The first plate, as you can see, was an astronaut,then someone will want to ask作喘,what's that red thing stuck between the astronauts'legs?That's an irregular object in the universe厢蒜,The reason we're drawing this is because of the red irregularitiesLike the difficulty we have in doing something,Plus, the people can't control himself in the universe霞势,Because there is no gravity in space烹植,It's easy to lose your way,But if you think twice about everything愕贡,Like this astronaut trying to figure out how to get through this red'sIrregular objectand get the phone.
The second plate is the process of thinking hard.The astronaut stretched out his hand to reach the telephone憨琳,his outstretched hand expressed his desire for truth诫钓,at the same time, he showed a struggle,that is effort and thought.And that red irregular objectIt also shows that you are constantly thinking about the truth as you search for it篙螟,hard work and facing obstacles,Just as astronauts face the difficulty of weightlessness in space.
The third plate is the truth.A telephone booth seems to be the truth慢味,It seems that you can get a surprising answer from the telephone,When you get it墅冷,You need to put a lot of effort and thought.