第1章節(jié)? Basic Concepts
◆ The Lister
◆ Explorer Replacement
??windows原生的資源瀏覽器的替代徘键×范裕可以設置選項,在你操作文件或者文件夾的時候吹害,默認使用Directory Opus而不是windows的Explorer螟凭。
◆ Source and Destination
??上面2個圖谓媒,目標窗體并不一致淆院,這說明了 Source和Destination是相對的邻邮,并不絕對砸琅。
??文檔原文:In a dual-display Lister, the source file display is always the active one - the one with input focus. You can make a file display active by clicking in it - therefore, it follows that the last file display you clicked in will generally be the source. You can also switch the source/destination states of the file displays by clicking on the status bar - this is useful to remember, as it allows you to change state without the risk of accidentally selecting a file (or losing the existing file selection) which could otherwise happen.
??? 那么邓厕,當2個實例出現(xiàn)3欄的時候會如何逝嚎?
◆ Selecting Files
◆ Searching and Filtering
◆ Sorting and Groupin
◆ Folder Options
◆ Flat View
◆ Virtual File System
1-1?The Lister
??◆ 1补君、Opening a Lister 打開主窗口
??There are many different ways to open a Lister (or Listers), including:
??* When you start Opus from the desktop icon, or the icon on the Windows 7 taskbar, a Lister will open
??* If Explorer Replacement mode is enabled, double-clicking a folder on the desktop, or pressing the Windows+E hotkey (even when Opus isn't running)
??* If enabled in Preferences, you can double-click on an empty spot on the desktop (even when Opus isn't running)
??* If enabled in Preferences, you can double-click on the system tray icon that Opus adds when it's running
??* You can set Opus to run on startup and automatically show a Lister when it does
??* You can load a saved Lister Layout from the desktop context menu or the Settings menu in an existing Lister
??* You can use one of the internal commands (like Go NEW) to open a Lister from a button or a hotkey (Windows+Shift+E is assigned by default)
??How you open your Listers really depends on you, and on how you want to work with Opus. You can configure Opus to always open a Lister when it starts up, keeping one open all the time - or to only open one when you need it. You can work with as many or as few Listers open at once as you like.
??◆2、Navigation 導航
??There are many ways you can navigate (that is, move from one folder to another) in a Lister, including:
??You can double-click a folder in the current location to enter it. You can also enter a folder by right-clicking on it and choosing Open from the context menu, or from the keyboard by using the cursor keys to select it and then pressing the Enter key.
??The Up, Forward and Back buttons: The default File Display toolbar contains buttons that can move you up in the folder hierarchy, back to the previous folder or forward to the next folder.
??The Folder Tree: You can change folder by simply clicking on a new folder in the tree (you can also navigate via the tree using the keyboard cursor keys).
??File Display border: If the File Display toolbar has been disabled, a smaller border is displayed in dual-display mode which shows the current path and provides some default navigation buttons.
??The Breadcrumbs location field: The default File Display toolbar contains a field known as the 'breadcrumbs location field'. This displays your current location as "breadcrumbs" that indicate the path from the desktop to your current folder. Each "crumb" in the path is active and can be clicked or expanded. You can also type into this bar in order to navigate to a folder using the keyboard.
??Favorites: You can add folders to a list of your favorite locations - navigating to these folders is simply a matter of selecting them from the drop-down menu. Access the favorites from the drop-down on the default File Display toolbar or from the tree.
??SmartFavorites: If enabled, the SmartFavorites system attempts to learn your most commonly used locations automatically. A list of these locations is then displayed in the drop-down Favorites menu.
??Recent and History Lists: Opus maintains two lists of your recently used locations, that you can use to instantly go back to a folder you were recently in. One (the Recent list) is global to the program, and the other (the History list) is local to a file display.
??Aliases: You can define aliases that reference a folder by a simple name - you can then navigate to an aliased folder by typing its name into the location field.
