Time: 17:34-49 ?基本理解大意缩麸,部分段落主題句(首句哦)get,hope better~
Day 1?
1. far beyond its borders
2. stagnation has been the hallmark of a country
1) stagnate
If something such as a business or society stagnates, it stops changing or progressing.
Industrial production is stagnating.
His career had stagnated.
Synonyms: vegetate, decline, deteriorate, rot
U-stagnation: ...the stagnation of the steel industry.
2) hallmark
1> countable noun
The hallmark of something or someone is their most typical quality or feature.
It's a technique that has become the hallmark of Amber Films.
The killing had the hallmarks of a professional assassination.
His designs show a love of simplicity which is very much his hallmark.
Synonyms: trademark, indication, badge, emblem ?
2> countable noun
A hallmark is an official mark put on things made of gold, silver, or platinum that indicates the quality of the metal, where the object was made, and who made it.
3> platinum: ['pl?t?n?m]
【1】uncountable noun
Platinum is a very valuable, silvery-grey metal. It is often used for making jewellery. ?白金府喳;鉑针姿;鉑金
Platinum hair is very fair, almost white. ?銀灰色
...a platinum blonde with thick eye shadow and scarlet lipstick.
【3】US designating a record, tape, disc, video, etc. which has registered sales of a specified number, as two million, or value, as $1,000,000 ?百萬銷量
platinum reflects a greater number or value than gold
3. established party
1>?widely or permanently accepted
We were following what had been established custom and practice for many years.
old established practices which have evolved over time
That link is an established medical fact.
2>?officially recognized or well respected
a partner in an established law firm
the established names of Paris fashion
This was a well-established custom among the prisoners.
The abbreviation for established is est
4. upheaval [?phi?v?l]
An upheaval is a big change which causes a lot of trouble, confusion, and worry.
Wherever there is political upheaval, invariably there are refugees.
Having a baby will mean the greatest upheaval in your life.
Synonyms: disturbance, revolution, disorder, turmoil
1) If something invariably happens or is invariably true, it always happens or is always true.
They almost invariably get it wrong.
Their teamwork was invariably good.
Invariably, he keeps the refrigerator well stocked.
Synonyms: always, regularly, constantly, every time
5. The Socialist and Republican parties, which have held power since the fouding of the Fifth Republic in 1958, could be eliminated in the first round of a presidential ballot.
1) The Socialist and Republican parties
2) ballot [b?l?t]
1> countable noun
A ballot is a secret vote in which people select a candidate in an election, or express their opinion about something.
The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks.
Fifty of its members will be elected by direct ballot.
Synonyms: vote, election, voting, poll ?
2> countable noun
A ballot is a piece of paper on which you indicate your choice or opinion in a secret vote.
Election boards will count the ballots by hand.
They succeeded in putting Perot's name on the ballot in Florida.
3> verb
If you ballot a group of people, you find out what they think about a subject by organizing a secret vote.
The union said they will ballot members on whether to strike.
Synonyms: poll, canvass
6. insurgent candidate
[?ns???d??nt] C
Insurgents are people who are fighting against the government or army of their own country.
By early yesterday, the insurgents had taken control of the country's main military air base.
Synonyms: rebel, revolutionary, revolter, rioter
7. charismatic leader & upstart leader
1)? [k?r?z?m?t?k]
1> A charismatic person attracts, influences, and inspires people by their personal qualities.
...her striking looks and charismatic personality.
Synonyms: charming, appealing, attractive, influential
2> The charismatic church is the part of the Christian Church that believes that people can obtain special gifts from God, for example the power to heal sick people.
2) upstart C
1>?a person who has recently come into wealth, power, etc., esp. one who behaves in a presumptuous, aggressive manner; parvenu
2>?newly rich, powerful, etc.
3>?of or characteristic of an upstart
3) [pr??z?mpt?u?s]
If you describe someone or their behaviour as presumptuous, you disapprove of them because they are doing something that they have no right or authority to do.
It would be presumptuous to judge what the outcome will be.
Synonyms: pushy [informal] , forward, bold, arrogant
4) [?pɑ:v?nju:] ?C
If you describe someone as a parvenu, you think that although they have acquired wealth or high status they are not very cultured or well-educated.
