
    // store acl if not default
    if ( $acl != self::DEFAULT_ACL ) {
        $s3object['acl'] = $acl;
    $s3client = $this->get_s3client( $region, $force_new_s3_client );
    $args = array(
        'Bucket'       => $bucket,
        'Key'          => $prefix . $file_name,
        'SourceFile'   => $file_path,
        'ACL'          => $acl,
        'ContentType'  => $type,
        'CacheControl' => 'max-age=31536000',
        'Expires'      => date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', time() + 31536000 ),
    $args = apply_filters( 'as3cf_object_meta', $args, $post_id );
    $files_to_remove = array();
    if ( file_exists( $file_path ) ) {
        $files_to_remove[] = $file_path;
        try {
            $s3client->putObject( $args );
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            $error_msg = sprintf( __( 'Error uploading %s to S3: %s', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront' ), $file_path, $e->getMessage() );
            return $this->return_upload_error( $error_msg, $return_metadata );
    delete_post_meta( $post_id, 'amazonS3_info' );
    add_post_meta( $post_id, 'amazonS3_info', $s3object );
    $file_paths        = $this->get_attachment_file_paths( $post_id, true, $data );
    $additional_images = array();
    $filesize_total             = 0;
    $remove_local_files_setting = $this->get_setting( 'remove-local-file' );
    if ( $remove_local_files_setting ) {
        $bytes = filesize( $file_path );
        if ( false !== $bytes ) {
            // Store in the attachment meta data for use by WP
            $data['filesize'] = $bytes;
            if ( is_null( $return_metadata ) ) {
                // Update metadata with filesize
                update_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_attachment_metadata', $data );
            // Add to the file size total
            $filesize_total += $bytes;
    foreach ( $file_paths as $file_path ) {
        if ( ! in_array( $file_path, $files_to_remove ) ) {
            $additional_images[] = array(
                'Key'        => $prefix . basename( $file_path ),
                'SourceFile' => $file_path,
            $files_to_remove[] = $file_path;
            if ( $remove_local_files_setting ) {
                // Record the file size for the additional image
                $bytes = filesize( $file_path );
                if ( false !== $bytes ) {
                    $filesize_total += $bytes;
    if ( $remove_local_files ) {
        if ( $remove_local_files_setting ) {
            // Allow other functions to remove files after they have processed
            $files_to_remove = apply_filters( 'as3cf_upload_attachment_local_files_to_remove', $files_to_remove, $post_id, $file_path );
            // Remove duplicates
            $files_to_remove = array_unique( $files_to_remove );
            // Delete the files
            $this->remove_local_files( $files_to_remove );
    // Store the file size in the attachment meta if we are removing local file
    if ( $remove_local_files_setting ) {
        if ( $filesize_total > 0 ) {
            // Add the total file size for all image sizes
            update_post_meta( $post_id, 'wpos3_filesize_total', $filesize_total );
    } else {
        if ( isset( $data['filesize'] ) ) {
            // Make sure we don't have a cached file sizes in the meta
            unset( $data['filesize'] );
            if ( is_null( $return_metadata ) ) {
                // Remove the filesize from the metadata
                update_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_attachment_metadata', $data );
            delete_post_meta( $post_id, 'wpos3_filesize_total' );
    if ( ! is_null( $return_metadata ) ) {
        // If the attachment metadata is supplied, return it
        return $data;
    return $s3object;


function upload_attachment_to_s3( $post_id, $data = null, $file_path = null, $force_new_s3_client = false, $remove_local_files = true ) {
    $return_metadata = $this->get_attachment_metadata( $post_id );
    if ( is_wp_error( $return_metadata ) ) {
        return $return_metadata;
    // Allow S3 upload to be hijacked / cancelled for any reason
    $pre = apply_filters( 'as3cf_pre_upload_attachment', false, $post_id, $data );
    if ( $this->upload_should_be_cancelled( $pre ) ) {
        return $pre;
    // Check file exists locally before attempting upload
    if ( ! $this->local_file_exists() ) {
        $error_msg = sprintf( __( 'File %s does not exist', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront' ), $file_path );
        return $this->return_upload_error( $error_msg, $return_metadata );
    // check mime type of file is in allowed S3 mime types
    if ( ! $this->is_valid_mime_type() ) {
        $error_msg = sprintf( __( 'Mime type %s is not allowed', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront' ), $type );
        return $this->return_upload_error( $error_msg, $return_metadata );
    $s3object = $this->get_attachment_s3_info( $post_id );
    $acl = $this->get_s3object_acl( $s3object );
    $s3client = $this->get_s3client( $region, $force_new_s3_client );
    $args = array(
        'Bucket'       => $s3object['bucket'],
        'Key'          => $s3object['key'],
        'SourceFile'   => $s3object['source_file'],
        'ACL'          => $acl,
        'ContentType'  => $s3object['mime_type'],
        'CacheControl' => 'max-age=31536000',
        'Expires'      => date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', time() + 31536000 ),
    $s3client->putObject( $args );
    $this->maybe_remove_files( $args, $s3object );
    return $s3object;



$this->get_att_inf( $post_id );


$this->get_attachment_s3_info( $post_id );



if ( isset( $settings['wp-uploads'] ) && $settings['wp-uploads'] && in_array( $key, array( 'copy-to-s3', 'serve-from-s3' ) ) ) {
    return '1';


if ( upload_is_valid( $settings, $key ) ) {
    return '1';
function upload_is_valid( $settings, $key ) {
    return isset( $settings['wp-uploads'] ) && $settings['wp-uploads'] && in_array( $key, array( 'copy-to-s3', 'serve-from-s3' ) );


