

D:What are you doing? 你在干什么盟蚣?

S:Clings to the walls like an insect. That's how he got in.兇手像昆蟲一樣攀附在墻上。他就是這么進來的。


S:He climbed up the side of the walls, ran along the roof, dropped in through this skylight.他順著墻爬上來,跑到屋頂吼鳞,從這個天窗跳進來看蚜。

D:You're not serious?! Like Spider-Man?你開玩笑的吧?赔桌!像蜘蛛俠那樣嗎供炎?

S:He scaled six floors of a Docklands apartment building, jumped the balcony and killed Van Coon.他爬到了碼頭區(qū)公寓樓的六樓,從陽臺跳入殺害了Van Coon疾党。

D:Oh, hold on!得了吧音诫!

S:And of course that's how he got into the bank ran along the window ledge onto the terrace. I have to find out what connects these two men. 當然他也是這樣潛入銀行順著窗臺爬到露臺上。我得找到這兩人之間的聯(lián)系雪位。

S:Date stamped on the book is the same day that he died.書上的借書日期就是他被害的那天竭钝。


S:So, the killer goes to the bank, leaves a threatening cipher for Van Coon. Van Coon panics, returns to his apartment, locks himself in. Hours later, he dies.兇手去了銀行雹洗,給范孔留下了一個恐嚇密碼香罐。范孔驚慌失措,跑回自己家鎖起來时肿。數(shù)小時后庇茫,他死了。

W:The killer finds Lukis at the library, he writes the cipher on the shelf where he knows it'll be seen. Lukis goes home.兇手在圖書館找到了路基斯嗜侮,并在他能看到的書架上留下密碼港令。路基斯逃回家。

S:Late that night, he dies too.那天深夜锈颗,他也死了顷霹。

W:Why did they die, Sherlock?他們?yōu)槭裁磿粴ⅲ穆蹇耍?/p>

S:Only the cipher can tellus. The world's run on codes and ciphers, John. From the million-pound security system at the bank to the PIN machine you took exception to. Cryptography inhabits our every wakingmoment. 只有密碼才能告訴我們答案击吱。約翰淋淀,這世上充滿了暗號和密碼。從價值數(shù)百萬英鎊的銀行保衛(wèi)系統(tǒng)到普通的密碼機皆是如此覆醇。只要我們醒著就得跟密碼打交道朵纷。

W:Yes, OK, but...是,沒錯永脓,不過…

S:But it's all computergenerated electronic codes, electronic ciphering methods. This is different. It'san ancient device. Modern code-breaking methods won't unravel it. 不過都是由電腦生成袍辞,例如電子編碼,電子加密程序常摧。這次不一樣搅吁。這是一種古老的編碼方法⊥矗現(xiàn)代的密碼破譯技術無法破解。

W:Where are we headed? 我們?nèi)ツ睦铮?/p>

S:I need to ask some advice. 我的去咨詢一下谎懦。

W:What?! Sorry?什么肚豺?!再說一次界拦?

S:You heard me perfectly. I'm not saying it again.你聽得很清楚吸申。我不想重復。

W:You need advice? 你也要咨詢享甸?

S:On painting. Yes, I need to talk to an expert.繪畫方面的截碴。沒錯,我得向專家咨詢一下枪萄。

Raz: Part of a new exhibition. 新作的冰山一角隐岛。


Raz: I call it…Urban Bloodlust Frenzy.我叫它…《都市殺戮狂》瓷翻。


Raz: I've got two minutes before a Community Support Officer comes around that corner. Can we do this while I'm working?再過兩分鐘社區(qū)協(xié)警就從那拐角過來了割坠∑胫悖可以讓我邊畫邊說嗎?

S:Know the author?認識創(chuàng)作者嗎彼哼?

Raz:I recognise the paint. It's like Michigan...hard-core propellant. I'd say zinc.我認得這涂料对妄。像是密歇根牌…某種高手用原料。我想是鋅敢朱。

S:And what about the symbols? Do you recognise them?那這些符號呢剪菱?你認識嗎?

Raz: I'm not even sure it's a proper language.我不確定這是不是某種語言拴签。

S:Two men have been murdered, Raz. Deciphering this is the key to finding out who killed them.兩個人被害了孝常,拉茲。破譯這密碼就是找到兇手的關鍵蚓哩。

Raz: And this is all you've got to go on? It’s hardly much, is it?這就是你們唯一的線索嗎构灸?寥寥無幾啊岸梨?

