#!/usr/bin/env python
__copyright__ = """
Copyright (C) 2013 - Tim te Beek
Copyright (C) 2013 - Wai Yi Leung
Copyright (C) 2013 AllBio (see AUTHORS file)
__desc__ = """Convert breakdancer output to pseudo .vcf file format."""
__created__ = "Mar 18, 2013"
__author__ = "tbeek"
import argparse
import csv
import os.path
import sys
def main(tsvfile, vcffile):
:param tsvfile: filename of input file.tsv
:type tsvfile: string
:param vcffile: filename of output file.vcf
:type vcffile: string
with open(tsvfile) as reader:
# Parse file
dictreader = _parse_tsvfile(reader)
print dictreader.fieldnames
# Write out file
_format_vcffile(dictreader, vcffile)
# Quick output
with open(vcffile) as reader:
print reader.read(1000)
def _parse_tsvfile(readable):
Read readable using csv.Sniffer and csv.DictReader
:param readable: open file.tsv handle to read with csv.DictReader
:type readable: file
prev, curr = 0, 0
while True:
line = readable.readline()
if not line.startswith('#'):
# lets start from prev # line, without the hash sign
readable.seek(prev + 1)
prev = curr
curr = readable.tell()
# Determine dialect
curr = readable.tell()
#dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(readable.read(3000))
dialect = 'excel-tab'
# Read file
dictreader = csv.DictReader(readable, dialect=dialect)
return dictreader
_tsv_fields = ('Chr1', 'Pos1', 'Orientation1',
'Chr2', 'Pos2', 'Orientation2',
'Type', 'Size', 'Score',
'num_Reads', 'num_Reads_lib',
# 'Chr1': '1',
# 'Pos1': '269907',
# 'Orientation1': '39+39-',
# 'Chr2': '1',
# 'Pos2': '270919',
# 'Orientation2': '39+39-',
# 'Type': 'DEL',
# 'Size': '99',
# 'Score': '99',
# 'num_Reads': '38',
# 'num_Reads_lib': '/home/allbio/ERR031544.sort.bam|38',
# 'ERR031544.sort.bam': 'NA'
_vcf_fields = ('CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO')
def _format_vcffile(dictreader, vcffile):
Create a pseudo .vcf file based on values read from DictReader instance.
:param dictreader: DictReader instance to read data from
:type dictreader: csv.DictRedaer
:param vcffile: output file.vcf filename
:type vcffile: string
with open(vcffile, mode='w') as writer:
output_vcf = []
for line in dictreader:
CHROM = line['Chr1']
# TODO Figure out whether we have zero or one based positioning
POS = int(line['Pos1'])
SVEND = int(line['Pos2'])
INFO = 'PROGRAM=breakdancer;SVTYPE={};SVLEN={}'.format(line['Type'],
0 - int(line['Size']))
if line['Type'] not in ['CTX']:
INFO += ";SVEND={}".format(SVEND)
# Create record
output_vcf.append([CHROM, POS, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'PASS', INFO])
# Sort all results
output = "\n".join(["\t".join(map(str,vcf_row)) for vcf_row in output_vcf])
# Write record
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--breakdancertsv', dest='breakdancertsv', type=str,
help='Breakdancer TSV outputfile')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outputvcf', dest='outputvcf', type=str,
help='Output vcf to')
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.breakdancertsv, args.outputvcf)
復制代碼或者github clone到本地文件何暇,執(zhí)行
breakdancer2vcf.py -i breakdancer.bam.out -o test.vcf
convert2annovar.pl -format vcf4 ./breakdancer.out.vcf >test.avinput
annotate_variation.pl -regionanno -build hg19 -out test -dbtype dgvMerged test.avinput ./