day one:
After more than10 hours sleeping I feel relax有决,then drinked milk and mantou at the same time watched TV. I found the love of parent's director is also kongsheng. I love the director and his works. the story is happend in a island, beautiful and simple. people all know each other and care about the ohter people. jiang'family lived in a beautiful house with a small garten, that's my dream house too.
after lunch I want to read some books,but without music plays,that become hardly to reading. so the first time, I missed phone,is looking for some musik. I turn up phone simple have a look and turn off the Internet.
in the evening, After recite english words I watched wechat and share the feelings and experience about the day to husband. except that I really don’t want to talk too much with him. although the first day is already defeated野建, but I have know how can I do in the few days.