原文作者:LEO BABAUTA(里奧·巴伯塔)
If you want to create a new exercise habit (for example), you might tell yourself something like this:
“This is going to be amazing, I’m going to get fit and look incredible and be super healthy!”
This is a story you’re telling yourself. It’s not real, but it has tremendous power to affect your feelings about your habit, and to change your action. You have a positive story about the habit, and it motivates you to take action.
But perhaps the exercise you did one day was really tough, and you didn’t enjoy it. Your story might change, to something like, “Wow, that was super hard. It sucked!”
Now your story about the habit is not so good, and you’ll be less enthusiastic about doing the habit from now on.
Maybe you also missed a couple of days of exercise because you got busy. Your story changes to, “Damn, I screwed up, I’m not as good at this habit as I thought, why am I not disciplined?”
The story isn’t so good. Now you might actually try not think about the habit, and you are much more likely to skip the habit from now on.
The story you tell yourself about your habit matters more than most people realize.
So the key is to shape the story, become your own habit storyteller, and create a story that will make you more likely to stick to the habit.
Telling a Good Story
The truth is that none of these stories is actually true. They’re just narratives we have made up, in our minds, about what’s going on. The reality is what’s happening right now, and in an “ideal” world we would just drop the stories and be present with the moment, experiencing reality as it is.
There’s no such thing as an ideal world, though. We tell stories. That’s what we do. So the key is to realize when you’re telling a negative story that’s going to make you quit the habit, and instead create a more helpful story.
Try this:
1. Ask yourself how you feel about the habit you’re creating.Are you psyched about it? Are you discouraged? Looking forward to it or dreading it? Feel strong about it or feel like you’re doing lousy? Is it a wonderful experience for you or are you ploughing through the suckiness? This is all an indicator of what story you’re telling yourself.
2. Start creating a better story by focusing on the things you love about the habit. You could focus on how much you hate the habit, or you could focus on what you love. It’s your choice. Find things to appreciate about the habit. Look at your successes and think, “Man, that’s awesome that I’ve done those things.”
This is not to say that you should only think positive thoughts, or that you should ignore the negative. But if your story is on the balance more positive than negative, you’ll be more resilient. You’ll be able to handle the negative stuff with grace, because you have a positive feeling about the habit.
If you resent doing the habit, or see it as a sacrifice, you’re more likely to blow the negative aspects up when they happen. But people with a strongly positive story will be likely to weather the storm of negative aspects of the habit.
The Positive Story Exercise
Try to think about some of the following thoughts when you’re working on your habit:
1. This makes me feel strong/healthy/empowered (or some other positive trait).我感覺棒極了/很健康/充滿了活力(或其他一些積極的品質(zhì))族沃。
2. I am proud of doing this habit. 能持續(xù)做這個我覺得很驕傲。
3. I have had some great successes with this.我取得了一些很棒的成就泌参。
4. I’m learning a lot with this habit.我學會了很多東西脆淹。
5. I’ve had good experiences with this habit. 我有一些美好的經(jīng)歷。
6. There are some exciting things about this that I’d like to share with people.我有些激動人心的收獲沽一,真想和大家分享盖溺。
7. I can appreciate the little things about this habit.這件事里有很多我喜歡的部分。
8. There are things I genuinely love about this habit. 我發(fā)在肺腑的就愛這么干铣缠。
9. This can sometimes be a struggle but it’s definitely worth it. 這可能有點難烘嘱,但絕對值得努力。
10. This habit is improving my life an multiple ways. 養(yǎng)成這個習慣能從各方面改善我的生活蝗蛙。
11. I’m lucky to be able to do this habit. 能做這件事我太幸運了蝇庭。
12. There are things about this habit that I look forward to. 我很期待能做成。
13. I’ve missed doing this habit sometimes, but over the long run it doesn’t matter. 有時候我可能沒有堅持住歼郭,不過長遠來看這都無所謂遗契。
14. Doing this habit makes me more resilient. 持續(xù)做這件事讓我活力四射。
15. When I’ve done this habit, I feel accomplished and satisfied. 養(yǎng)成這習慣讓我成就感爆棚病曾,心滿意足牍蜂。
16. I feel like a better person when I do this habit. 這習慣讓我成為更好的自己。
Just think about one of these each time you do the habit, or just after. And then try another one on the next time you do the habit.
Slowly, with thoughts like these and others you might think of, you’ll start to have a more positive story about the habit.
And that will make all the difference — not only will you want to stay with it longer, you’ll enjoy it more each time you do it.
除了修正我們對自己講的故事留美,有時我們可以通過欺騙自己來達到養(yǎng)成習慣的目的彰檬。比如說,我們希望自己能早起谎砾,但有時候真的不知道早起干嘛逢倍,這時候我們就需要提前給自己找一個借口,比如說景图,我明天需要早上5點半起较雕,這樣我就可以把某本書讀完,這件事太重要了症歇,必須明天早上做郎笆。這絕對有助于你聽見鬧鐘,并馬上起床忘晤。我今早就是這么干的宛蚓,我說服自己,我需要今天早上讀完許榮哲的《小說課》(貳)设塔,and I did it!