S:Are you going to help us or not?你到底幫不幫我們喜颁?

Raz: I'll ask around.我會去打聽下。

S:Somebody must know something about it.總會有人了解點內(nèi)情曹阔。

Officer B: Oi!What the hell do you think you're doing?This gallery is a listed public building. 那邊的半开!你到底在干什么?這美術館可是保護建筑赃份。

W:No, no. Wait, wait. It's not me who painted that. I was just holding this for...不不寂拆,等等。這不是我畫的。我只不過是幫人拿著...

Officer B: Bit of an enthusiast, are we?你還真是熱心吶漓库,跟我們走一趟吧恃慧?

Andy: She was right in the middle of an important piece of restoration. Why would she suddenly resign? 那件陶器她才剛剛修復到一半。她為什么要突然辭職渺蒿?

Woman B: Family problems. She said so in her letter.家庭原因茂装。她辭職信上是這么說少态。

Andy: But she doesn't have a family. She came to this country on her own.但她沒有家庭彼妻。她獨自一人來到英國。

Woman B: Andy!安迪炮温!

Andy: Look, those teapots, those ceramics. They've become her obsession. She's been working on restoring them for weeks. I can't believe that she would just...abandon them.看担巩,這些茶壺,這些陶器。它們令她著迷。連著幾個星期她都在修復這些姜钳。我不信她會就這樣棄它們不顧。

Woman B: Perhaps she was getting a bit of unwanted attention?我想是某人把她嚇跑了?


S:You've been a while.你去了很久辱挥。

W:Yeah, well, you know how it is. Custody sergeants don't really like to be hurried, do they? Just formalities. Fingerprints, charge sheet, and I'vegot to be in Magistrates' Court on Tuesday. 是啊哼蛆,你清楚那些程序端衰。拘留所的警官可不會輕易放人走抵代,是吧康吵? 各種手續(xù),指紋,控訴書,周二我還得上治安法庭。

S:What? 什么涛酗?

W:Me, Sherlock! In court, onTuesday! They’re giving me an ASBO! 我铡原,夏洛克!周二,上法庭剖笙!他們控告我違反社會治安酷勺!

S:Good, fine.真是好極了潜的。

W:You want to tell your little pal, he's welcome to go and own up any time.麻煩轉告你的小伙計,隨時歡迎他來招供字管。

S:This symbol, I still can't place it. No, I need you to go to the police station and ask about the journalist. The personal effects will have been impounded. Get hold of his diary, or something that will tell us his movements. Go and see Van Coon's PA. If you retrace their steps, somewhere they'll coincide.這密碼亡呵,我還是解不出來抽活。慢,你得去趟警局锰什,了解下那個記者的情況下硕。他的私人物品應該被收在那里。去找下他的日記或任何記錄他行程的東西汁胆。我去拜訪下范孔的助理梭姓。順著他們的行程走,總會發(fā)現(xiàn)有巧合之處嫩码。

W:Scotland Yard.到蘇格蘭場誉尖。

Amanda: Flew back from Dalian Friday. Looks like he had back-to-back meetings with the sales team.周五從大連飛回來。似乎他與銷售團隊連開了好幾個會铸题。

S:Can you print me up a copy?能給我打印一份嗎铡恕?

Amanda: Sure.當然。

S:What about the day he died? Can you tell me where he was?他被害那天的日程呢丢间?能告訴我他去過哪兒嗎探熔?

Amanda: Sorry, I've got a gap. I have all his receipts.抱歉,那天行程是空白烘挫。我有他所有的收據(jù)诀艰。

D:Your friend…你的朋友…

W:Listen,whatever you say, I'm behind you 100 per cent.聽著,不管你說什么饮六,我都百分之百支持你涡驮。

D:...he's an arrogant sod.他是個傲慢自大的混蛋。

W:Well, that was mild. People say a lot worse than that. This is what you wanted, isn't it? The journalist's diary?你這算是客氣的了喜滨。還有人說得更難聽。這就是你要的東西撤防?那記者的日記虽风?

