
FFmpeg在Linux平臺下開發(fā)屁商,但它同樣也可以在其它操作系統(tǒng)環(huán)境中編譯運行,包括Windows颈墅、Mac OS X等蜡镶。這個項目最早由Fabrice Bellard發(fā)起,2004年至2015年間由Michael Niedermayer主要負責維護精盅。許多FFmpeg的開發(fā)人員都來自MPlayer項目帽哑,而且當前FFmpeg也是放在MPlayer項目組的服務(wù)器上。項目的名稱來自MPEG視頻編碼標準叹俏,前面的"FF"代表"Fast Forward"妻枕。







if [ ! -r $source ]
    echo "沒有FFmpeg庫屡谐, 我們需要下載。蝌数。愕掏。。顶伞。饵撑。"
    curl  http://ffmpeg.org/releases/${source}.tar.bz2 | tar xj || exit 1

基本格式:curl 地址
tar:表示解壓和壓縮唆貌,語法:tar options滑潘,例如:tar xj (x表示解壓文件選項,j表示需要解壓bz2壓縮包)


  • 進入FFmpeg框架包中
  • 執(zhí)行命令查看配置 ./configure --help
Help options:
  --help                   print this message
  --quiet                  Suppress showing informative output
  --list-decoders          show all available decoders
  --list-encoders          show all available encoders
  --list-hwaccels          show all available hardware accelerators
  --list-demuxers          show all available demuxers
  --list-muxers            show all available muxers
  --list-parsers           show all available parsers
  --list-protocols         show all available protocols
  --list-bsfs              show all available bitstream filters
  --list-indevs            show all available input devices
  --list-outdevs           show all available output devices
  --list-filters           show all available filters

Standard options:
  --logfile=FILE           log tests and output to FILE [ffbuild/config.log]
  --disable-logging        do not log configure debug information
  --fatal-warnings         fail if any configure warning is generated
  --prefix=PREFIX          install in PREFIX [/usr/local]
  --bindir=DIR             install binaries in DIR [PREFIX/bin]
  --datadir=DIR            install data files in DIR [PREFIX/share/ffmpeg]
  --docdir=DIR             install documentation in DIR [PREFIX/share/doc/ffmpeg]
  --libdir=DIR             install libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib]
  --shlibdir=DIR           install shared libs in DIR [LIBDIR]
  --incdir=DIR             install includes in DIR [PREFIX/include]
  --mandir=DIR             install man page in DIR [PREFIX/share/man]
  --pkgconfigdir=DIR       install pkg-config files in DIR [LIBDIR/pkgconfig]
  --enable-rpath           use rpath to allow installing libraries in paths
                           not part of the dynamic linker search path
                           use rpath when linking programs (USE WITH CARE)
  --install-name-dir=DIR   Darwin directory name for installed targets

Licensing options:
  --enable-gpl             allow use of GPL code, the resulting libs
                           and binaries will be under GPL [no]
  --enable-version3        upgrade (L)GPL to version 3 [no]
  --enable-nonfree         allow use of nonfree code, the resulting libs
                           and binaries will be unredistributable [no]

Configuration options:
  --disable-static         do not build static libraries [no]
  --enable-shared          build shared libraries [no]
  --enable-small           optimize for size instead of speed
  --disable-runtime-cpudetect disable detecting CPU capabilities at runtime (smaller binary)
  --enable-gray            enable full grayscale support (slower color)
  --disable-swscale-alpha  disable alpha channel support in swscale
  --disable-all            disable building components, libraries and programs
  --disable-autodetect     disable automatically detected external libraries [no]

Program options:
  --disable-programs       do not build command line programs
  --disable-ffmpeg         disable ffmpeg build
  --disable-ffplay         disable ffplay build
  --disable-ffprobe        disable ffprobe build
  --disable-ffserver       disable ffserver build

Documentation options:
  --disable-doc            do not build documentation
  --disable-htmlpages      do not build HTML documentation pages
  --disable-manpages       do not build man documentation pages
  --disable-podpages       do not build POD documentation pages
  --disable-txtpages       do not build text documentation pages

