打開Simulation節(jié)點并選擇“Base Case”情景则涯。仔細檢查“HDS_Base”被選為控制器复局。 “Base Case”情景最大化進料冲簿,并將液位保持在50。
選擇方案“Sub-controller inactive(子控制器不激活)”角钩,然后選擇HDS_Base控制器吝沫。將控制器設(shè)定為‘control’模式并運行仿真場景。在場景參數(shù)中打開“HDS Reactor”選項卡并查看以下內(nèi)容:
盡管在子控制器HDS Reactor后改變SULPHUR設(shè)定范圍這一項被設(shè)置為非活動的递礼,由于SULPHUR IN在減小的緣故惨险,通過子控制器Blend HDS,SULPHUR依舊被控制在新的設(shè)定范圍內(nèi)脊髓。
從PCTP 2007后辫愉,在設(shè)計控制器時,用戶可以為每個子控制器配置行為将硝。要這樣做的話恭朗,請打開控制器“HDS_Reactor_local”,并進入“Sub Controller Behavior Definition(子控制器行為定義)”節(jié)點依疼。
你會發(fā)現(xiàn)SULPHUR被設(shè)置為“Local”痰腮,這表示只有當(dāng)子控制器HDS Reactor處于active(活動)狀態(tài)時CV才受控制。在“Controller/Mode Selection(控制器/模式選擇)”節(jié)點選擇該量可以輕松地模擬這一點涛贯。
仿真曲線顯示SULPHUR將保持不變诽嘉,這意味著由于未激活的子控制器HDS Reactor的緣故SULPHUR是沒有被控制的。
你可以定義一個作為控制要點的控制器弟翘。打開控制器“HDS_Reactor_Essential”虫腋,并進入“Sub Controller Behavior Definition(子控制器行為定義)”節(jié)點。檢查子控制器HDS Reactor處于控制要點狀態(tài)稀余。你可以通過選擇“Reactor Essential”場景來仿真這個控制器悦冀。
因為在第90步時子控制器HDS Reactor被設(shè)置為inactive(非激活的),在90步后控制器狀態(tài)變?yōu)镾tandby(掛起)睛琳。
你可以將一個控制器定義為關(guān)鍵優(yōu)化盒蟆。打開控制器 “HDS_Reactor_Critical”,并進入“Sub Controller Behavior Definition(子控制器行為定義)”節(jié)點师骗。檢查子控制器HDS Reactor是處于關(guān)鍵優(yōu)化狀態(tài)历等。你可以通過選擇“Reactor Critical”場景來模擬這個控制器。
因為在場景中的第90步子控制器HDS Reactor被設(shè)定為非激活辟癌,90步后控制器狀態(tài)由Optimize(優(yōu)化)切換到Control寒屯。
Base Case
Open the Simulation node and select “Base Case” scenario. Double check that “HDS_Base” is selected for the Controller. “Base Case” scenario maximizes the feed and keeps the level at 50.
From the plot the user can see that the Feed is maximized to a value of 3185.59 while the level is controlled at setpoint (50).
** Sub-controller inactive**
Select scenario “Sub-controller inactive” and choose the HDS_Base controller. Run the simulation scenario with the controller in ‘control’ mode. Open “HDS Reactor” tab in the scenario parameters and review the following:
Although the setrange for SULPHUR changes after sub-controller HDS Reactor is set inactive, SULPHUR is still controlled within the new setrange by sub-controller Blend HDS because SULPHUR IN is decreased.
Since PCTP 2007, the user has the ability to configure the behavior for each sub-controller when you are designing the controller. To do this, open the controller “HDS_Reactor_local”, and go to “Sub Controller Behavior Definition” node.
You will find SULPHUR is set to “Local”, which indicates this CV is controlled only when sub-controller HDS Reactor is active. Selecting this quantity in the “Controller/Mode Selection” node can easily simulate this.
The simulation plot shows SULPHUR stays unchanged meaning that SULPHUR is not controlled due to an inactive sub-controller HDS Reactor.
**Sub-controller essential for control **
You can define a controller as essential for control. Open controller “HDS_Reactor_Essential”, and go to “Sub Controller Behavior Definition” node. Sub-controller HDS Reactor is checked for Essential for Control. You simulate this controller by selecting scenario “Reactor Essential”.
Sub-controller critical for optimization
You can define a controller as critical for optimization. Open controller “HDS_Reactor_Critical”, and go to “Sub Controller Behavior Definition” node. Sub-controller HDS Reactor is checked for Critical for Optimization. You simulate this controller by selecting scenario “Reactor Critical”.
The controller status becomes Standby after step 90 because sub-controller HDS Reactor is set inactive at step 90 in the scenario.
The controller status switches from Optimize to Control after step 90 because sub-controller HDS Reactor is set inactive at step 90 in the scenario.