
L6-U2-P4-1 Listening : Aging Population

Aging Population

The world’s population is growing at a rate of a little more than 1% per year.

However, not all segments of the population are growing at the same rate.

This graph shows that the rates of growth have 3 different groups, children, adults and the elderly.

As you can see, while the population of children is fairly constant, the elderly population is increasing at the fastest rate.

This is due to very low birth rates in developed country and birthrate declines in most developing countries.

As a result of these trends, the world’s population is aging.

-? very low birth rates in developed country

What does the graph show? - Different segments of the population are growing at different rates.

Between 2015 and 2050, the percentage of world’s population over 60 is expected to nearly double.

In 2015 there were 900 million people over 60; in 2050 the number should be around 2 billion.

Aging populations are becoming a huge problem in many countries, especially developing counties.

It used to be that many elderly people lived with their family and helped take care of the next generation.

They had a place to stay and people to help take care of them when they needed assistance.

Now however, many elderly people, or senior citizens, are left on their own.

This is partly the result of people having fewer children, and also because of the massive urbanization.

Young and middle-aged audits have left the rural area for economic opportunities only available in large urban centers.

As a result, there is no one to care for the elderly who are left behind to live on their own.

This is especially true in developing countries.

- people moving from rural to urban areas.

Fewer elderly people are being cared for by their families.

Different segments of the population are growing at different rates.

The world’s population is growing at a rate of a little more than 1% per year.

As a result, there is no one to care for the elderly who are left behind to live on their own.

Elderly people are often called ...senior citizens.

As a result, there is no one to care for the elderly who are left behind to live on their own. This is especially true in developing countries.

As a result of these trends, the world’s population is aging.

The world’s population is growing at a rate of a little more than 1% per year.

Massive urbanization occurs when many people move from rural areas to large urban centers.

With an aging population, health problems become a growing concern.

Some of the leading conditions that accompany aging include vision problems, hearing loss, diabetes and dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.

These problems can lead to disabilities that make it difficult to live without assistance.

With diseases such as Alzheimer's, people lose their memory and are unable to recognize their own children.

Worldwide, more than 46% of people aged 60 and over have disabilities.

Getting meals and medical care, for example, becomes both expensive and difficult.

As a result, the cost of providing services to the sick and disabled can become a huge problem.

- With an aging population, there will be more health problems to deal with.

The cost of providing services to the sick and disabled can become a huge problem.

Memory loss is one example of a disability.

Elderly people are often referred to as senior citizens.

Young and middle-aged audits have left the rural area for economic opportunities only available in large urban centers.

As you can see, while the population of children is fairly constant, the elderly population is increasing at the fastest rate.

Massive urbanization means people moving from rural to urban areas.

Massive urbanization occurs when many people move from rural areas to large urban centers.

A disabled person is someone who generally needs some kind of living assistance.

Elderly people are often referred to as senior citizens.

With an aging population, health problems become a growing concern.

Memory loss is one example of a disability.

With an aging population there will be more sick and disabled people to care for.

L6-U2-P4-2 Listening : Dependency Ratio

Dependency Ratio

In economics, the dependency ratio shows the relationship between the number of people not in the labor force and those in the labor force.

Those not in the labor force are the dependent part of the population.

Those in the labor force are the productive part of the population.

A high dependency ratio means that there are fewer working people to support health, social security and education services, which are used by the dependent sectors of a population.

This number is calculated by adding together the total number of young and old people, and dividing that number by the number of working age people.

- the productive part of the population.

- the dependency ratio

The dependency ratio shows the relationship between the dependent and productive parts of a population.

A disabled person is someone who generally needs assistance to live.

Sometimes the dependency ratio is presented in two parts.

One part focuses on the ratio between children and the working age population.

This is the dependency ratio for the young.

The other is the ratio between the elderly and the working age population, which is the dependency ratio for the old.

Here are some dependency ratios for the old in 5 countries, China, India, Japan, the US and the UK.

It shows the ratios at 3 different points of time, 2000, 2015 and 2050.

Note that the greatest percentage change from 2015 to 2050 is for China.

The dependency ratio nearly triples from 13.1 to 39.