[formal , disapproval]
Synonyms: upstart, nouveau riche, social climber, arriviste
8. The resulting realignment will have reverberations far beyond France's borders.
1) realignment? [?ri:?'la?nm?nt]
variable noun
If a company, economy, or system goes through a realignment, it is organized or arranged in a new way.
...a realignment of the existing political structure.
Synonyms: readjustment, restructuring, shake-up, reshuffling
2) reverberation ?[r??v?:b??re??n]
1> countable noun
Reverberations are serious effects that follow a sudden, dramatic event.
The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education.
2> variable noun
A reverberation is the shaking and echoing effect that you hear after a loud sound has been made.
Jason heard the reverberation of the slammed door.
Synonyms: echo, ringing, resonance, resounding
9. revitalise or wreck
1)? [ri?'va?t?la?z]? in BRIT, also use revitalise
To revitalize something that has lost its activity or its health means to make it active or healthy again.
This hair conditioner is excellent for revitalizing dry, lifeless hair.
...the revitalized Democratic Party.
...a revitalizing mid-afternoon treat.
Synonyms: reanimate, restore, renew, refresh
2) reanimate? [ri???n?me?t]
1>?to refresh or enliven (something) again
to reanimate their enervated lives (tired and weak)
2>?to bring back to life
3)wreck? [rek]
1> completely destroy or ruin it.
He wrecked the garden.
A coalition could have defeated the government and wrecked the treaty.
His life has been wrecked by the tragedy.
...missed promotions, lost jobs, wrecked marriages.
Synonyms: spoil, blow [slang] , ruin, devastate
2> countable noun
A wreck is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed. ?[mainly US]
in BRIT, usually use crash
He was killed in a car wreck.
...the little girl that survived that plane wreck.
What would he tell his parents if he had a wreck?
Synonyms: accident, smash, pile-up [informal]
3> countable noun
If you say that someone is a wreck, you mean that they are very exhausted or unhealthy.
You look a wreck.
It was embarrassing and sad to see this man reduced to a mumbling wreck.
4> a nervous wreck: extremely nervous or worried about something.
She was a nervous wreck, crying when anyone asked her about her experience.
10. standard-bearer
If you describe someone as the standard bearer of a group, you mean that they act as the leader or public representative of a group of people who have the same aims or interests.?倡導(dǎo)者
Farrakhan was a poor standard-bearer for the causes of African-Americans.
11. allegedly fake jobs?
[?'led??dl?]? adv? 依其申述; 據(jù)說
1>?reportedly; supposedly
payments allegedly made to a former colleague
2> (sentence modifier) 修飾詞
it is alleged that……
3>?an exclamation expressing disbelief or scepticism
? USAGE In recent years it has become common for speakers to include allegedly in statements that are controversial or possibly even defamatory. The implication is that, by saying allegedly, the speaker is distancing himself or herself from the controversy and even protecting himself or herself from possible prosecution. However, the effect created may be deliberate. The use of allegedlycan be a signal that, although the statement may seem outrageous, it is in fact true: He was drunk at work. Allegedly. Conversely, it is also possible to use allegedlyas an expression of ironic scepticism: He's a hard worker. Allegedly.
outrageous [a?t?re?d??s]
If you describe something as outrageous, you are emphasizing that it is unacceptable or very shocking.
I must apologise for my outrageous behaviour.
Charges for local telephone calls are particularly outrageous.
Synonyms: atrocious, shocking, terrible, violent
bad quality相恃;violent of cruel behavior辜纲;weather extremely cold/ wet/ windy
12. grumbling? [?ɡr?mb?l??]
the activity of complaining, or complaints generally
There have been grumblings about the party leader.
13. gloom
1) singular noun
The gloom is a state of near darkness.
...the gloom of a foggy November morning.
I was peering about me in the gloom.
Synonyms: darkness, dark, shadow, cloud? More Synonyms of gloom
2. uncountable noun
Gloom is a feeling of sadness and lack of hope.
...the deepening gloom over the economy.
Synonyms: depression, despair, misery, sadness
14. sluggish adj
You can describe something as sluggish if it moves, works, or reacts much slower than you would like or is normal.
The economy remains sluggish.
Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands.
...the sluggish pace of reforms.
Synonyms: inactive, slow, lethargic, listless
sluggishly? graded adverb
The company has responded sluggishly to these changes in technology.
sluggishness uncountable noun
...the sluggishness of Britain's economic recovery.