??◆3、Tabs 標簽
??可以在多個文件夾之間快速切換(這個功能基本上所有類似軟件都有)玖雁。切換tab的快捷鍵:Ctrl+ 鍵盤左更扁、右
%P - full path of the current folder
%N - name of the current folder
%R - drive root of the current folder
%% - insert a literal % character
??鎖定的快捷操作:1Shift; 2Ctrl; 3Ctrl+Shift;
?? 標簽組:
??◆4、View Modes 顯示模式
??◆5腔剂、Dual Display 雙顯示
??雙顯示媒区,表示在一個程序的主窗體內,顯示2個file displays (就是兩列或者兩行),
??關鍵概念:whenever a Lister is in dual-display mode, one display is always designated the source folder and the other is the destination.
??Navigation Lock 導航鎖定袜漩。注意绪爸,Navigation表示導航,所以其他操作不支持:
??This mode is most useful when you have the same (or a similar) directory structure on two different drives (or on a local drive and an FTP site, for example).
??◆6递惋、Toolbars 工具欄
??The Default Toolbars 默認工具欄:
??◆7丹墨、Find-as-you-type Field 查找輸入框
??Find-as-you-type field (FAYT) 是一個多用途文本輸入框。
??? Find: Type a part of a filename to jump to the first matching file in the current directory.
??? Command: Enter a command and run it immediately without having to set up a button. (Default key: greater-than >)
??? 執(zhí)行內部命令。使用符號:>
??? DOS Command: Similar to command mode, but the command will run in a DOS window letting you view any text output. (Default key: question-mark ?)
??? 執(zhí)行DOS命令喉前。使用符號:没酣?
有關某個命令的詳細信息裕便,請鍵入 HELP 命令名
ASSOC 顯示或修改文件擴展名關聯(lián)。
ATTRIB 顯示或更改文件屬性见咒。
BREAK 設置或清除擴展式 CTRL+C 檢查偿衰。
BCDEDIT 設置啟動數據庫中的屬性以控制啟動加載。
CACLS 顯示或修改文件的訪問控制列表(ACL)改览。
CALL 從另一個批處理程序調用這一個下翎。
CD 顯示當前目錄的名稱或將其更改。
CHCP 顯示或設置活動代碼頁數宝当。
CHDIR 顯示當前目錄的名稱或將其更改视事。
CHKDSK 檢查磁盤并顯示狀態(tài)報告。
CHKNTFS 顯示或修改啟動時間磁盤檢查庆揩。
CLS 清除屏幕俐东。
CMD 打開另一個 Windows 命令解釋程序窗口。
COLOR 設置默認控制臺前景和背景顏色订晌。
COMP 比較兩個或兩套文件的內容虏辫。
COMPACT 顯示或更改 NTFS 分區(qū)上文件的壓縮。
CONVERT 將 FAT 卷轉換成 NTFS锈拨。你不能轉換
COPY 將至少一個文件復制到另一個位置。
DATE 顯示或設置日期。
DEL 刪除至少一個文件鹤耍。
DIR 顯示一個目錄中的文件和子目錄肉迫。
DISKPART 顯示或配置磁盤分區(qū)屬性。
DOSKEY 編輯命令行稿黄、撤回 Windows 命令并
DRIVERQUERY 顯示當前設備驅動程序狀態(tài)和屬性。
ECHO 顯示消息杆怕,或將命令回顯打開或關閉族购。
ENDLOCAL 結束批文件中環(huán)境更改的本地化。
ERASE 刪除一個或多個文件陵珍。
EXIT 退出 CMD.EXE 程序(命令解釋程序)寝杖。
FC 比較兩個文件或兩個文件集并顯示
FIND 在一個或多個文件中搜索一個文本字符串互纯。
FINDSTR 在多個文件中搜索字符串瑟幕。
FOR 為一組文件中的每個文件運行一個指定的命令。
FORMAT 格式化磁盤留潦,以便用于 Windows只盹。
FSUTIL 顯示或配置文件系統(tǒng)屬性。
FTYPE 顯示或修改在文件擴展名關聯(lián)中使用的文件
GOTO 將 Windows 命令解釋程序定向到批處理程序
GPRESULT 顯示計算機或用戶的組策略信息。
GRAFTABL 使 Windows 在圖形模式下顯示擴展
HELP 提供 Windows 命令的幫助信息孵稽。
ICACLS 顯示、修改十偶、備份或還原文件和
目錄的 ACL菩鲜。
