- Sometimes the project is created somewhere else,we need to fork in to my own.
- Use git bash,change to appropriate folder,do git clone.
- Make changes to the project.
- Trey first use gradlew to test if the new project works well.
in git bash,
.\gradlew assembleDebug
.\gradlew assembleDebugAndroidTest
if sometimes,error likes "sdk location not found",do this :
create a file in the project root folder : local.properties,in which add something like this :
or just set android_home
set ANDROID_HOME=C:\<installation location>\Sdk
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
then try again build applications with gradlew,outputs should be in
- If project works well,do
git add app/src/androidTest/.../.../.../....java
git commit -m "..."
git push
- In the other repository,do pull request.