
加載的類在 Dalvik 中是以 struct ClassObject 的形式存在的。

struct ClassObject : Object {
  u4 instanceData[CLASS_FIELD_SLOTS];
  const char* descriptor;//類描述符
  char* descriptorAlloc;
  u4 accessFlags;//訪問標(biāo)示符

  u4 serialNumber;//系列號

  DvmDex* pDvmDex;//指向所屬的 Dex 文件
  ClassStatus status;//類狀態(tài)標(biāo)志 state of class initialization

  ClassObject* verifyErrorClass;//錯(cuò)誤處理

  u4 initThreadId;//初始化進(jìn)程 ID

  size_t objectSize;

  ClassObject* elementClass;//元素類 arrays only

  int arrayDim;//數(shù)組維數(shù) arrays only

  PrimitiveType primitiveType;//原始類型

  ClassObject* super;//超類

  Object* classLoader;//類裝載器 defining class loader, or NULL for the "bootstrap" system loader

  InitiatingLoaderList initiatingLoaderList;//initiating class loader list

  int interfaceCount;//接口數(shù)目
  ClassObject** interfaces;//對象接口
  int directMethodCount;//直接方法數(shù)
  Method* directMethods;//指向直接方法區(qū)

  int virtualMethodCount;//虛方法數(shù)
  Method* virtualMethods;//指向虛方法區(qū)

  //Virtual method table, for use by "involke-virtual". The
  //vtable from superclass is copied in, and virtual methods from 
  //our class either replace those from the super or are appended;
  //與 Hotspot 虛擬機(jī)類似,子類會(huì) copy 一份父類的虛方法巷波,并且重寫重寫方法的指針
  int vtableCount;
  Method** vtable;
  //Interface table, one entry per interface supported by this class.
  int iftableCount;//接口表數(shù)目
  InterfaceEntry* iftable;//指向接口表

  int ifviPoolCount;//常量池?cái)?shù)目
  int* ifviPool;//指向常量池

  //instance fields
  int ifieldCount;//實(shí)例字段數(shù)目
  int ifieldRefCount;//引用字段數(shù)目
  InstField* ifields;//實(shí)例字段數(shù)目

  u4 refOffsets;//字段區(qū)偏移

  const char* sourceFile;//源文件名

  int sfieldCount;//靜態(tài)字段數(shù)目
  StaticField sfields[ ];//靜態(tài)字段指針

接下里看比較重要 Method 結(jié)構(gòu)

struct Method{
  ClassObject* clazz;
  u4 accessFlags;
  //for concrete virtual methods, this is the offset of the method in "vtable";
  //For abstract methods in an interface class, this is the offset of the method in "iftable[n]->methodIndexArray"
  u2 methodIndex;
  u2 registersSize;
  u2 outSize;
  u2 insSize;
   //method name
  const char* name;
  //方法原型 Method prototype descriptor string(return and argument types)
  DexProto prototype;
  //short-form method descriptor string短方法原型
  const char* shorty;

  //the actual code
  const u2* insns;

  int jniArgInfo;

  DalvikBridgeFunc nativeFunc;

  bool fastJni;
  bool noRef;
  bool shouldTrace;
  const RegisterMap* registerMap;
  bool inProfile;

另外一個(gè)特別重要的作為ClassObject 緩存的哈希表 DexClassLookup

struct DexClassLookup{
  int size;
  //表項(xiàng)入口數(shù)量,為了減少哈希碰撞蔡旭 dexRoundUpPower2()算法計(jì)算
  //在源碼體現(xiàn)是比如實(shí)際數(shù)量是 5,則先 x2 獲得 10,再向上取 2 的冪豁护。即 16
  int numEntries;
    u4 classDescriptorHash;
    //類描述符在 dex 文件的偏移
    int classDescriptorOffset;
    //類定義在 dex 文件的偏移
    int classDefOffset;


findClass(String name)@BaseDexClassLoader.java
findClass(String name)@DexPathList.java
loadClassBinaryName(String name, ClassLoader loader )@DexFile.java
native static Class defineClass(String name, ClassLoader loader, in cookie) @DexFile.java[這里的 cookie 就是前文解析的 DexOrJar]
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_defineClass(const u4* args, JValue* pResult) @ dalvik/vm/native/dalvik_system_DexFile.cpp
ClassObject* dvmDefineClass(DvmDex* pDvmDex, const char* descritor, Object* classLoader) @ dalvik/vm/oo/Class.cpp
static ClassObject* findClassNoInit(const char* descriptor, Object* loader, DvmDex* pDvmDex) @ dalvik/vm/oo/Class.cpp


重點(diǎn)解析 static ClassObject* findClassNoInit()@Class.cpp

static ClassObect* findClassNoInit(const char* descriptor, Object* loader, DvmDex* pDvmDex){
  Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf( );
  ClassObject* clazz;
  clazz = dvmLookupClass(descriptor, loader, true);
  if(clazz == NULL){
    //類在 Dex 中的數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu) class_def_item
    const DexClassDef* pClassDef;
    if(pDvmDex == NULL){
      pDvmDex = searchBootPathForClass(descriptor, &pClassDef);
     //加載的是用戶類,重點(diǎn) 1
     pClassDef = dexFindClass(pDvmDex->pDexFile, descriptor);
    //根據(jù) DevmDex, ClassDef,和 loader 加載 ClasObject
    clazz = loadClassFromDex(pDvmDex, pClassDef, loader);