IF 在批處理程序中執(zhí)行有條件的處理操作。
LABEL 創(chuàng)建惦积、更改或刪除磁盤的卷標睦袖。
MD 創(chuàng)建一個目錄。
MKDIR 創(chuàng)建一個目錄荣刑。
MKLINK 創(chuàng)建符號鏈接和硬鏈接
MODE 配置系統(tǒng)設備馅笙。
MORE 逐屏顯示輸出。
MOVE 將一個或多個文件從一個目錄移動到另一個
OPENFILES 顯示遠程用戶為了文件共享而打開的文件董习。
PATH 為可執(zhí)行文件顯示或設置搜索路徑。
PAUSE 暫停批處理文件的處理并顯示消息爱只。
POPD 還原通過 PUSHD 保存的當前目錄的上一個
PRINT 打印一個文本文件。
PROMPT 更改 Windows 命令提示。
PUSHD 保存當前目錄窝趣,然后對其進行更改疯暑。
RD 刪除目錄。
RECOVER 從損壞的或有缺陷的磁盤中恢復可讀信息哑舒。
REM 記錄批處理文件或 CONFIG.SYS 中的注釋(批注)妇拯。
REN 重命名文件。
RENAME 重命名文件洗鸵。
REPLACE 替換文件越锈。
RMDIR 刪除目錄。
ROBOCOPY 復制文件和目錄樹的高級實用工具
SET 顯示膘滨、設置或刪除 Windows 環(huán)境變量甘凭。
SETLOCAL 開始本地化批處理文件中的環(huán)境更改。
SC 顯示或配置服務(后臺進程)火邓。
SCHTASKS 安排在一臺計算機上運行命令和程序丹弱。
SHIFT 調整批處理文件中可替換參數的位置。
SHUTDOWN 允許通過本地或遠程方式正確關閉計算機铲咨。
SORT 對輸入排序蹈矮。
START 啟動單獨的窗口以運行指定的程序或命令。
SUBST 將路徑與驅動器號關聯(lián)鸣驱。
SYSTEMINFO 顯示計算機的特定屬性和配置。
TASKLIST 顯示包括服務在內的所有當前運行的任務蝠咆。
TASKKILL 中止或停止正在運行的進程或應用程序踊东。
TIME 顯示或設置系統(tǒng)時間。
TITLE 設置 CMD.EXE 會話的窗口標題刚操。
TREE 以圖形方式顯示驅動程序或路徑的目錄
TYPE 顯示文本文件的內容。
VER 顯示 Windows 的版本菊霜。
VERIFY 告訴 Windows 是否進行驗證坚冀,以確保文件
VOL 顯示磁盤卷標和序列號鉴逞。
XCOPY 復制文件和目錄樹记某。
WMIC 在交互式命令 shell 中顯示 WMI 信息。
??? WSL Command: Assuming the Windows Subsystem for Linux has been installed from the Windows Store, this mode lets you run a Linux command in a shell window. (Default key: vertical bar |).
??Windows Subsystem for Linux(簡稱WSL)是一個為在Windows 10上能夠原生運行Linux二進制可執(zhí)行文件(ELF格式)的兼容層。它是由微軟與Canonical公司合作開發(fā)勾徽,目標是使純正的Ubuntu 14.04 "Trusty Tahr"映像能下載和解壓到用戶的本地計算機滑凉,并且映像內的工具和實用工具能在此子系統(tǒng)上原生運行。
??? Error: More a color than a real mode; if what you type is not recognised, the FAYT changes to a red background (by default) to indicate the problem.
??? Go: Type a folder path (e.g. C:\Windows) or folder alias (e.g. /home) into the FAYT to navigate to that location without having to activate the path field.
??? Filter: Filter out files that don't match the specified pattern. (Disabled by default in favor of the separate Filter Bar.)
??? Range: When the Index column is displayed in the file display, this lets you select a range of files. (Default key: hash/pound #)
??? Search: Trigger a Windows Search indexed search. (Default key: equals =)
??? Select: Select files by entering a wildcard pattern. (Default key: colon :)
??? Tabs: Search and switch to open folder tabs by path or title. (Default key: at symbol @)
??◆ 2大诸、
??◆ 3、