Scala的main方法(類似java的static方法)必須定義在一個object內(nèi):object Test1 {?def main(args: Array[String]){println("hello world")}}
不帶命令行參數(shù)的簡化main方法:object app1 extends Application{?println("hello world")}
Scala的import可以只在局部作用域內(nèi)生效鹿寨;“import javax.swing.{JFrame=>jf}”來聲明類型的別名掉蔬。jf.show() ? limport javax.swing._ ? ?import java.util.{List, Map} ??import java.util._, java.io._ ? ? ? ? ??Scala缺省導(dǎo)入如下包:?java.lang.* ??scala.* ??scala.Predef
由于Scala的package可以是相對路徑下定義浑厚,有可能命名沖突,可以用:import _root_.java.lang.Long
package com.wr3 {?//import java.nio._ // "*"是scala的正常函數(shù)名颜曾,所以用_
class c1 {?def m1() { println("c1.m1()") }?} ? ?object o1 {?def main(args: Array[String]) { ?println("o1.main()")?new c1().m1() ?}?}?}
編譯:fsc package.scala?運(yùn)行:java com.wr3.o1 //方式1 ? ? ??scala com.wr3.o1 //方式2
Scala2.8+支持包對象(package object),除了和2.8之前一樣可以有下級的object和class秉剑,還可以直接有下級變量和函數(shù)泛豪,例如:package p0 ?package object p1{?val a = 10 ? def b = "hello " + a?def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = printf("%s",p0.p1.b)?}
p1就是一個包對象,a和b就是包p1直屬的常量和函數(shù), ?$fsc foo.scala命令產(chǎn)生如下class:?./p0/p1/package.class ??調(diào)用:?scala p0.p1.package
沒有java的:?b = (x>y) ? 100 : -1 ? ?就用:?if (x>y) 100 else -1 沒有Java的三元表達(dá)式
map ?m->m ; ?flatMap?m->n ; ? indices ?m->m; ?foreach?m->Unit;?for (... if ...) ?yield ?m->n; ? ? ? ??collect ?{ case ... if ... => ... } ?m->n; ??filter, filterNot ?m->n;?take ?m->n;?takeWhile?m->n; ? ? ? ? ? ? forall ??m->1 (true|false);?reduceLeft, foldLeft?m->1;?scanLeft?m->m+1;?exists?m->1 (true|false); ??find?m->1 (或者None);?count?m->1;?span, partition?m->2.
for(i<-1 to 10;j=i*i) println(j) ? ?for (s <- ss) foo(s) ? ?for (i <- 0 to n) foo(i) //包含n诡曙,即Range(0,1,2,...,n,n+1) ??for (i <- 0 until n) foo(i)? //不包含n,即Range(0,1,2,3,...,n) ??例如:?for(n<-List(1,2,3,4) if n%2?== 1) yield n*n? // List(1, 9) ?等價于不用for的寫法: ?List(1,2,3,4).filter(_%2?== 1).map(n => n*n) ?for ( n<-Array(1,2,3,4) if n%2?== 1) yield n*n? // Array(1, 9)注意:如果if后面不止一條語句略水,要用{..}包裹价卤。?var s = 0; for (i <- 0 until 100) { s += i } // s = 4950
for(i<-0 to 5; j<-0 to2) yield i+j?// Vector(0, 1,2,1,2, 3,2, 3, 4,3, 4, 5,4, 5, 6,5, 6, 7)
for{i<-0 to 5?j<-0 to2} ?yield i+j
def?triangle(n: Int) =for{ ? x <- 1 to21 ? y <- x to21 ? z <- y to21ifx * x + y * y == z * z }yield(x, y, z)
結(jié)果:// Vector((3,4,5), (5,12,13), (6,8,10), (8,15,17), (9,12,15), (12,16,20))
把每次循環(huán)的結(jié)果“移”進(jìn)一個集合(類型和循環(huán)內(nèi)的一致)?for {子句} yield {循環(huán)體}
正確:?for (e<-List(1,2,3)) yield (e*e) // List(1,4,9)?for {e<-List(1,2,3)} yield { e*e } // List(1,4,9) ? ??for {e<-List(1,2,3)} yield e*e // List(1,4,9)
錯誤:for (e<-List(1,2,3)) { yield e*e } //語法錯誤,yield不能在任何括號內(nèi)
List(1,2,3).foreach(println) ; (1to3).foreach(println); (1until4) foreach println;?Range(1,3) foreach println?注意:to包含聚请,until不包含(最后的數(shù))都可以寫步長荠雕,如:
1 to (11,2) // 1,3,5,7,9,11步長為2 ??== 1 to 11 by?2?
