去年,噶ち冢克斯商業(yè)頻道主播翠西·里根 (Trish Regan) 約戰(zhàn)CGTN主播劉欣危虱,二人就中美貿(mào)易等相關(guān)話題展開唇槍舌戰(zhàn)。
The Fox Business anchor Trish Regan has departed the cable news network, two weeks after she was benched following an on-air monologue in which she dismissed concerns about the coronavirus as a “scam” fueled by enemies of President Trump.
此前厕吉,福克斯商業(yè)頻道主播特翠西·里根(Trish Regan)在直播中高談闊論械念,將人們對新冠病毒的擔(dān)憂視作騙局而不予理會头朱,并聲稱這種說法的背后是特朗普的政敵在推波助瀾。隨后龄减,翠西的節(jié)目遭停播项钮。兩周后,翠西從赶M#克斯商業(yè)頻道離職烁巫。
anchor: N-COUNT?The?anchor?on a television or radio programme, especially a news programme, is the person who presents it. 節(jié)目主持人
He worked in the news division of ABC – he was the anchor of its 15-minute evening newscast.?
We believe the PLA Hong Kong Garrison will continue to be the anchor for Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability.
the economic anchor of the New Europe 新歐洲的經(jīng)濟(jì)支柱
depart:? to leave your job?離職
the departing president?行將卸任的總裁
He departed his job December 16. 他于12月16日離職。
bench: vt. to remove from or keep out of a game棍潘;(broadly) to remove from use or from a position 把(場上隊(duì)員)換下再沧;罰...下場;不讓...上場
monologue:n. If you refer to a long speech by one person during a conversation as a monologue, you mean it prevents other people from talking or expressing their opinions.滔滔不絕的講話;個(gè)人的長篇大論
He went into a long monologue about life in America.?
scam: n. A?scam?is an illegal trick, usually with the purpose of getting money from people or avoiding paying tax.(通常以詐財(cái)或逃稅為目的的)騙局
an insurance scam 騙保
The network said on Friday that it “has parted ways” with Ms. Regan, whose prime-time program was abruptly pulled from the channel’s schedule this month.
part ways (with sb.):To separate or depart (from one); to stop associating (with one)?與...分開鞠值,分道揚(yáng)鑣媚创,各奔東西,還可以是:part company (with/from sb)彤恶,意思也是類似的钞钙,比如:
The band have parted company with their manager. 樂隊(duì)與其經(jīng)理已散伙了。?
The band and their manager have parted company. 樂隊(duì)與其經(jīng)理已散伙了声离。
prime-time: adj. Prime time television or radio programmes are broadcast when the greatest number of people are watching television or listening to the radio, usually in the evenings. 黃金時(shí)段芒炼,比如:
a prime-time television show 一個(gè)黃金時(shí)段的電視節(jié)目。
In a statement of her own that the network distributed, Ms. Regan, 47, wrote that she was looking forward to “this next chapter” of her career. “I have enjoyed my time at Fox and now intend to focus on my family during these troubled times,” she wrote.
troubled: adj. ( of a place, situation or time 地方世囊、局勢或時(shí)間?) having a lot of problems 麻煩多的别瞭;混亂的窿祥;擾亂的株憾,比如:
a troubled marriage?坎坷的婚姻
We live in troubled times . 我們生逢亂世。
Conservative media stars, including Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity of Fox News, have come under intense scrutiny after playing down the coronavirus and assuring millions of Americans that concerns about the illness had been overhyped by Democrats and journalists intent on undermining Mr. Trump.