Component options:
  --disable-avdevice       disable libavdevice build
  --disable-avcodec        disable libavcodec build
  --disable-avformat       disable libavformat build
  --disable-swresample     disable libswresample build
  --disable-swscale        disable libswscale build
  --disable-postproc       disable libpostproc build
  --disable-avfilter       disable libavfilter build
  --enable-avresample      enable libavresample build [no]
  --disable-pthreads       disable pthreads [autodetect]
  --disable-w32threads     disable Win32 threads [autodetect]
  --disable-os2threads     disable OS/2 threads [autodetect]
  --disable-network        disable network support [no]
  --disable-dct            disable DCT code
  --disable-dwt            disable DWT code
  --disable-error-resilience disable error resilience code
  --disable-lsp            disable LSP code
  --disable-lzo            disable LZO decoder code
  --disable-mdct           disable MDCT code
  --disable-rdft           disable RDFT code
  --disable-fft            disable FFT code
  --disable-faan           disable floating point AAN (I)DCT code
  --disable-pixelutils     disable pixel utils in libavutil

Individual component options:
  --disable-everything     disable all components listed below
  --disable-encoder=NAME   disable encoder NAME
  --enable-encoder=NAME    enable encoder NAME
  --disable-encoders       disable all encoders
  --disable-decoder=NAME   disable decoder NAME
  --enable-decoder=NAME    enable decoder NAME
  --disable-decoders       disable all decoders
  --disable-hwaccel=NAME   disable hwaccel NAME
  --enable-hwaccel=NAME    enable hwaccel NAME
  --disable-hwaccels       disable all hwaccels
  --disable-muxer=NAME     disable muxer NAME
  --enable-muxer=NAME      enable muxer NAME
  --disable-muxers         disable all muxers
  --disable-demuxer=NAME   disable demuxer NAME
  --enable-demuxer=NAME    enable demuxer NAME
  --disable-demuxers       disable all demuxers
  --enable-parser=NAME     enable parser NAME
  --disable-parser=NAME    disable parser NAME
  --disable-parsers        disable all parsers
  --enable-bsf=NAME        enable bitstream filter NAME
  --disable-bsf=NAME       disable bitstream filter NAME
  --disable-bsfs           disable all bitstream filters
  --enable-protocol=NAME   enable protocol NAME
  --disable-protocol=NAME  disable protocol NAME
  --disable-protocols      disable all protocols
  --enable-indev=NAME      enable input device NAME
  --disable-indev=NAME     disable input device NAME
  --disable-indevs         disable input devices
  --enable-outdev=NAME     enable output device NAME
  --disable-outdev=NAME    disable output device NAME
  --disable-outdevs        disable output devices
  --disable-devices        disable all devices
  --enable-filter=NAME     enable filter NAME
  --disable-filter=NAME    disable filter NAME
  --disable-filters        disable all filters
  --disable-v4l2_m2m       disable V4L2 mem2mem code [autodetect]

External library support:

  Using any of the following switches will allow FFmpeg to link to the
  corresponding external library. All the components depending on that library
  will become enabled, if all their other dependencies are met and they are not
  explicitly disabled. E.g. --enable-libwavpack will enable linking to
  libwavpack and allow the libwavpack encoder to be built, unless it is
  specifically disabled with --disable-encoder=libwavpack.

  Note that only the system libraries are auto-detected. All the other external
  libraries must be explicitly enabled.

  Also note that the following help text describes the purpose of the libraries
  themselves, not all their features will necessarily be usable by FFmpeg.