1 until (11,2) // 1,3,5,7,9 ?== 1 until 11 by?2
val r = (1 to 10 by 4) // (1,5,9), r.start=r.first=1; r.end=10, r.last=9
也可以是BigInt?(1:BigInt) to 3
"所有都符合"——相當(dāng)于A1 && A2&& A3 && ... && Ai && ... && An
(1 to 3) forall (0<) // true ? ?(-1 to 3) forall (0<) // false
又如:def isPrime(n:Int) =2?until n forall (n % _ !=0)
for (i<-1 to 100 if isPrime(i)) println(i)
(2?to?20) partition (isPrime _)// (2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19), (4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,18,20)
(2to20) partition (BigInt(_) isProbablePrime(10))
//注:isProbablePrime(c)中c越大,是質(zhì)數(shù)的概率越高驶赏,10對應(yīng)概率:1 - 1/(2**10) = 0.999
reduceLeft方法首先應(yīng)用于前兩個元素炸卑,然后再應(yīng)用于第一次應(yīng)用的結(jié)果和接下去的一個元素,等等煤傍,直至整個列表盖文。例如?計(jì)算階乘:?deffac(n: Int) = 1 to n reduceLeft(_*_) ?fac(5) // 5*4*3*2= 120?相當(dāng)于:?((((1*2)*3)*4)*5)?
計(jì)算sum:List(2,4,6).reduceLeft(_+_) // 12?相當(dāng)于:?((2+4)+6)
取max:List(1,4,9,6,7).reduceLeft( (x,y)=> if (x>y) x else y ) // 9
或者簡化為:List(1,4,9,6,7).reduceLeft(_max_) // 9
相當(dāng)于:((((1 max 4) max 9) max 6) max 7)
def sum(L: List[Int]): Int = {?var result = 0?for (item <- L)?result += item?result?}
def sum(L: Seq[Int]) = L.foldLeft(0)((a, b) => a + b)
def sum(L: Seq[Int]) = L.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
def sum(L: List[Int]) = (0/:L){_ + _}//暫時還不理解的請看2.16.6的注釋
調(diào)用:sum(List(1,3,5,7)) // 16
乘法:?def multiply(L: Seq[Int]) = L.foldLeft(1)(_ * _) ?multiply(Seq(1,2,3,4,5)) // 120?multiply(1 until 5+1) // 120
List(1,2,3,4,5).scanLeft(0)(_+_) // (0,1,3,6,10,15)?相當(dāng)于:(0,(0+1),(0+1+2),(0+1+2+3),(0+1+2+3+4),(0+1+2+3+4+5)) ?
List(1,2,3,4,5).scanLeft(1)(_*_) // (1,2,6,24,120)?相當(dāng)于?(1, 1*1, 1*1*2, 1*1*2*3, 1*1*2*3*4, 1*1*2*3*4*5)
注:(z/:List(a, b, c))(op)相當(dāng)于op(op(op(z, a), b), c) ?加法用0,乘法用1 ?(List(a, b, c):\z) (op) equals op(a, op(b, op(c,z))) ?注意兩者之間的差異 /: ?參數(shù)在左 ? ?:\參數(shù)在右 ?/:和:\的用法
1 to 10 by?2?take 3 // Range(1, 3, 5) ??1 to 10 by?2?drop 3 // Range(7, 9) ?1 to 10 by?2?splitAt?2// (Range(1, 3),Range(5, 7, 9))
例子:前10個質(zhì)數(shù)?def prime(n:Int) = (! ((2to math.sqrt(n).toInt) exists (i=> n%i==0)))
2?to 100 filter prime take 10
2.16.8.takeWhile, dropWhile, span
while語句的縮寫蚯姆, ?takeWhile(...)?等價于:while(...) {take}
dropWhile(...)?等價于:while(...) {drop}
span (...)?等價于:while (...) { take; drop }
1 to 10 takeWhile (_<5) // (1,2,3,4)
1 to 10 takeWhile (_>5) // () ?//Takes longest?prefix?of elements that satisfy a predicate.
10 to (1,-1) takeWhile(_>6) // (10,9,8,7)
1 to 10 takeWhile (n=>n*n<25) // (1,2, 3, 4)
例如洒敏,從1 to 10取前幾個數(shù)字,要求累加不超過30:
var sum=0; ?val rt = (1 to 10).takeWhile(e=> {sum=sum+e;sum<30})// Range(1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
1 to 10 dropWhile (_<5) // (5,6,7,8,9,10)
1 to 10 dropWhile (n=>n*n<25) // (5,6,7,8,9,10)
1 to 10 span (_<5) // ((1,2,3,4),(5,6,7,8,9它碎,10) )
List(1,0,1,0) span (_>0) // ((1), (0,1,0))
List(1,0,1,0) partition (_>0) // ((1,1),(0,0))
例子1:打印'a' to 'z'的前10個?vari=0; val rt = for(e<-('a' to 'z') if {i=i+1;i<=10}) printf("%d:%s\n",i,e)
或者:('a' to 'z').slice(0,10).foreach(println)
例子2:1 to 100和小于1000的數(shù)
var (n,sum)=(0,0); for(i<-0 to 100 if (sum+i<1000)) { n=i; sum+=i }?// n = 44, sum = 990
例子3:使用庫來實(shí)現(xiàn)break ?import?scala.util.control.Breaks._
for(e<-1 to 10) { val e2= e*e; if (e2>10)break; println(e) }
object operator {class complex(vali:Int,valj:Int) { // val是必須的
def +(c2: complex) = {new complex (i+c2.i, j+c2.j)}
override def toString() = { "(" + i + "," + j + ")" }}
def main(args:Array[String]) = {?val c1 = new complex(3, 10) ?val c2= new complex(5, 70)
printf("%s + %s = %s", c1, c2, c1+c2)?}}
編譯:fsc operator.scala ?運(yùn)行:java operator // (3,10) + (5,70) = (8,80)
scala._ 自動加載,只有發(fā)生類名沖突時才需要帶上scala.包名套腹。
implicit def foo(s:String):Int = Integer.parseInt(s) //需要時把String->Int def add(a:Int, b:Int) = a+b ??add("100",8) // 108,先把"100"隱式轉(zhuǎn)換為100
第一步:寫函數(shù)?def factorial(n: Int) = 1 to n reduceLeft(_*_)
第二步:定義"!"函數(shù)?class m1(n: Int) {?def ! =factorial(n)?}
implicit def m2(n:Int) = new m1(n) //隱式轉(zhuǎn)換,即在需要時把n轉(zhuǎn)換為new m1(n)
注意:上面可以用匿名類簡化為:implicit def m2(n:Int) =new { def ! = factorial(n) }
第三步:使用?val n = 100?printf("%d! = %s\n", n, (n!))? // n!相當(dāng)于new m1(n).!() ?println(10!)