Synonyms: inactivity, lethargy, drowsiness, apathy
15. its vast state has sapped the country's vitality
1) vast state
2) sap? [?]
1> V
If something saps your strength or confidence, it gradually weakens or destroys it.
I was afraid the sickness had sapped my strength.
Analysts say the recession in Japan has sapped investor confidence.
Synonyms: weaken, drain, undermine, rob
2> U
Sap is the watery liquid in plants and trees.
The leaves, bark and sap are also common ingredients of local herbal remedies.
Synonyms: juice, essence, vital fluid, secretion
3> C
If you describe someone as a sap, you think they are foolish.
[informal , disapproval]
...her poor sap of a husband.
Synonyms: fool, jerk [slang , mainly US , Canadian] , idiot, noodle
16. In the face of ……those with entrepreneurial vim have long headed abroad
1) vim ?N
exuberant vigour and energy
We were buff and healthy, impressive physical specimens powering through our thirties and forties with vim and vigour.
So we need the idle rich to add vim and colour to our lives.
2) exuberant? [?ɡ'zjub?r?nt]
full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness.
...an exuberant young girl who decided to become a screen actress.
3) slang? [sl??]? U? 俚語
Slang consists of words, expressions, and meanings that are informal and are used by people who know each other very well or who have the same interests.
Archie liked to think he kept up with current slang.
...a slang term.
Synonyms: colloquialisms, jargon, idioms, argot
17. But the malaise goes well beyond stagnant living standards.
1) [m?'le?z]
1> U
Malaise is a state in which there is something wrong with a society or group, for which there does not seem to be a quick or easy solution.
There is no easy short-term solution to Britain's chronic economic malaise.
Unification has brought soaring unemployment and social malaise.
2> U
Malaise is a state in which people feel dissatisfied or unhappy but feel unable to change, usually because they do not know what is wrong.
He complained of depression, headaches and malaise.
Synonyms: unease, illness, depression, anxiety
2) stagnant [st?gn?nt]
1> ADJ
If something such as a business or society is stagnant, there is little activity or change.
He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy.
Mass movements are often a factor in the awakening and renovation of stagnant societies.
Synonyms: inactive, declining, stagnating, flat ?
2> ADJ
Stagnant water is not flowing, and therefore often smells unpleasant and is dirty.
18.?Repeated terrorist attacks have jangled nerves, forced citizens to live under a state of emrrgency and exposed deep cultural rifts in the country with Europe's largest Muslim community.
1) jangle ['d???ɡ(?)l]
1> V
If your nerves are jangling or if something jangles them, you are very anxious.
Behind that quietness his nerves are jangling, he's in a terrible state.
The caffeine in coffee can jangle the nerves.
Synonyms: disturb, worry, trouble, excite
2> V & N
When objects strike against each other and make an unpleasant ringing noise, you can say that they jangle or are jangled.
Her bead necklaces and bracelets jangled as she walked.
Jane took out her keys and jangled them.
?jangle bell
Synonyms: rattle, ring, clash, clatter
2) rift?
1> C
A rift between people or countries is a serious quarrel or disagreement that stops them having a good relationship.
The interview reflected a growing rift between the President and the government.
He has warned that the serious rifts within the country could lead to civil war.
They hope to heal the rift with their father.
Synonyms: breach, difference, division, split
2> C
A rift is a split that appears in something solid, especially in the ground.
19. get/ come to grips with
consider it seriously, and start taking action to deal with it.
The government's first task is to get to grips with the economy.
20. an overhaul of pensions and social security
1> If you overhaul a system or method, you examine it carefully and make many changes in it in order to improve it.
The government said it wanted to overhaul the employment training scheme to make it cost effective.
The legal system needs to be overhauled.
2> ?If a piece of equipment is overhauled, it is cleaned, checked thoroughly, and repaired if necessary.
They had ensured the plumbing was overhauled a year ago.
Our car was towed away to have its suspension overhauled.
(illegally parked--drag/ draw/ pull/ trail)
Synonyms: check, service, maintain, examine
3> If someone overhauls a person who is ahead of them, especially in a sports competition, they pass them or become more successful than them.
Argentina need to beat Peru by at least four goals to overhaul Brazil and reach the final itself.
Beattie led for several laps before he was overhauled by Itoh.
Synonyms: overtake, pass, leave behind, catch up with
In a race, a competitor completes a lap when they have gone round a course once.
...that last lap of the race.
