1. taut
繃緊的;拉緊的;Something that is taut is stretched very tight.
The silence stretched, taut as the surface of a bubble, ready to be popped.?
2. jump
Someone shoved a sheaf of mimeographed syllabi over her shoulder, and she jumped.
在句中是(of a person) make a sudden involuntary movement in reaction to something that causes surprise or shock
(人受到驚嚇后)猛地一跳, 嚇了一跳
3. trickle?
After that it was a slow but steady trickle.?
a small group or number of people or things moving slowly
1. He was dressed like an undertaker: black suit, black tie knotted tight, shirt so white it glowed. His hair was slicked back and parted in a perfect pale line, but one wisp stood straight up in back, like an Indian chief’s feather. As he started to speak, he reached up with one hand to smooth down the cowlick, and someone snickered.
2. ...but they were all reddening in the cheeks and at the edges of their ears.
3. She watched tiny crinkles form around the corners of his eyes, and when they unfolded, his face was different, softer, a real person’s face now.?
From here, she saw that his eyes were brown, not black, as they’d seemed in the lecture hall. How skinny he was, she thought, how wide his shoulders were, like a swimmer’s, his skin the color of tea, of fall leaves toasted by the sun.?