2.19.3.例子:cout ?//Converting the receiver
import java.io._
class C1(p:PrintStream) {def << (a:Any) = {p.print(a) ?p.flush?p?}}
implicit def anyFuncName(p:PrintStream) = new C1(p)
val endl = '\n'?System.out<<"hello"<<" world"<
System.out has no '<<' function, implicitly convert it as C1 object and call the function '<<'
implicit def elvisOperator[T](alt: T) =new{
def ?:[A >: T](pred: A) = if( pred ==null) alt else pred?}
null ?: "" // "" ? ?"abc" ?: "" // "abc" ? ??10 ?: 0 // 10 ? ? ??(null ?: 0).asInstanceOf[Int] // 0
2.19.5.已有Object加新方法(用法二Converting the receiver)
object NewMethod{?//定義新方法join()
implicit def?foo1[T](list:List[T]) = new {?def?join(s:String) = list.mkString(s)?}//測試
def main(args:Array[String]) :Unit= {?Console println List(1,2,3,4,5).join(" - ")// " 1 -2- 3 - 4-5"}}
解釋:編譯器發(fā)現(xiàn)List沒有join(String)方法沉迹,就發(fā)查找代碼中有沒有定義在implicit def xx(List)內(nèi)的join(String)方法睦疫,如果有就調(diào)用這個。
為Int增加乘方操作:def pow(n:Int, m:Int):Int = if (m==0) 1 else n*pow(n,m-1)?implicit def foo(n:Int) = new {def **(m:Int) = pow(n,m)?} ? ??2**10 // 1024
implicit def foo(n:Int) = new { def next = n+1 } ? ?10.next // 11
例如:type JDate = java.util.Date ??type SDate = java.sql.Date
val d1 = new JDate()? //相當(dāng)于val d = new java.util.Date()
val d2= new SDate()? //相當(dāng)于val d = new java.sql.Date()
用法三?Implicit parameters,缺省參數(shù)
class PreferredPrompt(val preference: String)
object Greeter {?def greet(name: String)(implicit?prompt: PreferredPrompt ) {
println("Welcome, "+ name +". The system is ready.")?println(prompt.preference)?}}
implicit?val prompt = new PreferredPrompt("Yes, master> ")
scala> Greeter.greet("Joe")
Welcome, Joe. The system is ready.
Yes, master>
def foo[T](a:T) = println("value is " + a) ?foo(10) // "value is 10"?foo(3.14) // "value is 3.14"?foo("hello") // "value is hello"
class C1[T] {?private var v:T = _ ??def set(v1:T) = { v = v1 }?def get = v?} ??new C1[Int].set(10).get // 10?new C1[String].set("hello").get // "hello"
abstract?class C1 { ?type T?val e:T?}
abstract?class C2?{ ?type T?val list:List[T]?def len = list.length?}
def m1(e1:Int) = new C1{ ?type T = Int?val e = e1?}
def m2(e1:List[Int]) = new C2?{?type T = Int ?val list = e1?}
Console println m1(10) // 10
Console println m2(List(1,2,3,4,5)).len // 5
object Color extends Enumeration{?type Color =Value?val RED, GREEN, BLUE, WHITE, BLACK =Value?}
注:有點(diǎn)費(fèi)解瓦糕,特別是Enumeration defines an inner class named Value
Color.RED // Color.Value = RED
import Color._
val colorful = Color.values filterNot (e=> e==WHITE || e==BLACK)
colorful foreach println // RED\nGREEN\nBLUE
object Color extends Enumeration {
val RED =Value("紅色")
val GREEN = Value("綠色")
val BLUE = Value("藍(lán)色")
val WHITE = Value("黑")
val BLASK = Value("白")
Color.RED // Color.Value =紅色
import Color._
val colorful = Color.values filterNot (List("黑","白") contains _.toString)
colorful foreach println //紅色\n綠色\n藍(lán)色