? ? ? 真是沒有想到短短的14天訓(xùn)練營竟然讓我這樣一個后知后覺的人有了一種要為目標立刻行動的沖勁校坑!現(xiàn)在正朝著目標一步步前進虫腋。
I did not expect such good experiences before I joined 14-day XiaoBai training camp. It really exceeds my expectation. I just cannot believe someone like me, a slow player, set up goal so quickly and made plans for it immediately.
? ? ? 現(xiàn)在想想對我過去的三十年(不小心暴露年齡了)簡直是匪夷所思禀横,我怎么能如此巧妙地避開這些財富理念和理財思維的呢?訓(xùn)練營的課程和分享言語樸實真摯蜡塌,知識點清晰赦肃,尤其是自己栽過跟頭入過坑的地方,一聽就明白了货邓,我很懊惱自己當年怎么那么笨秆撮。細細回味這14天的課我也就找到癥結(jié)所在了,因為那時的我對財富的渴望不強烈换况,更要命的是唯有勤勞才能致富职辨、投資就是投機這種隱形的觀念深深地扎根在潛意識深處而不自知盗蟆。風(fēng)險等級意識也薄弱得要命,十幾年未見的老同學(xué)一說有投資理財app很掙錢就馬上投了舒裤,都沒弄明白它背后的邏輯和風(fēng)險喳资,結(jié)果2.5萬就這樣打水飄了。而這個理財app連P2P都不是腾供,就是個在股票軟件外殼包裝下類似傳銷的經(jīng)濟詐騙工具∑偷耍現(xiàn)在小白營快畢業(yè)了,這樣低級的錯誤是不會再犯了伴鳖。閨蜜上個月去保險公司上班了节值,現(xiàn)在一直安利我買一款保險。我一看保險內(nèi)容不就是訓(xùn)練營的例子嗎榜聂?搞疗!當即我就跟閨蜜說這款保險不適合我。要是換了以前我肯定又入坑了峻汉。當然我相信閨蜜是為我著想把她認為最劃算最好的保險推薦給我贴汪。經(jīng)過這件事我更加確定要好好學(xué)接下來的三門初級課。
? ? ? The training makes me think about my 30-year wealth concept and financial management ability. And it proves to be a disaster. I was so foolish that got trapped by a fraud which now looks so obvious after this training. I only followed a classmate’s suggestion to invest without considering any logic or risk behind that investment. It was so ridiculous that the fraud tool was not even a p2p app. It was just a delicately packed pyramid selling system which just looked like a stock trading app. However, I will not make such mistake any more after this training. One of my best friends who joined an insurance company last moth was trying to convince me to buy an insurance product. After reading its detail items, I realized it was just exactly the case XiaoBai training class had presented. I rejected it right away though I knew my friend was very kind and just wanted to advise an insurance product which she thought was best for me. After this I am 100 percent sure that I will study hard on following three subjects.
? ? ? 訓(xùn)練營的培訓(xùn)模式也很特別休吠,在這里得不好意思地自曝一下:為了緩減離職半年的焦慮以及逃避三年生兩娃一度懷疑人生走下坡的恐慌扳埂,我在網(wǎng)上報了五個學(xué)習(xí)班,英語方面的三個瘤礁,讀書班一個阳懂,還有就是長投的小白訓(xùn)練營。但是沒有一個班級的班主任像小白訓(xùn)練營這么負責(zé)的柜思,還有學(xué)姐學(xué)長的暖心陪伴岩调、及時回復(fù)、掏心窩的分享赡盘。昨天居然還無意中在讀書班里遇到一位長投學(xué)長一位長投學(xué)姐号枕,都一致對長投好評滿滿還鼓勵我來著呢!
? ? ? The learning model of Xiaobai Training Camp is also very special. I have enrolled in four other classes, three are English courses and one is reading class. But none of those classes’ teacher is as dutiful as ChangTou’s. What’s more, senior schoolmates from ChangTou always response us quickly and share investment experience with us. Yesterday I met two senior school mates from ChangTou in that reading class. What a coincidence! Both of them spoke highly of ChangTou and encouraged me to study hard.
? ? ? 期待下一課程陨享,期待遇見更多長投學(xué)子册烈,學(xué)習(xí)理財路上不再孤單释移。
? ? ? ? I am looking forward to next course and to meeting more Changtouness. I am so glad that I am not alone on the way of leaning.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 55期83班253? Elle
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