SGS kinetic energy , where
is the filtered density weighted velocity.
The following assumptions for the SGS density weighted stress tensor and the filtered deviatoric part of the rate of strain tensor
are used:
is the unit tensor,
is the filtered density,
is the SGS viscosity and
represents the top-hat filter with a characteristic filter width estimated as the cubic root of the CV volume. An exact balance equation for
can be derived, but some terms must be modeled. Instead, following Fureby this balance equation can be replaced by the a posteriori modeled equation:
is the production,
diffusion and
dissipation terms, respectively.
The conventional Smagorinsky SGS model can be recovered from Eq. 5 by assuming local equilibrium, . Thus, the SGS kinetic energy can be computed from the following relation:
Using Eq. 1 and introducing the coefficients The relation in Eq. 6 can be reformulated by the quadratic equation to the relation for
The models constant are:
. The relationship between the classical
constant and the default constants
from the Smagorinsky model implementation in OpenFOAM is
, which leads to a value
. This value is slightly lower than the minimum conventional limit
. It is worth noting that this relation can be recovered from the classical assumption for the eddy-viscosity
and Eq. 4.
The dynamic model for the equation can be derived using the Germano identity
with another filter kernel of width
. Again, one can find the theoretical background in the studies performed by Fureby. Here, we will concentrate on the model implementation only.
The model coefficient can not be removed from filtering and hence, a variational formulation is used to evaluate this:
The second coefficient is defined as
Reference:Lysenko, D.A., I.S., E., K. E., R., 2012. Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Over a Circular Cylinder at Reynolds Number 3900 Using the OpenFOAM Toolbox. Flow Turbulence & Combustion 89, 491–518.