On lap two, Baker edged forward.
21. After decades of stasis, it is hardly surprising that French voters want to throw the bums out.
1> C
Someone's bum is the part of their body which they sit on.?[British , informal]
2> C
A bum is a person who has no permanent home or job and who gets money by working occasionally or by asking people for money. [US , informal]
3> C
If someone refers to another person as a bum, they think that person is worthless or irresponsible.
[informal , disapproval]
You're all a bunch of bums.
Synonyms: loafer, lounger, piker [Australian , New Zealand , slang] , dodger
4> ADJ
Some people use bum to describe a situation that they find unpleasant or annoying.
He knows you're getting a bum deal.
Synonyms: bad, poor, inadequate, pathetic
5> V
If you bum something off someone, you ask them for it and they give it to you.
Mind if I bum a cigarette?
Synonyms: scrounge [informal] , cadge, beg, touch (someone) for [slang]
22. tap into the frustration
?a device that controls the flow of a liquid or gas from a pipe or container, for example on a sink. (in AM, use faucet)
2) V
If you tap something, you hit it with a quick light blow or a series of quick light blows.
3) V
If you tap your fingers or feet, you make a regular pattern of sound by hitting a surface lightly and repeatedly with them, especially while you are listening to music.
The song's so catchy it makes you bounce round the living room or tap your feet.
4) V
If you tap a resource or situation, you make use of it by getting from it something that you need or want.開發(fā),發(fā)掘耕腾,利用(資源屋摇、形勢)
He owes his election to having tapped deep public disillusion with professional politicians.
The company is tapping shareholders for £15.8 million.
公司要向股東募集 1, 580 萬英鎊幽邓。
The Campbell Soup Company says it will try to tap into Japan's rice market.
5) V?
If someone taps your telephone, they attach a special device to the line so that they can secretly listen to your conversations.
The government passed laws allowing the police to tap telephones.
We suspected the telephone line was tapped.
Synonyms: listen in on, monitor, bug [informal] , spy on
23. But they offer radically different diagnoses of what ails France and radically different remedies.
1)radically ?[?r?d?k?l?] ?ADV
thoroughly; completely; fundamentally;in a manner characterized by radicalism?(radical beliefs, ideas, or behaviour)
Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism.
Synonyms: reformism, extremism, fanaticism, revisionism
to alter radically
2) ail ?[e?l] ?V
1> Vt?
to trouble; afflict
A full-scale debate is under way on what ails the industry.
Synonyms: trouble, worry, bother, distress
2> Vt
'What ails you?' he asked.
A full-scale debate is under way on what ails the industry.
Synonyms: trouble, worry, bother, distress ?
2) verb
If something ails someone, they are ill.
'What ails you?' he asked.
24. She has effectively distanced herself from her party's anti-Semitic past ( even evicting her father from……), but she appeals to those who want to shut out the rest of the world.
shut out? phrasal verb
1>?If you shut something or someone out, you prevent them from getting into a place, for example by closing the doors.
'I shut him out of the bedroom,' says Maureen.
I was set to shut out anyone else who came knocking.
Synonyms: exclude, bar, keep out, black ?
2>?If you shut out a thought or a feeling, you prevent yourself from thinking or feeling it.
I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.
The figures represent such overwhelming human misery that the mind wants to shut it out.
Synonyms: block out, screen, hide, cover ?
3>?If you shut someone out of something, you prevent them from having anything to do with it.
She is very reclusive, to the point of shutting me out of her life.
They refused to allow Republicans to offer amendments, effectively shutting them out of the process.
25. She decries globalisation as a threat to French jobs and Islamists as fomenters of terror who make it perilous to wear a short skirt in public.
1) decry? [d??kra?]
If someone decries an idea or action, they criticize it strongly. (publicly)
He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.
People decried the campaign as a waste of money.
Synonyms: condemn, blame, abuse, blast
1> fomenter
one who agitates; a political troublemaker
Synonyms: agitator,?bad hat, mischief-maker, trouble maker, troublemaker, troubler
2> foment? [f???ment] ?Vt
[1]?to encourage or instigate (trouble, discord, etc); stir up
[2] medicine
to apply heat and moisture to (a part of the body) to relieve pain and inflammation
Both foment and ferment can be used to talk about stirring up trouble: he was accused of fomenting/fermenting unrest. Only ferment can be used intransitively or as a noun: his anger continued to ferment (not foment); rural areas were unaffected by the ferment in the cities
3) perilous? [per?l?s] ?ADJ
Something that is perilous is very dangerous.