The other counties show gains, but as a percentage increase they are less.

In Japan, the ratio increases from 43.6 to 71.8 which is less than double.

- 25.1

- India

(1) Sometimes the dependency ratio is presented in two parts.

(2) One part focuses on the ratio between children and the working age population.

(3) This is the dependency ratio for the young.

(4) The other is the ratio between the elderly and the working age population, which is the dependency ratio for the old.

Note that the greatest percentage change from 2015 to 2050 is for China.

Those not in the labor force are the dependent part of the population.

The dependency ratio shows the relationship between the dependent and productive parts of a population.

The life expectancy for Japan in 2050 is predicted to be 93, which is the highest of these countries.

A high life expectancy obviously increases the dependency ratio.

And note that the dependency ratio ignores the fact that those counted in elderly segment of population are not necessarily depended.

An increasing proportion of them are working, and many of those in the working age segment may not be working.

So this way of calculating the dependency ratio in the country can be misleading.

By pointing this out, we can see the danger of using of such number to make policy without understanding how they are calculated.

In the end, details are important.

- The higher the life expectancy, the higher the dependency ratio.

When using numbers like dependency ratios, ....one needs to understand how they are calculated.

The higher the life expectancy, the higher the dependency ratio.

Sometimes the dependency ratio is presented in two parts.

When using numbers like dependency ratios, one needs to understand how they are calculated.

A high dependency ratio means that there are fewer working people to support health, social security and education services, which are used by the dependent sectors of a population.

One reason the population of children isn't growing is because of very low birth rates in developed countries.

L6-U2-P4-3 Dialogue : John's Resignation

John’s Resignation

So what is it that you wanted to see me about, John?

I thought it would be good for us to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

You're unhappy with how things are going, right?

Yes, I am. But I don't want others in the company to know.

I thought we should meet outside.

- If others saw them meeting, it could start rumors.

I thought it would be good for us to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

Ok, so what are you thinking?

To be perfectly frank, I’ve decided that it doesn’t make sense for me to stay with the company.

You are the CEO, but I don’t agree with how you’re handling things.

I can no longer support you.

Hmm, OK, I have suspected that for quite a while.

I’m still happy to support the company if I can, of course, but I’d like to work elsewhere.

There's a start-up that has contacted me, and I’m planning to join them as soon as I can.

...has decided to resign.

- He has suspected that this was coming.

I’ve decided that it doesn’t make sense for me to stay with the company.

You are the CEO, but I don’t agree with how you’re handling things.

So what is it that you wanted to see me about?

There's a start-up that has contacted me, and I’m planning to join them as soon as I can.

You're unhappy with how things are going, right?

It’s obvious that they have some problems between them.

Are you gentlemen ready to order?

No, not yet.

Could you come back in a few minutes?

Certainly, sir.

Well, we are going to miss you.

There's nothing I can say that would change your mind?

No, it’s too late for that.

I no longer have confidence in your decisions.

Your latest business plan, for example, makes no sense at all.

It makes us weaker in the area where we are strong, and it takes us in some new areas where we can’t compete.

Well, that’s where we disagree.

(1) There's nothing I can say that would change your mind?

(2) No, it’s too late for that.

(3) I no longer have confidence in your decisions.

(4) Your latest business plan, for example, makes no sense at all.

It makes us weaker in the area where we are strong, and it takes us in some new areas where we can’t compete.

Well, that’s where we disagree.

So, if that’s the way you feel about it, I agree that it’s best that you work somewhere else.

Still, I hope we can count on you when we need you for something.

Sure, keep me informed and let me know if and when I can be useful.

I will.

So how do you propose that we should communicate this to the company.

I will write up something and you can review it.

I’ll make it sound as positive as possible.


- He will work with the CEO to make the news seem as positive as possible.

Keep me informed and let me know if and when I can be useful.

There's nothing I can say that would change your mind?

Well, that’s where we disagree.

Could you come back in a few minutes?

I no longer have confidence in your decisions.

Are you gentlemen ready to order?

To count on someone means about the same as to rely on them.

OK, thanks.

I’m sure it will come as a shock to many.

