Laborious——if anyone ask me how was today,that will be the only answers that I can come up with.
Even half a day past,I still feel really tired.
I was working on my Monthly statement in the forenoon.By the time when I writing,I also listening some English program.
That was obviously a good time,and that part was really high quality. But so unfortunately,I lost it because I forget to save it.
And that was really hit and hurt me a lot.
Beside that mistake,everything is all to good.
Nice Shine day锤悄,that is really hard-earned in Jiezi耀态,I sitting outside and enjoy the sun shine for half an hour,that makes me feel full of happniess.
Busy afternoon,thanks of the good weather,all of our classmate are dynamic,so we cleaned the water pool.and washed the car.
As for the evening,all the boys played basketball in the foreign language university,tired but excited.
While we playing basketball,there are always have some beautiful girl walk around.
Makes me dynamic again,I love this feel.
When we came back to room,I was already run out of power,but I have to face a cool problem——the water poor are not working anymore,I can't take shower unless I fix it.
So I find two friend,and try to fix it.At last problem solved,and I "dead" on my bed while I back to room.