  --disable-alsa           disable ALSA support [autodetect]
  --disable-appkit         disable Apple AppKit framework [autodetect]
  --disable-avfoundation   disable Apple AVFoundation framework [autodetect]
  --enable-avisynth        enable reading of AviSynth script files [no]
  --disable-bzlib          disable bzlib [autodetect]
  --disable-coreimage      disable Apple CoreImage framework [autodetect]
  --enable-chromaprint     enable audio fingerprinting with chromaprint [no]
  --enable-frei0r          enable frei0r video filtering [no]
  --enable-gcrypt          enable gcrypt, needed for rtmp(t)e support
                           if openssl, librtmp or gmp is not used [no]
  --enable-gmp             enable gmp, needed for rtmp(t)e support
                           if openssl or librtmp is not used [no]
  --enable-gnutls          enable gnutls, needed for https support
                           if openssl is not used [no]
  --disable-iconv          disable iconv [autodetect]
  --disable-jack           disable libjack support [autodetect]
  --enable-jni             enable JNI support [no]
  --enable-ladspa          enable LADSPA audio filtering [no]
  --enable-libass          enable libass subtitles rendering,
                           needed for subtitles and ass filter [no]
  --enable-libbluray       enable BluRay reading using libbluray [no]
  --enable-libbs2b         enable bs2b DSP library [no]
  --enable-libcaca         enable textual display using libcaca [no]
  --enable-libcelt         enable CELT decoding via libcelt [no]
  --enable-libcdio         enable audio CD grabbing with libcdio [no]
  --enable-libdc1394       enable IIDC-1394 grabbing using libdc1394
                           and libraw1394 [no]
  --enable-libfdk-aac      enable AAC de/encoding via libfdk-aac [no]
  --enable-libflite        enable flite (voice synthesis) support via libflite [no]
  --enable-libfontconfig   enable libfontconfig, useful for drawtext filter [no]
  --enable-libfreetype     enable libfreetype, needed for drawtext filter [no]
  --enable-libfribidi      enable libfribidi, improves drawtext filter [no]
  --enable-libgme          enable Game Music Emu via libgme [no]
  --enable-libgsm          enable GSM de/encoding via libgsm [no]
  --enable-libiec61883     enable iec61883 via libiec61883 [no]
  --enable-libilbc         enable iLBC de/encoding via libilbc [no]
  --enable-libkvazaar      enable HEVC encoding via libkvazaar [no]
  --enable-libmodplug      enable ModPlug via libmodplug [no]
  --enable-libmp3lame      enable MP3 encoding via libmp3lame [no]
  --enable-libopencore-amrnb enable AMR-NB de/encoding via libopencore-amrnb [no]
  --enable-libopencore-amrwb enable AMR-WB decoding via libopencore-amrwb [no]
  --enable-libopencv       enable video filtering via libopencv [no]
  --enable-libopenh264     enable H.264 encoding via OpenH264 [no]
  --enable-libopenjpeg     enable JPEG 2000 de/encoding via OpenJPEG [no]
  --enable-libopenmpt      enable decoding tracked files via libopenmpt [no]
  --enable-libopus         enable Opus de/encoding via libopus [no]
  --enable-libpulse        enable Pulseaudio input via libpulse [no]
  --enable-librsvg         enable SVG rasterization via librsvg [no]
  --enable-librubberband   enable rubberband needed for rubberband filter [no]
  --enable-librtmp         enable RTMP[E] support via librtmp [no]
  --enable-libshine        enable fixed-point MP3 encoding via libshine [no]
  --enable-libsmbclient    enable Samba protocol via libsmbclient [no]
  --enable-libsnappy       enable Snappy compression, needed for hap encoding [no]
  --enable-libsoxr         enable Include libsoxr resampling [no]
  --enable-libspeex        enable Speex de/encoding via libspeex [no]
  --enable-libssh          enable SFTP protocol via libssh [no]
  --enable-libtesseract    enable Tesseract, needed for ocr filter [no]
  --enable-libtheora       enable Theora encoding via libtheora [no]
  --enable-libtwolame      enable MP2 encoding via libtwolame [no]
  --enable-libv4l2         enable libv4l2/v4l-utils [no]
  --enable-libvidstab      enable video stabilization using vid.stab [no]
  --enable-libvmaf         enable vmaf filter via libvmaf [no]
  --enable-libvo-amrwbenc  enable AMR-WB encoding via libvo-amrwbenc [no]
  --enable-libvorbis       enable Vorbis en/decoding via libvorbis,
                           native implementation exists [no]
  --enable-libvpx          enable VP8 and VP9 de/encoding via libvpx [no]
  --enable-libwavpack      enable wavpack encoding via libwavpack [no]
  --enable-libwebp         enable WebP encoding via libwebp [no]
  --enable-libx264         enable H.264 encoding via x264 [no]
  --enable-libx265         enable HEVC encoding via x265 [no]
  --enable-libxavs         enable AVS encoding via xavs [no]
  --enable-libxcb          enable X11 grabbing using XCB [autodetect]
  --enable-libxcb-shm      enable X11 grabbing shm communication [autodetect]
  --enable-libxcb-xfixes   enable X11 grabbing mouse rendering [autodetect]
  --enable-libxcb-shape    enable X11 grabbing shape rendering [autodetect]
  --enable-libxvid         enable Xvid encoding via xvidcore,
                           native MPEG-4/Xvid encoder exists [no]
  --enable-libxml2         enable XML parsing using the C library libxml2 [no]
  --enable-libzimg         enable z.lib, needed for zscale filter [no]
  --enable-libzmq          enable message passing via libzmq [no]
  --enable-libzvbi         enable teletext support via libzvbi [no]
  --disable-lzma           disable lzma [autodetect]
  --enable-decklink        enable Blackmagic DeckLink I/O support [no]
  --enable-libndi_newtek   enable Newteck NDI I/O support [no]
  --enable-mediacodec      enable Android MediaCodec support [no]
  --enable-libmysofa       enable libmysofa, needed for sofalizer filter [no]
  --enable-openal          enable OpenAL 1.1 capture support [no]
  --enable-opencl          enable OpenCL code
  --enable-opengl          enable OpenGL rendering [no]
  --enable-openssl         enable openssl, needed for https support
                           if gnutls is not used [no]
  --disable-sndio          disable sndio support [autodetect]
  --disable-schannel       disable SChannel SSP, needed for TLS support on
                           Windows if openssl and gnutls are not used [autodetect]
  --disable-sdl2           disable sdl2 [autodetect]
  --disable-securetransport disable Secure Transport, needed for TLS support
                           on OSX if openssl and gnutls are not used [autodetect]
  --disable-xlib           disable xlib [autodetect]
  --disable-zlib           disable zlib [autodetect]