...a perilous journey across the war-zone.
The road grew even steeper and more perilous.
...perilous cliffs.
Synonyms: dangerous, threatening, exposed, vulnerable
26. She vows to close radical mosques, stanch the flow of immigrants to a trickle, obstruct foreign trade, swap the euro for a resurrected French franc and call a rederendum on leaving the EU.
1) radical
1> fundamental; thorough/ complete ?根本炮温,徹底的
radical thought;?a radical re-examination
2> favouring or tending to produce extreme or fundamental changes in political, economic, or social conditions, institutions, habits of mind, etc ?激進(jìn)的
a radical party
3> of, relating to, or arising from the root or the base of the stem of a plant
radical leaves
a root of a number or quantity, such as 3√5, √x
5> 原子團(tuán)
2)mosque ?[m?sk] ?C
a building where Muslims go to worship.
3)stanch or staunch ?[st?:nt?]
1> ADJ
A staunch supporter or believer is very loyal to a person, organization, or set of beliefs, and supports them strongly.
He's a staunch supporter of controls on government spending.
Synonyms: loyal, faithful, stalwart, sure
staunchly ADV
2> V
To staunch the flow of something means to stop it.
The government claims this is the only way to staunch the annual flow to Germany of hundreds of thousands of refugees.
Efforts to staunch the spill of crude oil from a tanker off the north coast of Scotland are being held up by gale force winds.
Synonyms: stop, stay, check, arrest
3> V
To staunch a wound, or to staunch the blood from a wound, means to stop the wound from bleeding.
Tom tried to staunch the blood with his handkerchief.
4) trickle
1>?to run or cause to run in thin or slow streams
she trickled the sand through her fingers
2>?to move, go, or pass gradually ?Vi
the crowd trickled away
3>?a thin, irregular, or slow flow of something
4>?the act of trickling
5) obstruct (prevent)
6)resurrect ?[?rez??rekt] V
If you resurrect something, you cause it to exist again after it had disappeared or ended.
Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once.
Sam Torrance is the man I have to thank for resurrecting my career.
Synonyms: revive, renew, bring back, kick-start [informal]
resurrection??[rez?rek??n] U
This is a resurrection of an old story from the mid-70s.
Synonyms: raising or rising from the dead, return from the dead, restoration to life.
Synonyms: revival, restoration, renewal, resurgence
(kick-start competition ?Topic 2 )
27. staunchly pro-trade (見上~)
28. reduce cumbersome labour protections
Something that is cumbersome is large and heavy and therefore difficult to carry, wear, or handle.
Although the machine looks cumbersome, it is actually easy to use.
...muffled up in thick and cumbersome clothing.
Synonyms: awkward, heavy, hefty [informal] , clumsy ?
A cumbersome system or process is very complicated and inefficient.
...an old and cumbersome computer system.
The proposed regulations are ill-defined and cumbersome and could be unnecessarily costly.
Synonyms: inefficient, unwieldy, badly organized
29. manifesto
[m?n?festo?]? C 宣言牵舵;聲明柒啤;告示;
A manifesto is a statement published by a person or group of people, especially a political party, or a government, in which they say what their aims and policies are.
The Tories are currently drawing up their election manifesto.
His manifesto promised measures to protect them.
Synonyms: policy statement, publication, declaration, programme
30. pitch himself as the pro-globalisation revolutionary
定位(by 篤師)
make a pitch/make one's pitch
If someone makes a pitch for something, they try to persuade people to do or buy it.
The President speaks in New York today, making another pitch for his economic program.
Prue invited the magazine's editor to lunch and made her pitch.
31. convincing outsider
In a competition, an outsider is a competitor who is unlikely to win.
He was an outsider in the race to be the new U.N. Secretary-General.
32. make a hitherto extremist party socially acceptable.
You use hitherto to indicate that something was true up until the time you are talking about, although it may no longer be the case.
The polytechnics have hitherto been at an unfair disadvantage in competing for pupils and money.
Hitherto, the main emphasis has been on the need to resist aggression.
The helicopter is the first in the world to be designed to serve three hitherto very distinct markets.
Synonyms: previously, so far, until now, thus far
33. less bold than that of the beleaguered someone, who has promised to trim the state payroll by ……workers and slash the labour code.