// Direct-mapped "class_def_item".
struct DexClassDef {
    u4  classIdx;           /* index into typeIds for this class */
    u4  accessFlags;
    u4  superclassIdx;      /* index into typeIds for superclass */
    u4  interfacesOff;      /* file offset to DexTypeList */
    u4  sourceFileIdx;      /* index into stringIds for source file name */
    u4  annotationsOff;     /* file offset to annotations_directory_item */
    u4  classDataOff;       /* file offset to class_data_item */
    u4  staticValuesOff;    /* file offset to DexEncodedArray */

上面的重點(diǎn)有兩個(gè)欲间,一個(gè)是根據(jù)DvmDex和 descriptor 獲取 DexClassRef,一個(gè)是根據(jù) DvmDex,ClassRef,loader,獲得ClassObject

  • 1
const DexClassDef* dexFindClass(const DexFile* pDexFile, const char*descriptor){
  const DexClassLookup* pLookup = pDexFile->pClassLookup;
  u4 hash;
  int idx, mask;
  //根據(jù) descriptor 獲取 has 值楚里;
  hash = classDescriptorHash(descriptor); 
  mask = pLookup->numEntries-1;
  idx = has&mask;
    int offset;
    offset = pLookup->table[idx].classDescriptorOffset;
    if(offset == 0)
      return NULL;
    if(pLookup->table[idx].classDescriptorHash == hash){
      const char* str;
      str = (const char*)(pDexFile->baseAddr + offset);
      if(strcmp(str, descriptor) == 0){
        return (const DexClassDef*)(pDexFile->baseAddr + pLookup->table[idx].classDefOffset);
    idx = (idx+1) & mask;  

可以看到,如果發(fā)生了哈希碰撞猎贴,則會(huì)取下一個(gè)位置進(jìn)行判斷班缎。關(guān)于 ClassLookup 的是在 loadAllClassed( )@DexPrepare.cpp 中

  • 2

static ClassObject* loadClassFromDex(DvmDex* pDvmDex, const DexClassDef* pClassDef, Object* classloader){
  ClassObject* result;
  DexClassDataHeader header;
  const u1* pEncodedData;
  const DexFile* pDexFile;
  pDexFile = pDvmDex->pDexFile;
  result = loadClassFromDex0(pDvmDex, pClassDef, &header, pEncodedData);

static ClassObject* loadClassFromDex0(DvmDex* pDvmDex, const DexClassDef* pClassDef, const DexClassDataHeader* pHeader, const u1* pEncodedData, Object* classLoader){
  ClassObject* newClass = NULL;//目標(biāo)類實(shí)例對象
  const DexFile* pDexFile;//存儲(chǔ)類對應(yīng)的 DexFile 對象
  const char* descriptor;//類描述符
  pDexFile = pDvmDex->pDexFile;
  descriptor = dexGetClassDescriptor(pDexFile, pClassDef);
  if(classLoader = NULL && ...){
    newClass = gDvm.classJavaLangClass;
     size_t size = classObjectSize(pHeader->staticFieldsSize);
     newClass = (ClassObject*) dvmMalloc(size, ALLOC_NON_MOVING);
  dvmSetFieldObject((Object *)newClass, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(ClassObject, classLoader), (Object *)classLoader);
  newClass->pDvmDex = pDvmDex;
  newClass->primitiveType = PRIM_NOT;
  newClass->status = CLASS_IDX;

  const DexTypeList* pInterfacesList;
  pInterfacesList = dexGetInterfacesList(pDexFile, pClassDef);
  if (pInterfacesList != NULL) {
      newClass->interfaceCount = pInterfacesList->size;
      newClass->interfaces = (ClassObject**) dvmLinearAlloc(classLoader,
              newClass->interfaceCount * sizeof(ClassObject*));
      for (i = 0; i < newClass->interfaceCount; i++) {
          const DexTypeItem* pType = dexGetTypeItem(pInterfacesList, i);
          newClass->interfaces[i] = (ClassObject*)(u4) pType->typeIdx;
      dvmLinearReadOnly(classLoader, newClass->interfaces);

    if (pHeader->staticFieldsSize != 0) {
        /* static fields stay on system heap; field data isn't "write once" */
        int count = (int) pHeader->staticFieldsSize;
        u4 lastIndex = 0;
        DexField field;
        newClass->sfieldCount = count;
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            dexReadClassDataField(&pEncodedData, &field, &lastIndex);
            loadSFieldFromDex(newClass, &field, &newClass->sfields[i]);
    if (pHeader->instanceFieldsSize != 0) {
        int count = (int) pHeader->instanceFieldsSize;
        u4 lastIndex = 0;
        DexField field;