  The following libraries provide various hardware acceleration features:
  --disable-audiotoolbox   disable Apple AudioToolbox code [autodetect]
  --disable-cuda           disable dynamically linked Nvidia CUDA code [autodetect]
  --enable-cuda-sdk        enable CUDA features that require the CUDA SDK [no]
  --disable-cuvid          disable Nvidia CUVID support [autodetect]
  --disable-d3d11va        disable Microsoft Direct3D 11 video acceleration code [autodetect]
  --disable-dxva2          disable Microsoft DirectX 9 video acceleration code [autodetect]
  --enable-libdrm          enable DRM code (Linux) [no]
  --enable-libmfx          enable Intel MediaSDK (AKA Quick Sync Video) code via libmfx [no]
  --enable-libnpp          enable Nvidia Performance Primitives-based code [no]
  --enable-mmal            enable Broadcom Multi-Media Abstraction Layer (Raspberry Pi) via MMAL [no]
  --disable-nvenc          disable Nvidia video encoding code [autodetect]
  --enable-omx             enable OpenMAX IL code [no]
  --enable-omx-rpi         enable OpenMAX IL code for Raspberry Pi [no]
  --enable-rkmpp           enable Rockchip Media Process Platform code [no]
  --disable-vaapi          disable Video Acceleration API (mainly Unix/Intel) code [autodetect]
  --disable-vda            disable Apple Video Decode Acceleration code [autodetect]
  --disable-vdpau          disable Nvidia Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix code [autodetect]
  --disable-videotoolbox   disable VideoToolbox code [autodetect]

Toolchain options:
  --arch=ARCH              select architecture []
  --cpu=CPU                select the minimum required CPU (affects
                           instruction selection, may crash on older CPUs)
  --cross-prefix=PREFIX    use PREFIX for compilation tools []
  --progs-suffix=SUFFIX    program name suffix []
  --enable-cross-compile   assume a cross-compiler is used
  --sysroot=PATH           root of cross-build tree
  --sysinclude=PATH        location of cross-build system headers
  --target-os=OS           compiler targets OS []
  --target-exec=CMD        command to run executables on target
  --target-path=DIR        path to view of build directory on target
  --target-samples=DIR     path to samples directory on target
  --tempprefix=PATH        force fixed dir/prefix instead of mktemp for checks
  --toolchain=NAME         set tool defaults according to NAME
  --nm=NM                  use nm tool NM [nm -g]
  --ar=AR                  use archive tool AR [ar]
  --as=AS                  use assembler AS []
  --ln_s=LN_S              use symbolic link tool LN_S [ln -s -f]
  --strip=STRIP            use strip tool STRIP [strip]
  --windres=WINDRES        use windows resource compiler WINDRES [windres]
  --x86asmexe=EXE          use nasm-compatible assembler EXE [nasm]
  --cc=CC                  use C compiler CC [gcc]
  --cxx=CXX                use C compiler CXX [g++]
  --objcc=OCC              use ObjC compiler OCC [gcc]
  --dep-cc=DEPCC           use dependency generator DEPCC [gcc]
  --nvcc=NVCC              use Nvidia CUDA compiler NVCC [nvcc]
  --ld=LD                  use linker LD []
  --pkg-config=PKGCONFIG   use pkg-config tool PKGCONFIG [pkg-config]
  --pkg-config-flags=FLAGS pass additional flags to pkgconf []
  --ranlib=RANLIB          use ranlib RANLIB [ranlib]
  --doxygen=DOXYGEN        use DOXYGEN to generate API doc [doxygen]
  --host-cc=HOSTCC         use host C compiler HOSTCC
  --host-cflags=HCFLAGS    use HCFLAGS when compiling for host
  --host-cppflags=HCPPFLAGS use HCPPFLAGS when compiling for host
  --host-ld=HOSTLD         use host linker HOSTLD
  --host-ldflags=HLDFLAGS  use HLDFLAGS when linking for host
  --host-libs=HLIBS        use libs HLIBS when linking for host
  --host-os=OS             compiler host OS []
  --extra-cflags=ECFLAGS   add ECFLAGS to CFLAGS []
  --extra-cxxflags=ECFLAGS add ECFLAGS to CXXFLAGS []
  --extra-objcflags=FLAGS  add FLAGS to OBJCFLAGS []
  --extra-ldflags=ELDFLAGS add ELDFLAGS to LDFLAGS []
  --extra-ldexeflags=ELDFLAGS add ELDFLAGS to LDEXEFLAGS []
  --extra-ldlibflags=ELDFLAGS add ELDFLAGS to LDLIBFLAGS []
  --extra-libs=ELIBS       add ELIBS []
  --extra-version=STRING   version string suffix []
  --optflags=OPTFLAGS      override optimization-related compiler flags
  --nvccflags=NVCCFLAGS    override nvcc flags [-gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 -O2]
  --build-suffix=SUFFIX    library name suffix []
  --enable-pic             build position-independent code
  --enable-thumb           compile for Thumb instruction set
  --enable-lto             use link-time optimization
  --env="ENV=override"     override the environment variables

