? ? ? During? the? last? few? years , the? phrase
" fix? a? position "? is? becoming? more? and?
more? popular . It? is? widely? used? in? many
different? situations.? Today ,? on? January?
20th , 2018 , I? also? follow? the? fashion . I
will? set? myself? at? the? right? position? so
that? I? can? find? my? direction? and? make? a
living? better.
? ? ? How? time? flies ! I? am? one? year? older
again . Too? many? facts? are? showing
that? physical? strength? and? energy? are
not? as? good? as? I? used? to? be . So? taking
good? care? of? my? health? has? become?
the? first? important? task . On? one? hand ,? I
must? pay? enough? attention? to? rest? ,
eating? habits? and? exercise .On? the? other
hand ,? I? have? to? give? up? some? bad
hobbies? and? habits ,? such? as? playing
cards ,? staying? up? late and? so? on .
? ? ? Take? action !? Make? it !
? ? ? Nothing? is? more? important? than
health? and? safety . So? ,? look? after? my?
family? and? myself !
? ? ? Remember? someone? said? "Maybe? you
are? like? grass? in? your? workplace ,? but
you? are? really? the? sky? in? your? family ."
In? this? case ,? I? should? try? to? be? a? wise
person? and? manage? my? own? little? days
in? the? best? ways .? From? now? on , I? will
never? let? any? work? situation? influence
my? daily? life? any? longer . Without? doubt ,
this? is? the? only? wisest? choice .
? ? ? As? for? work ,? the? resplendence? in
the? past? has? gone.? From? now? on ,? I? will
no? longer? seek? after? fame? and? fortune .
All? that? I? should? do? is? to? enjoy? the? joy?
of? work? and? enjoy? the? time? to? stay? with
the? students.
? ? ? At? the? same? time ,? remember? a? word
—— " You? are? so? ordinary? like? a? grain? of
dust? that? few? people? pay? attention? to?
you? at? all . So? you? don't? push? yourself
so? hard? and? you? don't? need? to? be? too
tired . Be? simple? and? relaxed , please !"
? ? ? Besides ,? the? dream? is? there? forever .
But? I? can? only? do? what? I? should? do . As
for? the? result? ,? anything? is? OK . More
haste ,? less? speed . Man? proposes ,? but
God? disposes . So? I? will? not? worry? about
it? any? more.? Let? nature? take? its? course ,
all? along? with? reason.
? ? ? Oh? , one? more? thing ,? Whether? you
are? happy? or? not? ,? the? man-made
storms? are? always? there? from? time? to
time .? I? won't? mind? the? terrible? storms
any? longer . Face? and? accept? them? with
a? smile ,? let? them? be? a? part? of? my?
everyday? life .
? ? ? I? have? fixed? a? position? for? myself .
From? now? on? ,? a? new? start? will? appear
my? life .