● 修飾詞冗余
因為漢語中動詞沒有時態(tài)寺惫、名詞沒有復數(shù)而產生的多余修飾詞 "a series of," "all sorts of," and "various kinds of"
Self-evident 不言而喻的表達男图,像下面這句說“要逐步做出適當?shù)恼{整”挠铲,但在英語里就默認調整即是適當?shù)模龀稣{整就是調整。
錯誤: departments of scientific research should take steps to make a proper readjustment of...
正確: departments of scientific research should readjust...
[We can take it for granted that the readjustment should be"proper."
錯誤:imports of foreign automobiles have declined sharply this year
正確: imports of automobiles have declined sharply this year
[You cannot import a domestic product.]
Intensifiers 強調語
一般是指表示程度躯泰、加強語氣的形容詞和副詞谭羔。英文寫作不推薦一味強調“很、非陈笙颍”瘟裸,而應該使用能夠準確清晰表達程度或狀態(tài)的詞。舉例诵竭,如果你說"extremely important," 反倒會顯得很弱话告,而如果說"essential," "imperative," "vital," "indispensable," or "crucial" ,讀者就知道你可以靈活地表達自己的意思卵慰。Instead of "they absolutely wanted to," the translator might choose "they were determined to," "had resolved to," "were bent on," or "insisted upon."
錯誤: these practices should be totally abolished.
正確: these practices should be abolished.
["Abolish"already contains the idea of "totally" ; you can't abolish something partially. The same is true of such expressions as "thoroughly eliminated," "completely smashed," and "totally destroyed.”]
*actual (true, real)/ actually (truly, really)
Qualifiers 限定語
錯誤: “[artist] Zhao's images are somewhat primitively aggressive, forcing themselves on the viewer as if they, together with the strong feelings they convey, must never be ignored and overlooked," critic Geng Jian comments on his art.
正確: "Zhao's images are?primitively aggressive,"says critic Geng Jian, "forcing themselves on the viewer as if they, and the strong feelings they convey, were not to be ignored."
[Here the qualifier is at war with the meaning: if the images were only "somewhat" aggressive, they could not "force themselves" upon us.
-(Note that in this context, "overlooked" simply duplicates the sense of "ignored.")]
另一組例子: "perhaps," "maybe,""possibly"笼才,一般可以用may或might來代替。
錯誤:perhaps it will take a decade to accomplish this.
正確: it?may?take a decade to accomplish this.
錯誤: twelve to thirteen percent of China's people, or more than 100 million of the total, live in cities, and may be the figure will go up in coming years.
正確: twelve to thirteen percent of our people, or more than 100 million, live in cities, and that figure?may?go up in years to come.
這里的一些例子跟前面提到的點有重合络凿,以下是一些經常會出現(xiàn)的修飾詞的冗余骡送。看看你有沒有犯過這樣的錯誤絮记。作者寫道:Too much emphasis means very little emphasis. 重點太多就是沒有重點摔踱。