Advanced options (experts only):
  --malloc-prefix=PREFIX   prefix malloc and related names with PREFIX
  --custom-allocator=NAME  use a supported custom allocator
  --disable-symver         disable symbol versioning
  --enable-hardcoded-tables use hardcoded tables instead of runtime generation
                           disable buffer boundary checking in bitreaders
                           (faster, but may crash)
  --sws-max-filter-size=N  the max filter size swscale uses [256]

Optimization options (experts only):
  --disable-asm            disable all assembly optimizations
  --disable-altivec        disable AltiVec optimizations
  --disable-vsx            disable VSX optimizations
  --disable-power8         disable POWER8 optimizations
  --disable-amd3dnow       disable 3DNow! optimizations
  --disable-amd3dnowext    disable 3DNow! extended optimizations
  --disable-mmx            disable MMX optimizations
  --disable-mmxext         disable MMXEXT optimizations
  --disable-sse            disable SSE optimizations
  --disable-sse2           disable SSE2 optimizations
  --disable-sse3           disable SSE3 optimizations
  --disable-ssse3          disable SSSE3 optimizations
  --disable-sse4           disable SSE4 optimizations
  --disable-sse42          disable SSE4.2 optimizations
  --disable-avx            disable AVX optimizations
  --disable-xop            disable XOP optimizations
  --disable-fma3           disable FMA3 optimizations
  --disable-fma4           disable FMA4 optimizations
  --disable-avx2           disable AVX2 optimizations
  --disable-aesni          disable AESNI optimizations
  --disable-armv5te        disable armv5te optimizations
  --disable-armv6          disable armv6 optimizations
  --disable-armv6t2        disable armv6t2 optimizations
  --disable-vfp            disable VFP optimizations
  --disable-neon           disable NEON optimizations
  --disable-inline-asm     disable use of inline assembly
  --disable-x86asm         disable use of standalone x86 assembly
  --disable-mipsdsp        disable MIPS DSP ASE R1 optimizations
  --disable-mipsdspr2      disable MIPS DSP ASE R2 optimizations
  --disable-msa            disable MSA optimizations
  --disable-mipsfpu        disable floating point MIPS optimizations
  --disable-mmi            disable Loongson SIMD optimizations
  --disable-fast-unaligned consider unaligned accesses slow