S:What kind of a boss was he, Amanda? Appreciative? Amanda,他是個什么樣的老板寄月?關心下屬嗎辜膝?

Amanda: Um, no. That's not a word I'd use. The only things Eddie appreciated had a big price tag.不。我覺得不是漾肮。Eddie只關心那些昂貴的東西厂抖。

S:Like that hand cream. He bought that for you, didn't he? Look at this one. Got a taxi from him on the day he died,£18.5.比如這護手霜。是他給你買的吧克懊?看這張忱辅。他被害當天的打的發(fā)票七蜘,18.5鎊。

Amanda: That would get him to the office. 那是他打車來辦公室吧墙懂。

S:Not rush hour. Check the time.Mid-morning. 18 would get him as far as... 非高峰期橡卤。看下時間损搬。上午10點左右18鎊夠他打車到…

Amanda: ...The West End. I remember him saying. 西區(qū)碧库。我記得他說過。

S:Underground, printed at one inPiccadilly. 地鐵票巧勤,下午一點從皮卡迪利進站嵌灰。

Amanda: So he got a Tube back to the office. Why would he get a taxi into town, and then the Tubeback?那他是搭地鐵回的辦公室。他為什么先打的出去颅悉,又搭地鐵回來呢沽瞭?

S:Because he was delivering somethingheavy. You wouldn't lug a package up the escalator.因為他攜帶了重物。沉重的包裹很難拖上自動扶梯签舞。

Amanda: Delivering?! 重物秕脓?!

S:To somewhere near Piccadilly Station. Dropped the package, delivered it, and then...Stopped on his way. He got peckish. 到皮卡迪利站附近儒搭,卸下包裹吠架,移交,然后…停下了腳步搂鲫。他餓了傍药。

S:So you bought your lunch from here en route to the station but where were you headed from? Where did the taxi drop you? 于是你在去地鐵站的路上買了午餐魂仍,但是你究竟從哪兒來拐辽?出租車把你送到了哪里?

W:Oof! Right.對了擦酌。

S:Eddie Van Coon brought a package herethe day he died. Whatever was hidden inside that case...I've managed to piece together a picture using scraps of information - credit card bills,receipts. He flew back from China, then he came here.范孔被害當天帶著一個包裹來到這里俱诸。不管箱子里藏了什么…我已經(jīng)拼出了一張圖,通過信用卡賬單-收據(jù)等票據(jù)提供的信息赊舶。他從中國返回后睁搭,來到了這里。

W:Sherlock. 夏洛克笼平。

S:Somewhere in this street, somewherenear. I don't know where, but... 就在這條街上园骆,就在附近。我不知道具體位置寓调,但…

W:That shop, over there. 就是那家店鋪锌唾。

S:How could you tell? 你怎么知道?

W:Lukis' diary. He was here too. He wrote down the address.路基斯在日記里提過夺英,他也曾來此晌涕。他記下了地址滋捶。

S:Hello. 你好。

Woman C: You want... lucky cat? 買一只招財貓吧渐排?

W:No, thanks, no. 不炬太,謝謝,不用驯耻。

Woman C:£10!10 pound! I think your wife, she will like.只要十鎊亲族!您夫人一定會喜歡。

W:Um, may be…Sherlock...The label there.不了可缚,謝謝霎迫!夏洛克,注意標簽帘靡。

S:Yes,I see it. 我看到了知给。

W:It's exactly the same as the cipher. 跟那個記號一模一樣。

S:It's an ancient number system. HangZhou. These days only street traders use it. Those were numbers written on the wall at the bank andat the library. Numbers written in an ancient Chinese dialect. 這是古老的記數(shù)法描姚。蘇州碼子涩赢。 如今只有街頭商販才會使用。這就是寫在銀行和圖書館墻上的數(shù)字轩勘。使用古漢語方言書寫的數(shù)字筒扒。

W:It's a 15. What we thought was the artist's tag, it's a number15.是十五。我們之前以為是涂鴉绊寻,其實是數(shù)字十五花墩。

S:And the blindfold, the horizontalline. That was a number as well. The Chinese number one,John.畫在眼睛上的橫線。也是數(shù)字澄步。漢子書寫的數(shù)字一冰蘑,約翰。

W:We found it. 我們揭開了村缸。

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