cartography 主題地圖

title: "thematic map"
author: "wintryheart"
date: "2019/8/16"
toc: true
number_sections: true
toc_depth: 1

## ----echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set( warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, echo = TRUE)

knitr::knit_hooks$set(margin = function(before, options, envir){
  if (before){


  • cartography包要配合sf包或sp包使用倘屹,即队询,cartography包調(diào)用sf或sp格式的空間數(shù)據(jù)摊册,生成專題地圖称簿。

  • 由于cartography包的大部分內(nèi)在組件都依賴sf空間功能,所以首先空間對象是sf格式绰更。

  • cartography包自帶martinique地圖(馬提尼克议蟆,拉丁美洲向風(fēng)群島中部法屬島嶼,首府法蘭西堡)和數(shù)據(jù)歹篓。

    • shp格式(shape/martinique.shp)瘫证,
    • 地理包gpkg格式(gpkg/mtq.gpkg),包含空間數(shù)據(jù)和專題數(shù)據(jù)庄撮。
    • 其他數(shù)據(jù)csv格式(csv/mob.csv)
    • 示例文件(doc/cartography.html)



  • 每個函數(shù)代表一種專題背捌,例如,比例符號(proportional symbols)或 面量圖(等值線洞斯、地區(qū)分布圖)(choropleth)载萌,然后顯示在地圖上。

  • 允許將每個專題展示作為一個圖層,并在同一地圖上疊加展示扭仁。

  • 每個函數(shù)都有兩個主參數(shù):

    • x垮衷,空間對象,一般是sf對象乖坠。
    • var, 映射的變量名搀突。
  • sp對象可以通過spdf參數(shù)和df參數(shù)處理。

    • 如果變量包含進Spatial*DataFrame熊泵,使用spdf參數(shù)仰迁;
    • 如果變量在獨立的data.frame,需要并入Spatial*DataFrame顽分,則使用spdf, spdfid, df, dfid參數(shù)徐许。
  • 還有很多參數(shù)用于調(diào)節(jié)專題地圖展示效果,這些參數(shù)也是GIS和自動制圖工具中常見的參數(shù)卒蘸。

    • classification and color palettes 用于面量圖(choropleth maps)
    • symbols sizes 用于比例符號地圖( proportional symbols maps)
專題類型 函數(shù)
Choropleth面量圖 choroLayer(x = mtq, var = "myvar", method = "quantile", nclass = 8)
Typology類型圖 typoLayer(x = mtq, var = "myvar")
Proportional Symbols比例符號圖 propSymbolsLayer(x = mtq, var = "myvar", inches = 0.1, symbols = "circle")
Colorized Proportional Symbols (relative data)
propSymbolsChoroLayer(x = mtq, var = "myvar", var2 = "myvar2")
Colorized Proportional Symbols (qualitative data)彩色的比例符號圖(定性數(shù)據(jù)) propSymbolsTypoLayer(x = mtq, var = "myvar", var2 = "myvar2")
Double Proportional Symbols雙比例符號圖 propTrianglesLayer(x = mtq, var1 = "myvar", var2 = "myvar2")
OpenStreetMap Basemap (see rosm package)
tiles <- getTiles(x = mtq, type = "osm")
Isopleth (see SpatialPosition package)等值線圖 smoothLayer(x = mtq, var = "myvar", typefct = "exponential", span = 500, beta = 2)
Discontinuities斷裂圖 discLayer(x = mtq.borders, df = mtq, var = "myvar", threshold = 0.5
Flowsi流向圖 gradLinkLayer(x = mob.sf, df = mob, var = "fij",breaks = c(109,500,1000,2000,4679))
propLinkLayer(x = mtq_link, df = mtq_df,var = "fij")
Dot Density點密度圖 dotDensityLayer(x = mtq, var = "myvar")
Labels標(biāo)簽 labelLayer(x = mtq, txt = "myvar", halo = TRUE, overlap = FALSE)

# path to the geopackage file embedded in cartography
path_to_gpkg <- system.file("gpkg/mtq.gpkg", package="cartography")
# import to an sf object
mtq <- st_read(dsn = path_to_gpkg, quiet = TRUE)

# Choropleth
# plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = NA, border = NA, bg = "#aadaff")
choroLayer(x = mtq, var = "POP", method = "quantile", nclass = 8)
# Typology
# plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = NA, border = NA, bg = "#aadaff")
typoLayer(x = mtq, var = "LIBGEO")
# Proportional Symbols
plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = NA, border = NA, bg = "#aadaff")
propSymbolsLayer(x = mtq, var = "POP", inches = 0.1, symbols = "circle")
plot(st_geometry(mtq), lwd = 0.5, border = "grey20", add = TRUE, lty = 3)
# Colorized Proportional Symbols (relative data) 兩個連續(xù)變量
plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = NA, border = NA, bg = "#aadaff")
propSymbolsChoroLayer(x = mtq, var = "POP", var2 = "MED")
plot(st_geometry(mtq), lwd = 0.5, border = "grey20", add = TRUE, lty = 3)
# Colorized Proportional Symbols (qualitative data) 一個連續(xù)一個分類變量
plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = NA, border = NA, bg = "#aadaff")
propSymbolsTypoLayer(x = mtq, var = "POP", var2 = "STATUS")
plot(st_geometry(mtq), lwd = 0.5, border = "grey20", add = TRUE, lty = 3)
# Double Proportional Symbols
plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = NA, border = NA, bg = "#aadaff")
propTrianglesLayer(x = mtq, var1 = "POP", var2 = "MED")
plot(st_geometry(mtq), lwd = 0.5, border = "grey20", add = TRUE, lty = 3)
# OpenStreetMap Basemap (see rosm package) 
tiles <- getTiles(x = mtq, type = "osm")
# Isopleth (see SpatialPosition package)
smoothLayer(x = mtq, var = "POP", typefct = "exponential", span = 4000, beta = 2, mask = mtq)

typefct參數(shù):空間交互作用函數(shù)(spatial interaction function)雌隅,有兩個選項"pareto" (means power law帕累托冪律分布) or "exponential". 如果是"pareto"分布,交互作用函數(shù)為: (1 + alpha * mDistance) ^ (-beta)缸沃。如果是 "exponential"分布恰起, 交互作用函數(shù)為 : exp(- alpha * mDistance ^ beta) 。alpha參數(shù)由用戶給出的span和beta參數(shù)計算出趾牧。

span參數(shù): 空間相互作用函數(shù)的概率密度為0.5的距離
beta參數(shù): 空間相互作用函數(shù)的阻尼因子



# Discontinuities
# Get a SpatialLinesDataFrame of countries borders 獲取邊界線數(shù)據(jù)框
mtq.contig <- getBorders(mtq)
# plot municipalities  畫區(qū)劃圖
# Plot the population with custom breaks  畫面量圖
choroLayer(x = mtq, var = "POP", legend.pos = "topright")
# Plot discontinuities畫
discLayer(x = mtq.contig, df = mtq, var = "POP",  method = "geom",  nclass = 3, threshold = 0.4)

# Flows包含三種:
# gradLinkLayer():  Graduated Links Layer 繪制一個分級鏈接層翘单。鏈接是根據(jù)離散的寬度類別繪制的吨枉。
# gradLinkTypoLayer():  Graduated and Colored Links Layer繪制一個彩色和漸變鏈接層。鏈接是根據(jù)離散類別的寬度繪制的哄芜。顏色依賴于離散變量的類別貌亭。
# propLinkLayer(): Proportional Links Layer繪制一個比例鏈接層。鏈接寬度與變量的值成正比忠烛。

mtq <- st_read(system.file("gpkg/mtq.gpkg", package="cartography"))
mob <- read.csv(system.file("csv/mob.csv", package="cartography"))
# Create a link layer - work mobilities to Fort-de-France (97209)
mob.sf <- getLinkLayer(x = mtq, df = mob[mob$j==97209,], dfid = c("i", "j"))
# Plot the links - Work mobility
plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = "grey60",border = "grey20")
propLinkLayer(x = mob.sf, df = mob, maxlwd = 10, legend.pos = "topright", var = "fij",
              col = "#92000090", add = TRUE)
# Dot Density
plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = NA, border = NA, bg = "#aadaff")
dotDensityLayer(x = mtq, var = "POP")
plot(st_geometry(mtq), lwd = 0.5, border = "grey20", add = TRUE, lty = 3)

# Label
labelLayer(x = mtq, txt = "POP",halo = TRUE, overlap = FALSE)



  • 這組函數(shù)用于創(chuàng)建或轉(zhuǎn)換空間對象属提,例如邊界提取权逗、網(wǎng)格或鏈接創(chuàng)建(borders extraction, grid or links creation)美尸。

  • 提供這些功能是為了方便創(chuàng)建一些通常需要地理處理的更高級的地圖。

類型 用法 說明
Polygons to Grid mtq_grid <- getGridLayer(x = mtq, cellsize = 3.6e+07,
type = "hexagonal", var = "myvar")
Grids layers can be used by
choroLayer() or propSymbolsLayer().
Points to Links mtq_link <- getLinkLayer(x = mtq, df = link) Links layers can be used by *LinkLayer().
Polygons to Borders mtq_border <- getBorders(x = mtq) Borders layers can be used by
discLayer() function
Polygons to Pencil Lines mtq_pen <- getPencilLayer(x = mtq)

Map Layout系列

  • 配合其它cartography函數(shù)使用斟薇,用于布局設(shè)計(layout design)师坎,例如,自定義比例尺堪滨,指北箭頭胯陋,標(biāo)題,來源或作者信息等( customizable scale bar, north arrow, title, sources or author information…)。
名稱 含義 函數(shù)
North Arrow 指北箭頭 north(pos = "topright")
Scale Bar 比例尺 barscale(size = 5)
Full Layout 完整布局 layoutLayer(title = "Martinique", subtitle = TRUE, frame = TRUE, author = "Author",
sources = "Sources", north = TRUE, scale = 5)
Figure Dimensions 圖的尺寸:基于空間對象的尺寸比例(dimension ratio)遏乔、
圖邊距(figure margins)和輸出分辨率(output resolution)
獲取圖像外形尺寸(figure dimensions)义矛。
f_dim <- getFigDim(x = sf_obj, width = 500,mar = c(0,0,0,0))
png("fig.png", width = 500, height = f_dim[2])
par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
plot(sf_obj, col = "#729fcf")

Color Palettes系列

  • cartography包封裝16種原色調(diào)色板。這些調(diào)色板可以定制和組合盟萨。

  • carto.pal(pal1 = "blue.pal", n1 = 5, pal2 = "sand.pal", n2 = 3)

  • 調(diào)色板方案參見cheatsheet凉翻。

1 2 3 4
blue.pal orange.pal red.pal brown.pal
green.pal pink.pal purple.pal wine.pal
grey.pal sand.pal kaki.pal pastel.pal
turquoise.pal taupe.pal harmo.pal multi.pal


  • 默認(rèn)圖例伴隨制圖層顯示。

  • 更多的參數(shù)可以通過legend*()函數(shù)定義捻激。

函數(shù) 含義
legendBarsSymbols Legend for Proportional Bars Maps
legendChoro Legend for Choropleth Maps
legendCirclesSymbols Legend for Proportional Circles Maps
legendGradLines Legend for Graduated Size Lines Maps
legendPropLines Legend for Proportional Lines Maps
legendPropTriangles Legend for Double Proportional Triangles Maps
legendSquaresSymbols Legend for Proportional Squares Maps
legendTypo Legend for Typology Maps


  • 數(shù)據(jù)分類制轰、地圖分級(Classification)通常用于Choropleth Map(面量圖)的制作中,是專題制圖中最初胞谭,也是最基本的一個步驟垃杖。

  • getBreaks() 用于連續(xù)變量進行分類,允許訪問大多數(shù)用于數(shù)據(jù)綁定的分類方法丈屹。

  • 語法:getBreaks(v, nclass = NULL, method = "quantile", k = 1, middle = FALSE)

  • 可用的method包括: quantile, equal, q6, fisher-jenks, mean-sd, sd, geometric progression...

    • "sd", "equal", "quantile" and "fisher-jenks" are classIntervals methods.
      • Jenks and Fisher-Jenks algorithms are based on the same principle and give quite similar results but Fisher-Jenks is much faster.
    • The "q6" method uses the following quantile probabilities: 0, 0.05, 0.275, 0.5, 0.725, 0.95, 1.基于特定的分位數(shù)概率调俘。
    • The "geom" method is based on a geometric progression along the variable values. 基于幾何級數(shù)(等比級數(shù))
    • The "arith" method is based on an arithmetic progression along the variable values. 基于算術(shù)級數(shù)(等差級數(shù))
    • The "em" method is based on nested averages computation. 基于嵌套的平均值計算
    • The "msd" method is based on the mean and the standard deviation of a numeric vector. 基于數(shù)值向量的均值和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)差
      • The nclass parameter is not relevant, use k and middle instead.
      • k indicates the extent of each class in share of standard deviation. 每個類別在標(biāo)準(zhǔn)差中所占份額的程度
      • If middle=TRUE then the mean value is the center of a class else the mean is a break value.
  • 分類方法的詳細(xì)的中文說明參見數(shù)據(jù)分類那些事兒

bks1 <- getBreaks(v = mtq$POP, nclass = 6, method = "quantile")  
bks2 <- getBreaks(v = mtq$POP, nclass = 6, method = "fisher-jenks")  
pal <- carto.pal("green.pal",3, "wine.pal", 3)  
hist(mtq$POP, breaks = bks1, col = pal)  
hist(mtq$POP, breaks = bks2, col = pal)  
chinamap <- st_read("province.shp")
dotDensityLayer(x=chinamap, var="POPU",pch=20, col="red4", n=50)
smoothLayer(x = chinamap, var = 'POPU',
             span = 200000, beta = 2,
             mask = chinamap, border = NA,
             col = carto.pal(pal1 = 'wine.pal', n1 = 8),
             legend.title.txt = "Population\nPotential",
             legend.pos = "topright", legend.values.rnd = 0)
propSymbolsLayer(x = chinamap, var = "POPU",   col = NA, border = "#ffffff50")
older <- read.csv("c:/users/wintryheart/desktop/oldermarriage.csv")
chinamap <- read_sf("d:/province/province.shp")
chinamap2 <- left_join(chinamap, older, by=c("NAME"="province"))
chinamap2 <- select(chinamap2, "NAME","unmar","married","divorce","widow")

choroLayer(x=chinamap2,var="unmar", method = "fisher-jenks", nclass = 4, legend.pos = "right") 
layoutLayer(title="中國老年人未婚狀況(2010)",sources = "數(shù)據(jù)來源:中國第六次人口普查", author = "制圖:李亮")

choroLayer(x=chinamap2,var="married", method = "fisher-jenks", nclass = 4, legend.pos = "right") 
layoutLayer(title="中國老年人有配偶狀況(2010)",sources = "數(shù)據(jù)來源:中國第六次人口普查", author = "制圖:李亮")

choroLayer(x=chinamap2,var="divorce", method = "fisher-jenks",nclass=4, legend.pos = "right") 
layoutLayer(title="中國老年人離婚狀況(2010)",sources = "數(shù)據(jù)來源:中國第六次人口普查", author = "制圖:李亮")

choroLayer(x=chinamap2,var="widow", method = "fisher-jenks",nclass=4, legend.pos = "right") 
layoutLayer(title="中國老年人喪偶狀況(2010)",sources = "數(shù)據(jù)來源:中國第六次人口普查", author = "制圖:李亮")

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