Developer options (useful when working on FFmpeg itself):
  --disable-debug          disable debugging symbols
  --enable-debug=LEVEL     set the debug level []
  --disable-optimizations  disable compiler optimizations
  --enable-extra-warnings  enable more compiler warnings
  --disable-stripping      disable stripping of executables and shared libraries
  --assert-level=level     0(default), 1 or 2, amount of assertion testing,
                           2 causes a slowdown at runtime.
  --enable-memory-poisoning fill heap uninitialized allocated space with arbitrary data
  --valgrind=VALGRIND      run "make fate" tests through valgrind to detect memory
                           leaks and errors, using the specified valgrind binary.
                           Cannot be combined with --target-exec
  --enable-ftrapv          Trap arithmetic overflows
  --samples=PATH           location of test samples for FATE, if not set use
                           $FATE_SAMPLES at make invocation time.
  --enable-neon-clobber-test check NEON registers for clobbering (should be
                           used only for debugging purposes)
  --enable-xmm-clobber-test check XMM registers for clobbering (Win64-only;
                           should be used only for debugging purposes)
  --enable-random          randomly enable/disable components
  --enable-random=LIST     randomly enable/disable specific components or
  --disable-random=LIST    component groups. LIST is a comma-separated list
                           of NAME[:PROB] entries where NAME is a component
                           (group) and PROB the probability associated with
                           NAME (default 0.5).
  --random-seed=VALUE      seed value for --enable/disable-random
  --disable-valgrind-backtrace do not print a backtrace under Valgrind
                           (only applies to --disable-optimizations builds)
  --enable-osfuzz          Enable building fuzzer tool
  --libfuzzer=PATH         path to libfuzzer
  --ignore-tests=TESTS     comma-separated list (without "fate-" prefix
                           in the name) of tests whose result is ignored
  --enable-linux-perf      enable Linux Performance Monitor API

NOTE: Object files are built at the place where configure is launched.












#3粹舵、定義".a"靜態(tài)庫保存目錄 pwd獲取當前路徑

#交叉編譯 --enable-cross-compile
#禁止使用debug模式 --disable-debug
#禁用程序 --disable-programs 不允許去建立一些命令行程序
#不需要編譯文檔 --disable-doc
#允許建立與我們位置無關(guān)的代碼 --enable-pic(默認的)
configure_flags="--enable-cross-compile --disable-debug --disable-programs --disable-doc --enable-pic"

#arm64 armv7 真機CUP架構(gòu)類型
#xb6_64 i38 模擬器
archs="arm64 armv7 xb6_64 i386"

#6眼滤、指定我們的這個庫編譯系統(tǒng)版本 ios7.0以及以上版本使用

#y表示允許編譯 n表示不允許編譯
if [ "$*" ]

if [ ! `which yasm`  ]
    #錯誤二:`which` brew
    #正確二:`which brew`
    if [ ! `which brew` ]
        echo "安裝brew"
        ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" || exit 1
    echo "安裝yasm"
    #exit 1->安裝失敗了电爹,那么退出程序
    brew install yasm || exit 1

for arch in $archs
    echo "開始編譯。丐箩。摇邦。。屎勘。"
    mkdir -p "$cache/$arch"
    cd "$cache/$arch"
    #9.3配置編譯器的cou架構(gòu)類型 -制定當前編譯cpu架構(gòu)類型
    archflags="-arch $arch"
    if [ "$arch" = "i386" -o "$arch" = "xb6_64" ]
        #支持最小系統(tǒng)版本-iOS 系統(tǒng)
        archflags="$archflags -mios-simulator-version-min=$targetversion"
        #支持最小系統(tǒng)版本-iOS 系統(tǒng)
        archflags="$archflags -mios-version-min=$targetversion -fembed-bitcode"
        if [ "$arch" = "arm64" ]
            #GNU匯編器(GNU Assembler),簡稱為GAS
    echo "正式編譯...."
    XCRUN_SDK=`echo $platform | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
    CC="xcrun -sdk $XCRUN_SDK clang"

    if [ "$arch" = "arm64" ]
    AS="gas-preprocessor.pl -arch aarch64 -- $CC"

    echo "執(zhí)行到了1"

    TMPDIR=${TMPDIR/%\/} $currentdir/$source/configure \
    --target-os=darwin \
    --arch=$arch \
    --cc="$CC" \
    --as="$AS" \
    $configure_flags \
    --extra-cflags="$archflags" \
    --extra-ldflags="$archflags" \
    --prefix="$staticdir/$arch" \
    || exit 1

    echo "執(zhí)行了"

    make -j3 install $EXPORT || exit 1
    cd $currentdir

2竿裂、執(zhí)行文件 傳入?yún)?shù)arm64 ./ffmpeg-build.sh arm64

文件在:鏈接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lWf3w-rbs8Io-J-qTSxwxQ 密碼: ene9

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  • 那天,我揣著相機與錄音咪辱,去河邊找鬼振劳。 笑死,一個胖子當著我的面吹牛油狂,可吹牛的內(nèi)容都是我干的历恐。 我是一名探鬼主播,決...
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  • 我被黑心中介騙來泰國打工馍悟, 沒想到剛下飛機就差點兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道東北人剩晴。 一個月前我還...
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