1) beleaguer ? [b??li?ɡ?]
verb (transitive)
1>?to trouble persistently; harass
2>?to lay siege to?
a military or police operation in which soldiers or police surround a place in order to force the people there to come out or give up control of the place.圍攻
If a government or other organization trims something such as a plan, policy, or amount, they reduce it slightly in extent or size.
American companies looked at ways they could trim these costs.
We trimmed the marketing department.
Synonyms: cut back, reduce, decrease, cut down
state payroll ?n.(公司員工的)工資名單畸颅;(公司的)工資總支出
The people on the payroll of a company or an organization are the people who work for it and are paid by it.
They had 87,000 employees on the payroll.
slash the labour code
【經(jīng)】 勞動(dòng)法, 勞工法
slash ? [sl??]
1> V
If you slash something, you make a long, deep cut in it.
He came within two minutes of bleeding to death after slashing his wrists.
Synonyms: cut, slit, gash, lacerate ?
Slash is also a N
Make deep slashes in the meat and push in the spice paste.
2> V
To slash something such as costs or jobs means to reduce them by a large amount.
Car makers could be forced to slash prices after being accused of overcharging yesterday.
Everyone agrees that subsidies have to be slashed.
Synonyms: reduce, cut, decrease, drop
3> You say slash to refer to a sloping line that separates letters, words, or numbers. For example, if you are giving the number 340/2/K you say 'Three four zero, slash two, slash K.' ? ?"/"
34. national assembly ?國民大會(huì)
"an assembly composed of the representatives of the nation.”
French history
the body constituted by the French Third Estate in June 1789 after the calling of the Estates General. It was dissolved in Sept 1791 to be replaced by the new Legislative Assembly
35. Nonetheless, they represent a repudiation of the status quo.
1)repudiate? [r?pju?die?t] ? V
If you repudiate something or someone, you show that you strongly disagree with them and do not want to be connected with them in any way.
[formal , or written]
Leaders urged people to turn out in large numbers to repudiate the violence.
The Prime Minister has repudiated racist remarks made by a member of the Conservative Party.
repudiation ? [r?pju?die???n]
variable noun
...his public repudiation of the conference decision.
Synonyms: rejection, reversal, abandonment, disowning
2)status quo ?現(xiàn)狀
the state of affairs that exists at a particular time, especially in contrast to a different possible state of affairs.
By 492 votes to 391, the federation voted to maintain the status quo.
They have no wish for any change in the status quo.
We must not return to the status quo.
36. more insular and nastier
1)insular? [??nsj?l?(r)] ? ADJ
If you say that someone is insular, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to meet new people or to consider new ideas.
...the old image of the insular, xenophobic Brit.
Synonyms: narrow-minded, prejudiced, provincial, closed? More Synonyms of insular
insularity (?nsj?l?r?ti? , US -s?-) ? U
But at least they have started to break out of their old insularity.
2) nasty?
A nasty problem or situation is very worrying and difficult to deal with.
A spokesman said this firm action had defused a very nasty situation.
37. no coincidence that …… has received a hefty loan from……
1> ADJ
Hefty means large in size, weight, or amount.
She was quite a hefty woman.
If he is found guilty he faces a hefty fine.
Synonyms: big, strong, massive, strapping
2> ADJ
A hefty movement is done with a lot of force.
Lambert gave Luckwell a hefty shove to send him on his way.
Synonyms: forceful, heavy, powerful, vigorous [slang]
38. clinch the presidency
1> verb
If you clinch something you are trying to achieve, such as a business deal or victory in a contest, you succeed in obtaining it.
Hibernian clinched the First Division title when they beat Hamilton 2-0.
This has fuelled speculation that he is about to clinch a deal with an American engine manufacturer.
Synonyms: secure, close, confirm, conclude?
2> verb
The thing that clinches an uncertain matter settles it or provides a definite answer.
Evidently this information clinched the matter.
That was the clue which clinched it for us.
Synonyms: settle, decide, determine, tip the balance ?
3> countable noun
If two people who love each other are in a clinch, they are holding each other tightly.
They were caught in a clinch when their parents returned home unexpectedly.
Synonyms: embrace, hug, cuddle
39. Polls show her winning the first round but losing the run-off.
1> A runoff is an extra vote or contest which is held in order to decide the winner of an election or competition, because no one has yet clearly won.