干柜茫克斯新聞頻道的拉什·林博(Rush Limbaugh)和肖恩·漢尼蒂(Sean Hannity)等保守派知名媒體人曾有意淡化新冠病毒的影響嗤瞎,并向數(shù)百萬美國人信誓旦旦地宣稱,是有意抹黑特朗普的民主黨人和記者擴(kuò)大了公眾對這種疾病的擔(dān)憂听系。此后贝奇,他們受到了嚴(yán)格的審查。
play down: If you play down something, you try to make people believe that it is not particularly important 貶低靠胜,比如:
They have played down the significance of the reports.他們已貶低了這些報(bào)告的重要性掉瞳。
play down的反義詞就在下一句:overhype: vt. make exaggerated claims about (a product, idea or event); publicize or promote excessively 過分提倡毕源,過度宣揚(yáng)(產(chǎn)品、想法陕习、事件)
undermine: vt. If you undermine someone or undermine their position or authority, you make their authority or position less secure, often by indirect methods (通常以間接方式)動搖(某人的地位或權(quán)威)霎褐,比如:
She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent.她動搖了他的地位,摧毀了他對自己才能的信心该镣。
Ms. Regan’s remarks, on her March 9 program, were singled out as misleading and irresponsible, including by many of her colleagues at Fox Business and its corporate sibling, Fox News. On air, she accused liberals of rooting for a market collapse and trying to “demonize and destroy the president” in front of a graphic reading, “Coronavirus Impeachment Scam.”
root for: to support or encourage sb in a sports competition or when they are in a difficult situation,(體育比賽或遭遇困難時(shí))給…助威擦耀,給…加油棉圈,比如:
We're rooting for the Lakers.我們在為湖人隊(duì)加油。
demonize: vt. If people demonize someone, they convince themselves that that person is evil 妖魔化眷蜓,比如:
Each side began to demonize the other.雙方開始把對方妖魔化分瘾。
impeachment: n. The impeachment of a senior official is the process of charging them with a crime that makes them unfit for office. 彈劾;控告
The decision by Fox Business to remove Ms. Regan’s show took some journalists and anchors at the network by surprise: Fox executives are accustomed to withstanding public pressure, and rarely make personnel moves that can be construed as validating criticisms of the network.
赣跸担克斯商業(yè)公司(Fox Business)解聘翠西的決定令傅抡伲克斯商業(yè)頻道的一些新聞工作者和主持人頗感意外:一直以來,钙耍克斯公司高管都比較能承受公眾壓力上岗,很少采取人事任免的辦法正面回應(yīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)批評。
construe: vt. If something is construed in a particular way, its nature or meaning is interpreted in that way詮釋蕴坪,理解肴掷,比如:
He may construe the approach as a hostile act.他可能把這種方法理解為一種不友善的行為。
validate: vt. To validate a person, state, or system means to prove or confirm that they are valuable or worthwhile背传,證實(shí)……有價(jià)值呆瞻,比如:
The Academy Awards appear to validate his career.這些奧斯卡金像獎看來證實(shí)了他的職業(yè)生涯的價(jià)值。
But the fast-moving pandemic, which has sickened tens of thousands of Americans and upended the nation’s economy in a matter of weeks, made Ms. Regan’s position less tenable at the network, where her program attracts a fraction of Mr. Hannity’s audience.
upend: vt. If you upend something, you turn it upside down 顛倒,比如:
?The bicycle lay upended in a ditch. 自行車翻倒在一條小水溝里前域。
tenable: adj. of a theory, an opinion, etc. ?easy to defend against attack or criticism始绍,站得住腳的,說得過去的话侄,比如:
The lectureship is tenable for a period of two years.講師這一職務(wù)任期兩年亏推。
A graduate of Phillips Exeter and Columbia, Ms. Regan worked as a business news correspondent at CBS News, CNBC and Bloomberg Television before arriving at Fox Business in 2015. She jumped to prime time in 2019, remaking herself as a reliably pro-Trump personality who secured two interviews with the president.
翠西畢業(yè)于菲利普斯·埃克塞特(Phillips Exeter)和哥倫比亞大學(xué)(Columbia)年堆,曾在CBS News吞杭、CNBC和彭博電視臺(BBS)擔(dān)任商業(yè)新聞通訊員,后于2015年入職副渖ィ克斯商業(yè)頻道(Fox Business)芽狗。2019年,翠西躋身黃金時(shí)段痒蓬,曾兩次采訪特朗普童擎,搖身一變成為親特朗普陣營的名人。
secure: vt. If you secure something that you want or need, you obtain it, often after a lot of effort 爭取到攻晒,比如:
They continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire.他們繼續(xù)他們爭取凸烁矗火的努力。
remake:to make anew or in a different form鲁捏,在這個(gè)語境中芯砸,表示和以往的自己不一樣了,make herself in a different form给梅。
翻譯假丧、筆記整理:Zoe,CATTI 2动羽, TEM 8