We‘v sacrificed everything to eliminate the evil scourge(禍根) that is drug.
The corner boy may have iced me, but you know what?At least I went out doing the right thing with my head held high.
The squabbit is the sole property of Brickleberry National park.
As a matter of fact,I've been saving up for tickets to symphony.
The lord taketh and then giveth a shitlord.
A loss ,no bad thing or a blessing in disguise .塞翁失馬焉知非福蕾总。
Where are we gonna find a living thing so toxic(poisonous ), so vile(disgusting dirty) ,so afflicted(被折磨)?by a disease that it could wipe out an entire population?
Can we get through one emergency where your guys don't put on a drag show.
We know she's infatuated with cute animals, but in order for this work, we need something extraordinarily cute.
We all know she's lumbering(笨重的移動), hulk-like, affront to humanity( 對人性的侮辱), but it's not nice to say it.
the hulk 綠巨人
It was 15 years ago ,I was your average ,everyday little girl.I wanted to please my mother so much.She just ignored me and my hankering for hoo haa until she could n't any more.My father and the church members made a gay curing machine.They called it the homo eradicater. When it didn't work, my parents ?disowned me.They bought a st.Bernard named it Connie and photoshopped me out of all the family pictures.I never spoke to them again.
Think I'm gonna play golf this weekend to celebrate the windfall.意外之財
The governments has been using Brickleberry as a cover for decades.What we do here is develop highly classified spcialized explosives.This bomb gives the enemy low blood sugar.Tty fighting a war when you are all crankly.
This is the utopia I'v dreamed of.
I have company coming over later, and you're shedding all over the house, and you left toothpaste in the sink again.
He's totally exploiting us just to cut the budget.We have no health insurance, no pension退休金,and this is the worst employee break room.
22 hours a day! What a work ethic! well, your life probably sucks, but at least you're loaded, right?像墻上了膛
Woody ,as you know,I'm representative for rangers here.And we have some demands we'd like met.
You know what I really hate? When you are in your groove ,angering it upland than boom, you got interrupted by having to take a lunch break.
This is unacceptable ,and we are not going to put up with this.
This is ridiculous, he can't outsource park ranger to India.
Thanks to outsourcing, B's budget is back in the black.check it out,look at all the money we saved.
Not you skinnytits .There's a million just like you.I'm talking about her.My whole career,I've been looking for an act so unconventional that it will shake up the industry.I'm going to make you a star.
I will now produce precipitation (沉降物) using this low-denominational 教派 currency ?谆扎?羽历?扣讼?彪见?
Up next is crystal, she'll be shaking that ass to buy baby formula.She's on probation 緩刑 for stealing huggies尿不濕 and she live in 1980 monet Carlo .The only thing lower than her hourly rates is her self-esteem.
peeled grapes 剝皮的葡萄
I'm sorry guys,I guess I should've practiced more.I got lazy and let it all into my head.
Hi,I've got a real problem here.My campsite is littered with half-eaten goats.
Sorry,I guess you didn't know that I wasn't;t finished speaking.I'd like my 10 camping fee back.
-No problem,I'll just run your credit card down.Should show up your statement at the end of the month.
installment 分期付款
platonic friend 理想的腻暮,柏拉圖式的
snow cones 刨冰
double-paned window 雙層玻璃
tempered window 鋼化
stained glass 染色玻璃
storm window 防風窗
Glass ceiling 玻璃頂棚
He never failed to amaze us but tragedy struck when he took me on my first camping trip.It all started very innocently.But things took a dark turn, and someone needed his help....The only comfort I get is that he died peacefully.