        newClass->ifieldCount = count;
        newClass->ifields = (InstField*) dvmLinearAlloc(classLoader,
                count * sizeof(InstField));
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            dexReadClassDataField(&pEncodedData, &field, &lastIndex);
            loadIFieldFromDex(newClass, &field, &newClass->ifields[i]);
        dvmLinearReadOnly(classLoader, newClass->ifields);

    if (pHeader->directMethodsSize != 0) {
        int count = (int) pHeader->directMethodsSize;
        u4 lastIndex = 0;
        DexMethod method;

        newClass->directMethodCount = count;
        newClass->directMethods = (Method*) dvmLinearAlloc(classLoader,
                count * sizeof(Method));
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            dexReadClassDataMethod(&pEncodedData, &method, &lastIndex);
            loadMethodFromDex(newClass, &method, &newClass->directMethods[i]);
            if (classMapData != NULL) {
                const RegisterMap* pMap = dvmRegisterMapGetNext(&classMapData);
                if (dvmRegisterMapGetFormat(pMap) != kRegMapFormatNone) {
                    newClass->directMethods[i].registerMap = pMap;
                    /* TODO: add rigorous checks */
                    assert((newClass->directMethods[i].registersSize+7) / 8 ==
        dvmLinearReadOnly(classLoader, newClass->directMethods);
    if (pHeader->virtualMethodsSize != 0) {
        int count = (int) pHeader->virtualMethodsSize;
        u4 lastIndex = 0;
        DexMethod method;

        newClass->virtualMethodCount = count;
        newClass->virtualMethods = (Method*) dvmLinearAlloc(classLoader,
                count * sizeof(Method));
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            dexReadClassDataMethod(&pEncodedData, &method, &lastIndex);
            loadMethodFromDex(newClass, &method, &newClass->virtualMethods[i]);
            if (classMapData != NULL) {
                const RegisterMap* pMap = dvmRegisterMapGetNext(&classMapData);
                if (dvmRegisterMapGetFormat(pMap) != kRegMapFormatNone) {
                    newClass->virtualMethods[i].registerMap = pMap;
                    /* TODO: add rigorous checks */
                    assert((newClass->virtualMethods[i].registersSize+7) / 8 ==
        dvmLinearReadOnly(classLoader, newClass->virtualMethods);
    newClass->sourceFile = dexGetSourceFile(pDexFile, pClassDef);


以上,像一些 Method 具體是如何解析她渴,可以參見loadMethodFromDex()@Class.cpp达址。其他的解析也可以自行深入查看。

解析完畢后趁耗,將 clazz 加入到全局 hash表

bool dvmAddClassToHash(ClassObject* clazz){
  void* found;
  u3 hash;
  hash = dvmComputeUtf8Hash(clazz->descriptor);
  //@dalvik/vm/Hash.cpp  具體不分析了沉唠,自行研究
  found = dvmHashTableLookup(gDvm.loadedClasses, hash, clazz, hashcmpClassByClass, true);

其實(shí)在上面去加載 class 時(shí),會(huì)先從全局 hash 中搜索苛败。

ClassObject* dvmLookupClass(const char* descriptor, Object* loader, bool unprepOkay){
  found = dvmHashTableLookup(gDvm.loaderClasses, hash, &crit, hashcmpClassByCrit, false);

看完后自己是有個(gè)疑問的满葛,在添加到全局 hash 的時(shí)候,添加的是 ClassObject 對象罢屈,但是在搜索的時(shí)候確實(shí)以一個(gè)ClassMatchCriteria去尋找的嘀韧。

struct ClassMatchCriteria {
  const char* descriptor;
  Object* loader;

再來看 dvmHashTableLookup()是如何判斷搜索目標(biāo)一致性的,中間有一行

(*cmpFunc)(pEntry->data, item) == 0

而 cmpFunc 是一個(gè)函數(shù)指針缠捌,而我們知道 pEntry->data 就是 ClassObject 對象锄贷,而 item 就是 ClassMatchCriteria 對象,現(xiàn)在來看 cmpFunc 這個(gè)函數(shù)指針曼月。

static int hashCmpClassByCrit(const void* vclazz, const void* vcrit){
  const ClassObject* clazz = (const ClassObject*) vclazz;
  const ClassMatchCriteria* pCrit = (const ClassMatchCriteria*) vcrit;
  bool match;
  match = (strcmp(clazz->descriptor, pCrit->descriptor) == 0 &&
            (clazz->classLoader == pCrit->loader ||
            (pCrit->loader !=NULL && dvmLoaderInInitiatingList(clazz, pCrit->loader))));  
  return !match;

于是從源碼可以看到肃叶,一個(gè)類在 dvm 中裝載,是由其類的簽名和加載類的類加載器決定的十嘿。如果有一個(gè)不一致因惭,則認(rèn)識是兩個(gè)不同的ClassObject。

雙親委派模型規(guī)定了加載一個(gè)類的順序绩衷,所謂的加載器對于 DVM 來說地位都是一樣的蹦魔,可以認(rèn)為是與 類的descriptor共同作為 key 來標(biāo)志一個(gè) ClassObject

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