Leon and Amy:
你想做什么事情?What do you want to do?什么赤嚼,what.
在我們做一件事情之前旷赖,首先要知道自己為什么要做這件事。你為什么要做這件事更卒?Why do you want to do this?
每件事情的發(fā)生都有它的原因等孵。Everything has a reason./Everything happens with a reason.發(fā)生,happen.
決定做一件事情之后,我們要想清楚怎么樣做這件事蹂空。你要怎么做俯萌?How would you do this? / How are you going to do it?怎么樣,how.
你的計劃是什么上枕?What is your plan?計劃,plan.在《越獄》里面咐熙,Michael經(jīng)常會說到計劃。There is a plan. There is no plan.
我們需要一步一步來姿骏。We need to do it step by step.步伐糖声、腳步,step.
MJ曾經(jīng)在訪談節(jié)目中覺得對方的問題很尖銳,讓他很難受分瘦,他說:你為什么要這樣對我?Why are you doing this to me?
如果你想要獲得成功琉苇,無論什么都要去做嘲玫。If you want to succeed, do whatever it takes.成功,succeed,success.無論什么并扇,whatever.
你確定要這么做嗎去团?Are you sure you want to do this?確定,sure.
電影《美麗心靈》我以前看過幾遍,結(jié)尾的臺詞我非常喜歡:I'm only here tonight because of you (his wife, Alicia). You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons.