1.the reader is given no chance to squirm局促不安,蠕動?away.
2.But I didn’t begrudge吝嗇 a minute of it.
3.The total task seems less?formidable可怕的, and panic is?staved off減緩,避開.
Learning how to organize a long article is just as important as learning how to write a clear and pleasing sentence.
這一點深有感觸玷坠,考口語時要多用邏輯連接詞地来,考寫作時要多用邏輯連接詞耍鬓,邏輯展開清晰础爬,考閱讀聽力出題點的標志詞,if any, 也是邏輯連接詞吧慢。讀英文原著時驳糯,至少這幾個月讀的這幾本都是篇梭,邏輯也很清晰。英文中真的很注意這一點酝枢。反倒是中文寫作和閱讀時沒怎么注意過恬偷,最多也就是三段論和辯論時用到?
Decide what you want to do. Then decide to do it. Then do it.
沒什么好說的帘睦,just do it! & No pain, No gain.