Things are already difficult enough.

I know and maybe I’m wrong.

Maybe your plan will work.

If so, I will be the first to congratulate you.

Are you ready to order?

Sure, though I don’t feel like eating much.


- They expected people to be shocked.

I’m sure it will come as a shock to many.

So how do you propose that we should communicate this to the company.

He has suspected that there was a problem, so he isn't surprised by the news.

Under the circumstances, he agrees to let John go and tries to keep good relations.

I’m still happy to support the company if I can, of course, but I’d like to work elsewhere.

In a heart-to-heart conversation…people are expected to reveal their true feelings to each other.

He disagrees with how the CEO is running the company.

It’s obvious that they have some problems between them.

John’s resignation is best for the company.

To count on someone means ...about the same as to rely on them.

From this exchange it means as if… the CEO realizes that John’s departure will make things even more difficult.

Maybe your plan will work. If so, I will be the first to congratulate you.

Keep me informed and let me know if and when I can be useful.

It’s clear that he is going to resign because he no longer supports the CEO.

L6-U2-P4-4 Reading : Global Life Expectancy

Global Life Expectancy

People today are living longer than at any point in human history. Virtually every country enjoys a higher life expectancy than it did in the 19th century. In 1870, the average person could expect to live for 30 years. By 2015 that number had increased to 71, more than doubling.

The west was the first region to see an increase in life expectancy. Scientific discoveries led to a growing awareness of germs and disease. New medicines and treatments were developed, and people adopted more hygienic lifestyles. Public health measures were a major factor. During the 20th century, the average lifespan in the United States increased by more than 30 years, if which 25 years can be attributed to advances in public health.

Between 1900 and 1950, Europe’s life expectancy grew from 43 years to 65 years. However, this did not reflect the experience of the rest of the world, which largely remained impoverished and underdeveloped. In 1950, Asia’s average life expectancy was 42 and the Africa’s was 36. In the following decades, living conditions in both continents improved, along with life expectancy. As Asian economies grew, people had better access to health services and greater quantities of food. In Africa however, several countries did not see significant economic growth, but still enjoyed a growing life expectancy. This was due to better access to medicines and vaccines. As of 2015, the life expectancies of Asia and Africa were about 72 and 60 years respectively.

In all countries, some facts are universal, including higher mortality rates associated with childhood. Therefore, life expectancy increases with age. Economics condition also affect life expectancy. For example, in the UK, life expectancy among the wealthiest is several years higher than among the poorest. This may reflect factors such as diet and lifestyle, as well as access to medical care.

And finally, women enjoy an advantage over men. Females have a higher survival rate from birth to old age. Of individuals aged 110, 90% are women. In fact, for almost all animal species except birds, females have higher survival rates than males.

- factual and objective

-? Higher mortality rates are associated with childhood.

To attribute higher life expectancy to better public health means ...that better public health is a cause.

To do things in their respective order means ... to do them in the order already mentioned.

The west was the first region to see an increase in life expectancy.

Therefore, life expectancy increases with age.

During the 20th century, the average lifespan in the United States increased by more than 30 years, if which 25 years can be attributed to advances in public health.

The west was the first region to see an increase in life expectancy. Scientific discoveries led to a growing awareness of germs and disease. New medicines and treatments were developed, and people adopted more hygienic lifestyles. Public health measures were a major factor. During the 20th century, the average lifespan in the United States increased by more than 30 years, if which 25 years can be attributed to advances in public health.

(1) Between 1900 and 1950, Europe’s life expectancy grew from 43 years to 65 years.

(2) However, this did not reflect the experience of the rest of the world, which largely remained impoverished and underdeveloped.

(3) In 1950, Asia’s average life expectancy was 42 and the Africa’s was 36.

(4) In the following decades, living conditions in both continents improved, along with life expectancy.

In 1870, the average person could expect to live for 30 years.

Scientific discoveries led to a growing awareness of germs and disease.

Between 1900 and 1950, Europe’s life expectancy grew from 43 years to 65 years.

Virtually every country enjoys a higher life expectancy than it did in the 19th century.

