Now, people in China are very worried about the pnoeumonia caused by the novel coronavius. I am worried about that too.
Up to now, there are 44742 confirmed cases, 16067 suspected cases, 8204 patients in critical condition. Luckily, there are 4771 cured people. That gives me confidence.
So, people who had this health problem have to be under medical observation and quarantine. Because it has incubation怀大,and it can cause human-to-human transmission and droplet transmission. So, it will make secondary infection case.
In my eyes, doctors should be brave. They will wear (face) mask倚搬,protective clothing余舶,goggles,disposable gloves. While in fact, there aren't many medical supplies left.
Pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus is public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Some of the doctors from all over the country went to makeshift hospitals help to fight against with the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus, sing songs and dance with the patients or read books with them to adela's starry sea.
Hope it will be better!
加油武漢亥鸠! 加油中國(guó)!
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Written by Hatti
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2020.2.12