用守衛(wèi)子句GUARD CLAUSES替代嵌套條件

另一種重構(gòu)復(fù)雜條件的方法是使用所謂的“守衛(wèi)子句”权旷。 Guard子句簡(jiǎn)單地提取所有導(dǎo)致調(diào)用異常或立即從方法返回值的條件贯溅,把它放在方法的開(kāi)始位置拄氯。例如:

function get_setting( $key, $default = '' ) {
    $settings = $this->get_settings();
    // If legacy setting set, migrate settings
    if ( isset( $settings['wp-uploads'] ) && $settings['wp-uploads'] && in_array( $key, array( 'copy-to-s3', 'serve-from-s3' ) ) ) {
        return $default;
    } else {
        // Turn on object versioning by default
        if ( 'object-versioning' == $key && ! isset( $settings['object-versioning'] ) ) {
            return $default;
        } else {
            // Default object prefix
            if ( 'object-prefix' == $key && ! isset( $settings['object-prefix'] ) ) {
                return $this->get_default_object_prefix();
            } else {
                if ( 'use-yearmonth-folders' == $key && ! isset( $settings['use-yearmonth-folders'] ) ) {
                    return get_option( 'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders' );
                } else {
                    $value = parent::get_setting( $key, $default );
                    return apply_filters( 'as3cf_setting_' . $key, $value );
    return $default;


function get_setting( $key, $default = '' ) {
    $settings = $this->get_settings();
    // If legacy setting set, migrate settings
    if ( isset( $settings['wp-uploads'] ) && $settings['wp-uploads'] && in_array( $key, array( 'copy-to-s3', 'serve-from-s3' ) ) ) {
        return $default;
    // Turn on object versioning by default
    if ( 'object-versioning' == $key && ! isset( $settings['object-versioning'] ) ) {
        return $default;
    // Default object prefix
    if ( 'object-prefix' == $key && ! isset( $settings['object-prefix'] ) ) {
        return $this->get_default_object_prefix();
    // Default use year and month folders
    if ( 'use-yearmonth-folders' == $key && ! isset( $settings['use-yearmonth-folders'] ) ) {
        return get_option( 'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders' );
    $value = parent::get_setting( $key, $default );
    return apply_filters( 'as3cf_setting_' . $key, $value );




這個(gè)例子的靈感來(lái)自Adam Wathan關(guān)于這個(gè)主題的很棒的視頻(你應(yīng)該看看他即將出版的書(shū))胯府,基于Laravel Collections介衔。不過(guò),我已經(jīng)調(diào)整了該示例骂因,基于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)PHP函數(shù)炎咖。



$events = file_get_contents( 'https://someapi.com/events' );
$types = array();
foreach ( $events as $event ) {
    $types[] = $event->type;
$score = 0;
foreach ( $types as $type ) {
    switch ( $type ) {
        case 'type1':
            $score += 2;
        case 'type2':
            $score += 5;
        case 'type3':
            $score += 10;
            $score += 1;

我們可以改進(jìn)的第一件事是用map函數(shù)替換foreach循環(huán)。當(dāng)你想從現(xiàn)有的數(shù)組中創(chuàng)建一個(gè)新的數(shù)組時(shí)影所,可以使用map函數(shù)。在我們的例子中僚碎,我們從$events數(shù)組創(chuàng)建一個(gè)$ types數(shù)組猴娩。 PHP有一個(gè)array_map函數(shù),可以讓我們把上面的第一個(gè)foreach編寫(xiě)成如下所示:

$types = array_map( function( $event ) {
    return $event->type;
}, $events );

提示:要使用匿名函數(shù)勺阐,需要的php版本為卷中,PHP 5.3+


$scores = array(
    'type1' => 2,
    'type2' => 5,
    'type3' => 10,
$score = 0;
foreach ( $types as $type ) {
    $score += isset( $scores[$type] ) ? $scores[$type] : 1;

實(shí)際上我們可以走的更遠(yuǎn)一步蟆豫,通過(guò)php的 array_reduce 方法在單個(gè)方法內(nèi)計(jì)算$score的值。一個(gè)reduce方法接收一個(gè)數(shù)組的值然后把他們歸成一個(gè)值:

$scores = array(
    'type1' => 2,
    'type2' => 5,
    'type3' => 10,
$score = array_reduce( $types, function( $result, $type ) use ( $scores ) {
    return $result += isset( $scores[$type] ) ? $scores[$type] : 1;
} );


$events = file_get_contents( 'https://someapi.com/events' );
$types = array_map( function( $event ) {
    return $event->type;
}, $events );
$scores = array(
    'type1' => 2,
    'type2' => 5,
    'type3' => 10,
$score = array_reduce( $types, function( $result, $type ) use ( $scores ) {
    return $result += isset( $scores[$type] ) ? $scores[$type] : 1;
} );





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  • 我被黑心中介騙來(lái)泰國(guó)打工, 沒(méi)想到剛下飛機(jī)就差點(diǎn)兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留敞斋,地道東北人截汪。 一個(gè)月前我還...
    沈念sama閱讀 49,091評(píng)論 3 378
  • 正文 我出身青樓,卻偏偏與公主長(zhǎng)得像植捎,于是被迫代替她去往敵國(guó)和親衙解。 傳聞我的和親對(duì)象是個(gè)殘疾皇子,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
    茶點(diǎn)故事閱讀 45,685評(píng)論 2 360
