嶄新的一年已經(jīng)開始了吧碾,你許下新年愿望(new year's resolution)了嗎?你是否已經(jīng)制定好計劃開始實施了呢墓卦?
1. lose weight ?減肥
2. travel more ?更多旅行
3. quit smoking ?戒煙
4. get out of your comfort zone and explore more ?跳出舒適區(qū)倦春,大膽探索
5. say “no” sometimes ?偶爾試著說“不”
6. own your look and style 擁有自己的衣著打扮風(fēng)格
7. print photos and put them into an album 把照片打印出來,制作成相冊
8. get your six pack ?練出六塊腹肌
9. stop being bigot 不做盲信者
10. be healthier 更加健康
11. stop eating junk food ?不再吃垃圾食品
12. stand up for yourself ?堅持你的立場/信念
13. get famous ?走紅
14. stop judging people by their appearance ?不再以貌取人
15. quit drinking ?戒酒
16. meditate for 5 minutes every day ?每天冥想五分鐘
17. walk slower, live in the moment ?慢行落剪,活在當(dāng)下
18. get a boyfriend or a girlfriend ?告別單身
19. get more sleep ?充足睡眠
20. write down one thing that you’re thankful for every day ?每天寫下一件值得你感激的事兒
21. start investing ? 開始投資
22. quit drinking soda ?不再喝碳酸飲料
23. catch up with an old friend ?與老友相聚
24. eat fruit every day ?每天吃水果
25. stop procrastinating ?戒掉拖延癥
26. learn a language ?學(xué)習(xí)一門外語
27. stop eating sweets ?不再吃甜食
28. stop playing Candy Crush Sega ?不玩“糖果粉碎傳奇”了
29. give back to your community ?回報社會
30. plan your budget ?做資金預(yù)算
31. be more adventurous, take your chances ? 大膽些睁本,抓住機會放手一搏
32. don’t buy the latest iPhone ? 別買最新款的蘋果手機
33. complete a 90-day-challenge ?完成一項90天挑戰(zhàn)
34. learn to paint ?學(xué)習(xí)繪畫
35. start your own radio channel ? 開設(shè)你的個人廣播頻道
36. worry less ? 少杞人憂天
37. arrange family nights or getaways ?多安排家庭聚會和出游
38. keep yourself updated on the latest world news ? 追蹤時事,保持與世界鏈接
39. go to the dentist semiannually ?每半年去看一次牙醫(yī)
40. exercise more ?加強鍛煉
41. get a better job ? 找一份更好的工作
42. backup your computer regularly ?經(jīng)常備份你的電腦
43. meet someone new everyday ?每天認(rèn)識新朋友
44. sort out your Wechat friend list ?整理微信好友通訊錄
45. be more cultured ?做個文化人兒
46. drink more water ? 多喝水
47. go on a second honeymoon ?和伴侶來個二次蜜月
48. watch more movies ? 多看電影
49. complain less ?少抱怨
50. spend less time on Wechat ?少花點時間在微信上
51. stop worrying what others think about you ? 停止擔(dān)憂別人對你的看法
52. join a gym ? 加入一個健身房
53. get out of debt ? 還清債務(wù)
54. play your favorite sport ? 做你最喜歡的運動
55. watch less TV ? 少看電視
56. go on more dates ? 多出去約會
57. stop being lazy ? 別再犯懶啦
58. go for a walk ?出去散散步
59. go to more concerts ? 多聽聽音樂會
60. redecorate one of the rooms in your house ?重新裝潢一個房間
61. learn something new ?學(xué)點新東西
62. smile to at least one person everyday ?每天至少對著一個人微笑
63. reduce, reuse, recycle ? 減少浪費忠怖,重復(fù)使用呢堰,回收利用
64. be more organized ? 更有組織性
65. cook meals for yourself ?給自己下廚
66. try something new everyweek ? 每周嘗試點新鮮事物
67. get a makeover ?改變造型
68. drive less, walk more ?少開車,多走路
69. live in the moment ?活在當(dāng)下
70. learn to cook ?學(xué)習(xí)烹飪
71. stop overthinking ? 不要思慮過度
72. teach your kids to be grateful and lead by example ?教子女學(xué)會感恩凡泣,自己以身作則
73. clean your house ? 打掃房間枉疼,做做家務(wù)
74. stop being irritable ? 戒驕戒躁
75. get insurance ? 買份保險
76. keep a diary ? 堅持寫日記
77. develop a new hobby ?發(fā)展個新愛好
78. wake up early and have a leisure breakfast ?早點起床,悠閑地吃早餐
79. stop calling your ex ? 別再去找前任了
80. go a week without your phone ? 嘗試一周不用手機
81. encourage your children more often ?多鼓勵鼓勵你的孩子
82. believe in yourself ? 相信自己
83. adopt a pet ? 領(lǐng)養(yǎng)個寵物
84. donate clothes to those in need ? ?把衣物捐給需要的人
85. take vitamins ?吃些維他命
86. do not text and drive ? 開車時不發(fā)信息
87. stop being so negative ? 不再悲觀消極
88. go to church ? 去教堂做禮拜
89. stop biting your nails ? 不再啃指甲了
90. start a blog ? 開設(shè)個人博客
91. create precious memories with loved ones ?和所愛的人創(chuàng)造一些珍貴的回憶
92. dream bigger ? ?追求更大的夢想
93. volunteering ? 參加志愿活動
94. talk to your parents more ? 和父母多聊聊天
95. spend less time online ? 少花時間在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上
96. start a business ? 開始創(chuàng)業(yè)
97. read more ?多讀書
98. go vegetarian ? 吃素食
99. get off prescription drugs ?擺脫藥物
100. become an expert in a certain aspect ? 在某一領(lǐng)域成為專家