There will be a runoff between these two candidates on December 9th.
2> a deciding, final race, election, etc. as in case of a tie
Day 2 神句神詞+導(dǎo)圖
1. Stagnation, both political and economic, has been the hallmark of a country where little has changed for decades, even as power has rotated between the established parties of left and right.
注:established?通常表示某事/人/物已有穩(wěn)固地位拳话,比如established capitalist countries通常被翻成老牌資本主義國家。They are an established company with a good reputation.他們是一家地位穩(wěn)固种吸,信譽(yù)良好的公司弃衍。An established actor著名演員。
2. The implications of these insurgencies are hard to exaggerate.
Infurgencies原指an attempt to take control of a country by force,此處是和老牌政黨形成對比氯质。
3. The resulting realignment will have reverberations far beyond France’s borders. It could revitalize the European Union, or wreck it.
“得意忘形” 主語可適當(dāng)變化
4. Further fueling voter’s anger is their anguish at the state of France.
5. Its vast state, which absorbs 57% of GDP, has sapped the country’s vitality.
龐大的政府消耗了GDP的57%晤碘, 國家的活力因此而被削弱褂微。
Sap vitality/energy/confidence;?sap sth/sap sb of sth园爷; to make sb/sth weaker宠蚂;to destroy sth gradually.?
The hot sun sapped our energy.
Years of failure have sapped him of his confidence.注:Vast state指政府臃腫龐大,開支驚人童社,中國2010年政府開支占GDP比重為22%求厕, 供參考~
6. If she pulls France out of the euro, it would trigger a financial crisis and doom a union that, for all its flaws, has promoted peace and prosperity in Europe for six decades.
For all=despite
1. Uselessness and self-dealing of the ruling class
無用且假公濟(jì)私的統(tǒng)治階級(jí) (原翻譯定語都放錯(cuò)了位置……)
2. Exposed deep cultural rifts with …
The rift within the party deepened. 黨內(nèi)分歧加深了。
Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed. 彌合兩國間分歧的各種努力都已失敗币厕。
3. Get to grips with
Deal with 處理
4. Overhaul of pensions and social security
Overhaul全面大修访递,a radical overhaul of the tax system is necessary.有必要徹底改革稅制晦嵌。
5. Massive strikes
6. Tap into that frustration
Tap (into) sth: to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists.
Eg. We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.
7. Radically different
8. Call a referendum on leaving the EU
9. Staunchly pro-trade/ embraces cultural change and technological disruption.
Staunchly: She staunchly defended the new policy.她堅(jiān)定的維護(hù)新政策。
10. Be short on precise policies
11. Pitch himself as…
N:an aggressive sales pitch: 強(qiáng)有力的推銷行話(話術(shù))
Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch. 每個(gè)公司有十分鐘的時(shí)間進(jìn)行推銷宣傳描滔。
V:推銷pitch sth at sb/pitch sth as sth: to aim or direct a product or service at a particular?group of people.
Eg. The new software is being pitched at banks. 這種新軟件以銀行為目標(biāo)市場棒妨。
Representatives went to Japan to pitch the company’s newest products.銷售代表前往日本推銷本公司的最新產(chǎn)品。
12. Trim the state payroll by…
13. Repudiation of the status quo
14. Appeal to sb
是……的吸引: ?to attract or interest sb
Eg. The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. 設(shè)計(jì)要雅俗共賞含长,老幼皆宜券腔。
15. Hefty loan
16. Suffer hacking attacks
17. Slash labor code
18. Enact agenda
1. 宏觀把握不夠拘泞,本文重點(diǎn)描述指出應(yīng)該是兩位candidates纷纫,其主張以及將要把法國領(lǐng)向何方。
2. 當(dāng)然現(xiàn)狀也是可以更詳細(xì)的陪腌,但是要建立在第一條的前提下
3. 對于candidates和其主張以及對歐盟帶來的影響應(yīng)更詳細(xì)
Day 3 sumsup
1. 一大堆單詞查過……應(yīng)該劃分主被動(dòng)辱魁,詳略得當(dāng)
2. 掌握一定的批量處理的方法烟瞧,感覺甚好~
3. 更整齊一點(diǎn)吧,要不然太多了染簇,不好找~
4. 理解力加強(qiáng)
5. anyway 自我夸一個(gè)参滴!棒棒噠~