In Africa however, several countries did not see significant economic growth, but still enjoyed a growing life expectancy.

What has been the overall trend life expectancy is around the world? They have significantly increased.

What region of world saw increase in life expectancy despite no significant economic growth? some countries in Africa

What place is significant role improving life expectancy ? public health

To be hygienic means to be clean and sanitary.

To be impoverished means ...to be extremely poor, in a state of poverty.

The attribute higher life expectancy to better public health means that better public health is a cause.

To reflect the experience means ...to serve as an example of it.

To be impoverished means ...to be extremely poor, in a state of poverty.

What was the average life expectancy in Asia in 1950? In 1950,Asia’s average life expectancy was 42 and the Africa’s was 36.

What help to increase life expectancy in Africa even without economic growth? This was due to better access to medicines and vaccines.

People today are living longer than at any point in human history.

The west was the first region to see an increase in life expectancy.

Economic conditions also affect life expectancy.

L6-U2-P4-5 Reading : Virtual Heaven

Virtual Heaven

If you could live forever, would you want to? The challenge of keeping your body alive seems impossible, but some scientists are working on an alternative. They want to create a digital copy of your “self” and keep that copy “alive” long after your physical body has stopped functioning.

In effect, their plan is to clone a person electronically. Unlike ordinary physical clones –which have identical features as their parents, but which are independent organisms, each with a different conscious self your electronic clone would believe itself to be you.

One plan relies on the development of nanotechnology. Ray Kurzweil, a leading futurist, predicts that within two or three decades we will have tiny transmitters that can be injected into the brain. How might this be possible? Once there they would line up alongside neurons and monitor the details of the brain’s activity. They would then be able to transmit that information to receivers inside a special helmet, allowing us to map the brain.

As a further step, Kurzweil foresees using these tiny transmitters to connect you to a world of virtual reality. With the transmitters in place, you could think your way onto the internet. Instead of seeing pictures on a screen, you would see them in your mind. Rather than send emails to your friends, you could meet them on some virtual tropical beach and exchange messages in “virtual person”.

For a futurist like Ray, this would be heaven, a virtual heaven. Once you upload the brain onto the internet and log on to that virtual world, your body can be left to decompose while your virtual self can play games for as long as you wish.

However, there is still a problem. To exist on the net, your virtual self will have to reside on the computer of a web-hosting company.These companies want to be paid real money, or they will delete your “self” and sell the space to someone else. With your body long gone how you pay?

What is this article about? It’s about the possibility of staying alive along after our bodies have stopped functioning.

- You would be deleted.

To clone something means ...to make copies of it from itself.

- Worn on the head to prevent protection

If you could live forever, would you want to?

Unlike ordinary physical clones –which have identical features as their parents, but which are independent organisms, each with a different conscious self– your electronic clone would believe itself to be you.

Once you upload the brain onto the internet and log on to that virtual world, your body can be left to decompose while your virtual self can play games for as long as you wish.

In effect, their plan is to clone a person electronically. Unlike ordinary physical clones –which have identical features as their parents, but which are independent organisms, each with a different conscious self your electronic clone would believe itself to be you.

However, there is still a problem. To exist on the net, your virtual self will have to reside on the computer of a web-hosting company.These companies want to be paid real money, or they will delete your “self” and sell the space to someone else. With your body long gone how you pay?

(1) One plan relies on the development of nanotechnology.

(2) Ray Kurzweil, a leading futurist, predicts that within two or three decades we will have tiny transmitters that can be injected into the brain.

(3) Once there they would line up alongside neurons and monitor the details of the brain’s activity.

(4) They would then be able to transmit that information to receivers inside a special helmet, allowing us to map the brain.

With the transmitters in place, you could think your way onto the internet.

If you could live forever, would you want to?

For a futurist like Ray, this would be heaven, a virtual heaven.

The challenge of keeping your body alive seems impossible, but some scientists are working on an alternative.

These companies want to be paid real money, or they will delete your “self” and sell the space to someone else.

With the transmitters in place, you could think your way onto the internet.

In effect, their plan is to clone a person electronically.

For a futurist like Ray, this would be heaven, a virtual heaven.

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