10 種最有效的演講組織方式
The 10?Flow Structures
Chronological Flow Structure organizes your clusters of ideas along a timeline.
This option, reflecting events in the order inwhich they occurred or might occur, is ideallysuited for any presentation where telling a storythat deals with change is the most importantobjective.
You might have to make a presentation whose main purpose is to explain to the audience how a particular state of affairs came to be(存在缀辩;形成).
If the Chronological Flow Structure organizes your presentation according to the logic of time,the Physical option follows the logic of place.?
A presentation using a Physical Flow Structure takes its cues from geography, organizing clusters of ideas according to their physical location.
In contrast to the Physical option, which followsa literal geographic arrangement, the Spatial Flow Structure organizes your ideasconceptually, according to a physical metaphoror analogy, providing a spatial view of yourtopics: for example, from the top down, fromthe bottom up, from the center out, or from theoutside in.
The Issues/Actions Flow Structure is frequently used for presentations by companies that are in a turnaround mode.?
They identify the issues they are facing and the actions they are planning to take to overcome them, producing a list of clusters that might look like this:
This is the traditional product launch approach.?
In a presentation organized according to the Features/Benefits Flow Structure, you would discuss a series of features of your product, or your service, and for each one you would explain the concrete benefits provided to your customer.?
6.Case Study.案例陳述
A case study is essentially a story, a narrative recounting of how you or your company solved a particular problem, or how you or your company met the needs of a particular customer.?
In the telling, the case study covers all the aspects of your business and itsenvironment.?
The Case Study Flow Structureprovides a central spine that connects multiplediverse components.
We humans find stories, especially stories about people with whom we can identify, inherently interesting.?
Thus, a case study is an excellent way of capturing and keeping an audience's attention.?
It's an easy and practical way tomake a product or service that is technically complex or apparently uninteresting become more vivid, personal, and understandable.
There may be times when you must make a presentation in the face of a highly skeptical or even downright hostile audience.?
At such times,consider using the Argument/Fallacy FlowStructure, in which you raise arguments against your own case and then rebut them on the spot by pointing out the fallacies (or false beliefs)that underlie them.?
The idea is to preempt any objections in the minds of your audience,thereby creating a level playing field for a positive presentation of your company's real strengths.?
This is a risky Flow Structure to use.?
It tends to sound either defensive or contentious(有異議的), and sets a negative tone.?
Reserve the use of this option for situations in which the negative ideas about you and your company are widespread, and therefore unavoidable.
The point of the Compare/Contrast Flow Structure is to compare or contrast you or yourcompany with others.?
How is your offering unlike that of any other company in your sector??
How do you stack up against the competition??
What is your competitive advantage??
A presentation built according to this Flow Structure might focus on a series of comparisons, showing exactly what makes your company special along each parameter.
Like the Argument/Fallacy Flow Structure, choose this option with caution.?
By bringing another company into even partial focus, you run the risk of sounding defensive, or worse yet, having your audience remember the other company rather than your own.
Moreover, when you attempt to throw a positive light on your own company by casting a negative light on another company,
you may inadvertently offend someone in your audience who may have a direct connection with, or own shares in, the company you are criticizing.
9.Rhetorical Questions.使用修辭性提問(wèn)
This Flow Structure may be the ultimate form of Audience Advocacy.?
It takes the audience's point of view, immediately involving them bysaying, "You might be wondering … " and then answering the question for them.?
Of course, it's best if the questions are ones that your audience members are likely to have in their minds rather than ones that you strain to devise.
The use of the Rhetorical Questionsoption is not effective if the questions are forced.
Finally, there's that old standby, the Numerical Flow Structure.
?"There are five reasons why our company represents an attractive investment opportunity."?
Then you list the five, counting down as you go.
?I recommend the numerical format only if none ofthe other options works for your presentation.